The Sensory Receptor Neurons: Annotated Bibliography

Paper Type:  Annotated bibliography
Pages:  2
Wordcount:  442 Words
Date:  2022-08-31

Bradford, Alina. "The Five (and More) Senses." LiveScience, Purch, 23 Oct. 2017,

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Bradford's journal article elaborates how man has over one trillion senses of smell through the olfactory which is located at the roof of the nasal cavity next to the brain where the responsibility of smelling occurs at the olfactory and fossa bulb. Bradford's shows the similarities in the sense of smell when it comes to man and mammals such as rodents and dogs. Bradford also talks about the correlation between the tasting and smelling including the breaking down of the gustatory sense into salty, sweet, sour and bitter. The article, therefore, highlights the importance of taste buds as well as the olfactory cleft when it comes to food tasting.

Goldhill, Olivia. "Open-Minded People Have a Different Visual Perception of Reality." Quartz, Quartz, 6 June 2017,

Goldhill's research elaborates the openness of the Personality goes and the changes experienced due to different perceptions. The journal also creates more awareness on the experience seen under the visual impression and how it takes place under a new phenomenon of a different image. Goldhill also shows why people get confused when the presented pictures are put together and how the brain only perceives one image at a time. The chapters of this article have proved why two photos can become a creative solution under incompatible stimuli when it comes to the choices of the brain.

Strommer, Juho M., et al. "Automatic Auditory and Somatosensory Brain Responses about Cognitive Abilities and Physical Fitness in Older Adults." Nature News, Nature Publishing Group, 20 Oct. 2017,

Strommer et al. article show the changes of the brain and how age affects the cognitive functions of the sensory stimuli. Strommer et al., also went further to differentiate between visual and cognition processes and how physical exercise can make them compatible. Throughout the chapters, Strommer showed the capability of the auditory stimuli and how the age difference changes the paradigm. The article finally explained why there is a difference in the auditory mismatch and how the working memory differs between the young and the old when it comes to stimulus encoding and deviance detections to the sensory stimuli in the electrophysiological response.

Works Cited

Bradford, Alina. "The Five (and More) Senses." LiveScience, Purch, 23 Oct. 2017,

Goldhill, Olivia. "Open-Minded People Have a Different Visual Perception of Reality." Quartz, Quartz, 6 June 2017,

Strommer, Juho M., et al. "Automatic Auditory and Somatosensory Brain Responses about Cognitive Abilities and Physical Fitness in Older Adults." Nature News, Nature Publishing Group, 20 Oct. 2017,

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The Sensory Receptor Neurons: Annotated Bibliography. (2022, Aug 31). Retrieved from

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