Setting refers to the background of any story, based on its social geographical, historical, or temporal. The context of this biblical narrative is on a mountain where sacrifices where offered. It was not something permanent as they went there as a command from God. The setting also reveals a social aspect as Abraham is seen going with his servants. It is a historical place as burnt sacrifices were known to be offered (Genesis, 22:1-2). It shows where and when the story began, who was present and the historical event associated with it.
A plot is the cause of the story, or instead, what made it happen. For this case, it was as a result of God commanding Abraham to sacrifice his only son. The story flows to where Abraham agrees and is set to sacrifice him. The conflict arose when Isaac asked his father where the lamb for sacrifice is. Abraham did not know how to answer him as he was the lamb. The problem is solved when God provided a lamb for them which they sacrificed. They concluded that God is the provider (Genesis, 22: 1-13). A plot shows the cause and how the story ended.
Characterization refers to the attributes possessed by the leading players of the story. In the context, God has the following characteristics. He is commanding as the gives Abraham an order to sacrifice his only son. God is also tempting, as the wants to test Abraham's obedience by making him make such a difficult decision. He is also a giving God as he provides Abraham with a sacrificing ram. Abraham is seen to be obedience and a risk-taker as Abraham obeys to sacrifice his only son without considering the consequences (Genesis 22: 1-19). Isaac is curious as he asks his father questions about the whereabouts of the offering lamb.
The narrator's function for the biblical narrative plays both roles of the convert and an overt. He brings out the story like he was present by using dialect dialogue between characters. He also uses symbols like how the ram was trapped in the thicket to show how God provided. He is also an overt as he reveals God did not intend Abraham to sacrifice his only son. But it was a test on his obedience (Genesis 22: 13-19). He involves himself with the narration.
The story employs the use of stylistic devices such as dialogue where Abraham and God are talking the terms of their agreement. There is also a development of themes like the theme of obedience when the servant agreed to remain behind. It is also available when Isaac obeyed to lay on the woods despite knowing he was going to being sacrificed. However, Abraham portrays the long obedience level by following God's orders. There is also use of repetition where the angel called Abraham twice (Genesis 22:11). They are also us of illusion where Abraham is not aware of the ram when preparing for the offering, but its present once the angle spoke.
The story relates to the environmental setting and the part of the larger story in the following way: God uses the offering as a test to measure his obedience and the level of faith he has in Him. He uses Abraham's exam to bless his descendants. If Abraham did not obey, then the story would take another turn. The broader context of the story is God's blessings and promises to Abraham (Genesis 22:17-19). God had to give Abraham a son at his old age to use him to bless Abraham and those on his lineage.
From the story, it is learned that God is a commanding being as He is seen to order Abraham. He also does what he wishes as he knew Abraham had only one son but demanded his life. God also blesses in different ways. He is also a God who tests and evaluate human beings uniquely. God keeps his promises as Abraham's descendants are many as stars and shore sands. It is learned that Gods provides as he gave Abraham a ram to offer sacrifice instead of his son.
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