Unisex Bathrooms: Annotated Bibliography

Paper Type:  Annotated bibliography
Pages:  7
Wordcount:  1679 Words
Date:  2022-10-15


According to different scholars, they should be introduced unisex bathrooms in public places. Transgender is where people have separate gender identity and expression from their assigned sex. In many years the group has received challenges in public areas especially when it comes to bathrooms. To end the obstacles, the unisex bathrooms need to be introduced to reduce congestion in female bathrooms. Below is a paper on the importance of introducing unisex washrooms in different public places.

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Cornell, Josephine, Kopano Ratele, and Shose Kessi. "Race, Gender and Sexuality in Student Experiences of Violence and Resistances on a University Campus."Perspectives in Education, vol. 34, no. 2, 2016, pp. 97-119

The issue of gender inequality has been a significant cause of violence in most universities around the globe. Cornel and Kopano through observation concluded that in many university gender differences is a cause of violence. Universities have failed to equalize all the genders in the institutions. Racial discrimination has been a crucial cause of strikes in universities. In South Africa, the issue of racial discrimination has been a big problem and a challenge that has not yet been solved. In university facilities, many institutions have failed to set facilities that will favor all the different gender groups in schools. Not many campuses have adopted the use of unisex bathrooms. Importance of the unisex washrooms in colleges will reduce congestions in female's washrooms, reduce conflicts and sexuality among the students and promote equality. In universities, where they are more complex facilities students, may fail to be aware of the existing unisex washrooms hence people do not use them. The universities should make the students aware of the current types of washrooms.

Lorber, Judith. "Why do Bathrooms Matter?" Contemporary Sociology, vol. 41, no. 5, 2012, pp. 598-602.

According to Lober and Judith, they argue that having unisex washrooms will ensure efficiency in the society. Using washrooms of a different gender may result to even health complications which include mental problems and anxiety. The safety of the transgender is a crucial aspect in the society. Having washrooms that are of different gender groups will ensure all the groups are taken care. In many institutions, transgender groups are limited with the social facilities. Congestion is female washrooms has been an issue in many public places. Females have been the largest gender in the total globes most of the facilities focusing on the females are highly congested. Another importance of having unisex washrooms is, the transgender group is afraid to introduce itself to the society. By placing unisex washrooms in the community, the transgender will feel motivated to participate in community activities. The relationship between different genders groups will be increased since no group will feel more advantageous than other groups. The sexuality immoralities will be decreased by having unisex washrooms. They will be no confusion in the washrooms increasing the genders security. The transgender feels weaker making other groups to dominate and control them. With facilities making all groups superior will reduce the chances of having immoral cases in public facilities. Finally according to Lober, installing washrooms that are unisex will not only increase the efficiency of the society, but also other r genders will use the facilities hence not favoring one group but giving an advantage to all gender groups.

McClintock, Elizabeth Aura. "Why Some Welcome Unisex Bathrooms, And Some Steer Clear." Psychology Today, 2015, https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/it-s-man-s-and-woman-s-world/201509/why-some-welcome-unisex-bathrooms-and-some-steer-clear. Accessed 11 Nov 2018.

According to McClintock and Elizabeth Aura having unisex facilities in the community is a way to ensure equality of all gender groups in the community. Different countries and organization have introduced the use of unisex washrooms, and like any other idea, it has been supported and also has received opposition. In many institutions that have introduced the unisex bathrooms said that the process would take time for the community t accept the new trend. The women who are mainly affected by the lack of unisex bathrooms accepts the idea than men. According to them the new facilities will reduce conflicts in the washrooms and bring equality to are different gender groups. Most women support the new idea, men, on the other hand, are highly against the idea of the unisex washrooms saying if they are installed will be affected of been accused of watching over the women. They will be many cases of men been affected of sharing same washrooms with other genders. On the transgender group, a part of it supports the idea of having unisex washrooms in the community. One group argues that the unisex washrooms will reduce inequality and the one gender been seen as less superior than other. The facilities will increase the number of transgender victims been into more complex relationships in the society where they can now openly socialize with other groups with no fear of discrimination. On the other hand, another group of transgender feels that though creating unisexual washrooms to help them some feel like it is a way to expose them and make them inferior. Therefore, sharing the same facilities with other groups makes them feel not unique from others. The unisexual facilities have faced lots of opposition due to lack of awareness, but with the change in generations, the process is becoming more acceptable in the society.

Porta, Carolyn M., Gower A.L, Mehus C.J, Yu X, Saewyc E.M, Eisenberg M.E et al. " Kicked Out": LGBTQ Youths' Bathroom Experiences and Preferences." Journal of Adolescence, vol. 56, 2017, pp. 107.

In the modern days and in the growth of technology people are becoming aware of their rights. People are adopting the new ways of having unisexual washrooms in society due to the different advantages that come with the process. The process has not been accepted by the youths in a good way through them been considered as the most civilized groups. The youths are requested to participate in the unisex bathroom making the process to ensure the process gas most effectively. Different groups have started the awareness teachings to ensure that the community supports the new system and treats all gender groups equally. The government should not only involve the youths in policy making but also make the youths participate in construction and deciding on how the buildings should be designed.

Restar, Arjee J., and Sari L. Reisner. "Protect Trans People: Gender Equality and Equity in Action." The Lancet, vol. 390, no. 10106, 2017, pp. 1933-1935

Donald Trump banned the transgender groups from the military. As a result, Rester addressed the issue of equality among different gender groups. Policies should be introduced to ensure all different types of people are treated the same. Creating unisex facilities is not the only option to ensure gender equality, but other rules should be introduced. In other countries, the governments have failed to strengthen policies on the unifying of different genders.

Richardson, Alex. "What Do Gender Neutral Bathrooms Mean For Building Owners? | Aquicore". Aquicore, 2018, https://aquicore.com/blog/time-building-owners-make-bathrooms-gender-neutral/. Accessed 11 Nov 2018.

In California law were passed to ensure that building owners introduce facilities that are not single-sex but unisex facilities. The owners of working places and stalls have the responsibility to ensure that they are no gender discrimination in the facilities they create.

Sanders, Joel, and Susan Stryker. "Stalled: Gender-Neutral Public Bathrooms."The South Atlantic Quarterly, vol. 115, no. 4, 2016, pp. 779.

According to Joel and Sanders, they observed that many individuals who belonged in the transgender group were not comfortable sharing the same toilet with other gender groups. The groups recommend that the architecture sector deals with new modern ways in the construction of unisex facilities. In their places of work, the group requests the facilities to be introduced. In a major town, the unisex facilities should be constructed and be maintained by the government.

Why We Need Gender-Neutral Bathrooms | Ivan Coyote". Youtube, 2016, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XAcARiiK5uY. Accessed 11 Nov 2018.

Transgender groups have complained in many years of receiving harassment in public facilities. Ivan Coyote in his work concentrated on the importance of creating modern facilities that will accommodate all genders. Among the importance of the unisex facilities are to promote equality, reduce the cases of sexual harassment and ensure they are a conducive environment of all genders in society. To end the gender conflicts in the society, the only possible solution is to install facilities that will favor all the existing genders. As a result, they will be a peaceful relationship between different groups.


In conclusion, the installing of different unisex facilities in the society will result in a peaceful relationship between the members of society. The society should be taught different ways to ensure they accept the new idea and help the various groups adopt them. The transgender groups should be motivated not to be afraid of the society but to interact like any other gender. The government should take the responsibility of taking care of all genders, and in job employment, all groups should be given equal opportunities. The universities to be the highest levels of education should not only promote gender equity and equality in the university but also in the society they belong.

Works Cited

Cornell, Josephine, Kopano Ratele, and Shose Kessi. "Race, Gender and Sexuality in Student Experiences of Violence and Resistances on a University Campus."Perspectives in Education, vol. 34, no. 2, 2016, pp. 97-119

Lorber, Judith. "Why do Bathrooms Matter?" Contemporary Sociology, vol. 41, no. 5, 2012, pp. 598-602.

McClintock, Elizabeth Aura. "Why Some Welcome Unisex Bathrooms, And Some Steer Clear." Psychology Today, 2015, https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/it-s-man-s-and-woman-s-world/201509/why-some-welcome-unisex-bathrooms-and-some-steer-clear. Accessed 11 Nov 2018.

Porta, Carolyn M., Gower A.L, Mehus C.J, Yu X, Saewyc E.M, Eisenberg M.E " Kicked Out": LGBTQ Youths' Bathroom Experiences and Preferences." Journal of Adolescence, vol. 56, 2017, pp. 107.

Restar, Arjee J., and Sari L. Reisner. "Protect Trans People: Gender Equality and Equity in Action." The Lancet, vol. 390, no. 10106, 2017, pp. 1933-1935

Richardson, Alex. "What Do Gender Neutral Bathrooms Mean For Building Owners? | Aquicore". Aquicore, 2018, https://aquicore.com/blog/time-building-owners-make-bathrooms-gender-neutral/. Accessed 11 Nov 2018.

Sanders, Joel, and Susan Stryker. "Stalled: Gender-Neutral Public Bathrooms."The South Atlantic Quarterly, vol. 115, no. 4, 2016, pp. 779.

Why We Need Gender-Neutral Bathrooms | Ivan Coyote". Youtube, 2016, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XAcARiiK5uY. Accessed 11 Nov 2018.

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