Currently, a strong gender gap that is in favour of women is developing particularly in the access to higher education in the Arctic region, and it is also noted to higher particularly among the indigenous groups. The incidence of increase in the gender gap has been noted mainly among the Alaskan natives where women are achieving their higher education at a rate that is three times higher than that of the male gender. Women attainment of higher education tends to have an important role and place in the progress and advancement of women for example in the country's economic development and achievement of social-cultural correctional. The education gap that is in favour of the female is considered to have widened between the years 1998 to the year 2004. In the year 2000 the number of the female who enrolled for the Alaska undergraduate program representing approximately 54% while the number of males who enrolled was approximately 46%. The number of female enrolling to the higher education programs is increasing from year to year. This study aims to assess the increase I women population as the cause of why the Alaskan female are attaining their higher education at a higher rate than men. In the year 2003, despite the country recording a 52% male population aged above eighteen years the University of Alaska enrolled 157 female students and 100 male students. The gap was however considered to increase in the rural university campuses, which tend to have a high number of Alaska native enrolments. According to the University of Alaska following the enrolment, the male students are less like to graduate as compared to the female.
The research data was obtained from the University of Alaska from the department of budget and institutional research. The information was obtained from special with the internal enrolment data. The enrolment information was gathered from the university's scholarship programs and from other special programs from the year 2003 to the year 2004. The data analyzed was discussed in a special meeting with the relevant stakeholders such as the universities native educators, and the native educators in Anchorage, and later with the university board. The Alaskan native educators are considered to be aware of the existing gender gap, and they are putting much effort to comprehend and address the existing gap. The analysed information tends to omit the Alaskan native students who move out of state to seek higher education whereby their number and gender distribution tends to be unknown. The study information was obtained based on various factors that include the number of Alaska native males enrolling and graduating, current changes in the gender gap among the Alaskan natives and the gender differences among the Alaskan native attaining the highest level of academic success in Alaskan high schools.
Population as of the Cause of Females Acquiring Degrees at a Higher Rate Than the Male
The population of the female gender tends to be the predominant factor contributing to the increase in the gender gap where the number of females enrolling and graduating in the university is higher compared to that of the male. Various factors are leading to the increase in women's population in Alaska University, this includes. First, the state's population change. According to the year, 2000 population census figures the population of the Alaskan native men was seen to be reduced while the population of the Alaskan native women was noted to increase. The increased women population in Alaska enhanced the probability of more female being enrolled to the universities as compared the men. The population of women in Alaska however seen to increase as the years progressed and the number of degrees that were awarded in Alaska doubled from year to year. In 2007 40% of the Alaskan native population at the age of 25 had had a high chance of enrolling to the college or completing the university education. The increased women population in Alaska also led to the increase of higher education opportunities and chances of advancement, particularly for the native Alaskan women.
Secondly, the premature death of the male gender. The population of women at the age of 25 years and above tends to be relatively higher to that of the male. This is caused by the premature death of the male due to their early abuse of drugs such as alcohol and smoking. Alaska has recorded a high number of young men deaths due to early alcohol use. The deaths were particularly recorded among the young men who were about to enrol for their degree program and also among a few numbers of male students continuing with their university education. The increased death of the male gender enhanced the chances of more women joining university and also the probability of more women completing their degree programs since the women's population tends to be higher. The Alaskan state has also been noted to record a high number of cases young males accidents and homicides. These cases were mainly recorded among the male gender that had already joined the university. The main cause of the increased homicides and accidents was the continuous habit of men engaging in crime. The increased cases of men homicides and accidents have continued to favour women's educational achievement.
Thirdly, the abolishment of cultures that obliged women to stay at home and rear children instead of going to school. For a long time, the native Alaskan women have experienced many struggles in their quest to achieve the higher education. The women have particularly had the challenge of certain cultures that tend to create various threats from mainstream society and impact the women by denying them the right to education. However following the continuous complains the Alaskan government introduced an initiative aimed at enhancing the Alaskan native education and abolishment of factors that hinder the women from attaining their educational goals,. This initiative led to the increase of women population willing to enrol for the degree programs as compared to the menTherefore the probability that the increased gender gap in higher education achievement was triggered by the increase of the population after the elimination of the society cultures.
Alaska has recorded a huge gender gap in the achievement of higher education with the Alaskan native women acquiring their degree at a higher rate than the male. This gap has been existence for a long time in, and it continues to exist. One of the main factors that seem to be contributing to the increased gender gap is the increased women population. the growth of women population is brought about by various factors that include, first, increased premature death of the young men due to various factors such as accidents, homicides and substance abuse. Secondly, the increased women population in Alaska state as compared to the male. Thirdly, abolishment of cultures that denied the women the right to education
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