Concept of the Project
In this project, I have chosen 'VIDEO" as the presentation tool to demonstrate how the Element of art can be integrated in digital advertising and promotions, in particular city promotional Video. This project comprises video production of three one-minute teaser in the theme of "COLOR", "SHAPE" and "SPACE". A website is created as the media to promote Hong Kong as a Colorful, dynamic and artistic impressive city, the videos are presented as episodes on the website and Text is written to promote Hong Kong from an art angle. Through this project, I would like to promote Hong Kong with a different angle, to differentiate from the traditional promotional video of introducing Landmarks, things to do, shopping highlight and culture etc. And by connecting the YouTube and video Channel, I am utilizing the social media platform to reach a bigger audience.
Background of the Study
Art is a visual expression of mood, idea or experiences. In most advertisements, the goal is to help people interact with an object and to perceive or understand the objects in question (Wolfe & Hill, 1993). When a place such as Hong Kong is being advertised or promoted as a tourist's destination, the main goal of the most advertisement is to make the audience think of Hong Kong as a place of luxury, a business hub, and an ultramodern city. However, the advertisement lacks the artistic oomph and denying the audiences the actual feeling that can be associated with Hong Kong as a tourist's destination. While digital art can easily communicate information about Hong Kong, it is not easy and effective in perceiving Hong Kong as art would be effective. Through using the elements of art such as line, shape, space, value, form, texture, and color as the building blocks if the artistic expression can easily perceive Hong Kong as an interesting place to be. Whether the artist is interested in communicating personal feelings about Hong Kong, reinforcing the social functions which such as the shared sense of identity to this in Hong Kong (Pumphrey, 1996). Digital media has been effectively used in marketing. However, despite using the principles of designs, the advertisements lack the principles of art.
Importance of the Study
With most digital media focused on editing videos of landmark buildings, culture, people and cuisine, there is a literate gap, theoretic gap, and practical gaps in such averments. This projects, therefore, aims to fill these gaps with the hope of influencing the digital media designers to adopt the use of the element of art in their advisements and promotional videos.
Project Objectives
The objective of the projects are to:
- Determine how the element of art such as line, shape, space, value, form, texture, and color can be used to improve digital media
- To use the element of art in digital media advertisement to make them more attractive to the viewer.
Literature Review
Digital perspectives have become the norm as they characterize the contemporary society covering the recreational aspects. The lives and experiences of people are surrounded by instantly accessible information that they can access instantaneously by just a click at any time. These features reflect the changes that the society has recorded following the globalization phenomena, which allows sharing of communication and information in real time. Batra and Keller (2016) argued that this has served as a strategy of uniting the world by communicating the unique features of a place to those geographically some distance away. Consequently, communication of the information on tourism destination has been made easier through the application of the new media tools and technologies. For instance, videos have been used to create adverts made available over the internet, and which information is very important for those who would wish to visit a place as tourists. However, an additional concept through the use of art elements can make promotional videos more appealing to potential tourists. This paper presents a dissertation using a few ads like as the case studies to analyze the Integrating art in digital media advertisement and promotions.
Making Video Arts Visible
The promotional video arts will comprise of moving pictures, videos and audio that will aim at conveying varied messages to the potential tourists. Tan and Chen (2012) argued that making the video arts effective require organizing them in such a way that they are instantly visible to the potential visitors hence enhancing their engagement with the videos. Pechlaner, Lange, and Raich (2011) added that the videos will be placed in strategic places within a web page that makes them be conspicuous hence can be easily seen by the users of the page. According to Park & Santos (2016) and Artal-Tur (2017), putting video arts in the landing page will ensure that all potential visitors to the page must have an encounter with the promotional videos hence promoting tourist to the destination under promotion.
Regular Production of New Artistic Video Contents
For successful city promotional videos there will need to regularly produce varieties of video arts. The video arts should make use a variety of art design pattern that incorporates the use of colors, shapes, and space. According to Park and Santos (2016), the videos will be published randomly at different times of the day. This will target the times of the day when most content receivers will have high engagements with the videos. Felsenstein and Fleischer (2003) added that different people have different needs and preference when it comes to what is considered an attractive piece of artistic work. On the same note, Bhatta (2017) emphasized that using only one or a handful of video arts for promotion may not significantly affect city promotion. Concerning the idea, Pechlaner, Lange, and Raich (2011) felt that every single event that a video promotes will resonate to a variety of audients. The more the number of artistic design patterns used in a promotional video the more the number of people attracted to the geographical location in the promotion. This will ensure that the varied needs of audients are addressed in one way or another by one of the many artistic works used in the promotional videos (Tan & Chen, 2012). There will also be a mechanism put in place to follow up people who actively engage with the videos. Relevant details about these people will be collected hence making it easy to customize promotion that is just specific to them based on their likes and preferences.
Integrating Video Arts With Other Platforms and Channels
Video arts will perform well when integrated with other platforms and channels. The city promotional video arts will be integrated with platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Park and Santos (2016) argued that most people spend their time on social media platforms such as Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter. Integrating video arts with these platforms will, therefore, have the overall advantage of boosting traffic to the videos hence making many people to view them. Batra and Keller (2016) observed that this will, therefore, widen the scope within which the videos can be viewed hence influencing a large number of potential visitors. Voorveld, van Noort, Muntinga, and Bronner (2018) suggested the aspect of integrating video arts to these platforms for reducing the advertisement cost since uploading videos to social media platforms is cheap and does not require one to have a large amount of capital to do. Bhatta (2017) added that the platforms will also enhance the speed within which the promotional video art contents reach the audients. According to Felsenstein and Fleischer (2003), all people worldwide use most social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube and this, therefore, means it will take only a few seconds for video art contents to reach the entire world just at a button click.
Monitoring of Video Arts Comments
One of the advantages of social media is its instant feedback. Customers would always be willing to interact with a product if they have something to say. Park and Santos (2016) argued that this, therefore, means that with proper monitoring of video arts comments it will be easy to give responses to the feedbacks. The feedback will be analyzed to come up with information about the effectiveness of video art in its advertisement purpose. From the analysis, a recommendation will be made to make improvements and changes where necessary or include more information in the video depending on the demand of the audience (Pechlaner, Lange & Raich, 2011). Furthermore, This will, therefore, mean that by monitoring and responding appropriately to the comments it be very easy to get even a better response of the video and hence evaluate if effectiveness in the promotion.
Use Video's Google Analytics
Google analytic data will be used to collect information concerning the video such as those who watched the video, their geographical locations and time of the day when most people actively interact with the video. Knowing the kind of audience who watch a video will help in having more information about the audience as well as where the video is doing well and where a lot effort needs to be put (Shani, Chen, Wang, & Hua, 2009). This analysis will have an overall influence on the way the next promotional video will be produced and marketed (Quinn,2010).
Use Mobile Friendly Videos Arts
Most people use mobile phones to access online contents. This, therefore, means that making video arts which are responsive and adapts well to the various mobile screen will increase its chances of being watched by a large number of audience. Park and Santos (2016) argued that image color that can automatically resize on mobile devices will boost the user's experience. Research shows that most mobile viewers like to share online videos with friends. It also reveals that over forty percent of YouTube watch that happens globally mostly happens on mobile phones. This, therefore, means that coming up with promotional video art that is responsive and adaptive to various screens of mobile phones will make it possible for the audience to view the videos on phones (Seetanah, & Sannassee, 2015). This will increase the number of people viewing and sharing the videos hence boost...
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