18-Month-Old's Development: Physical, Emotional & Communication Milestones - Essay Sample

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  618 Words
Date:  2022-12-27


There are various development stages that a child passes before it becomes a fully developed human being. In every stage of child development, there are certain emotional, physical, communication and movement connected to certain stage milestones. The child observed in this study is an 18 months male. The circumstanced of observation included physical activities such as throwing toys, running and laughing and crawling. The other circumstance for consideration involves behaviors eating one food over the other and throwing a tantrum when the caregiver leaves the room. The behaviors observed in this child confirmed that the child has fully developed to the milestone that is expected in his age.

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Specific activities and behaviors are connected to the age of 13-18 month milestone of child development. One of them involves motor development which shows the extent to which a child can engage himself in physical activity. During this milestone, the motor milestones for a child can stack two objects, squats to pick up an object and walk independently. During this stage, a child also shows improved brain development. A child can match pairs of objects, imitate household tasks such as cooking, name actions in a picture book, and know name of favorite toys. Another form of development involves emotion and social development. During this stage, a child will show emotions such as those of anger trough angry tantrums; he will also show affection to those he is familiar with, rough in response to others and engage in pretend play. Besides, a child in this milestone will also increase a variety of food he can feed on and also differentiate his favorite food from those he doesn't like (Ghassabian et al., 2016).

Both activities and behaviors observed from the child were appropriate with the child given his age. Among the activity noted from the child include squatting to pick objects running and responding to parent activities. Bruises and marks on the knees could show that the child is physically active. The level of child cognition development is also in line with the milestone he is in. The child could name certain objects he has been using such as toys. He could also point up some familiar objects when he sees familiar pictures of objects or people he knows. On the other hand, a child could use certain words in communication and also use gestures such as shaking his head to respond to some questions. This child also seems to have developed some emotional response such as anger. This can be shown by how he throws a tantrum when his mother goes out. He also indicates affections and effectively responds to other emotions trough roughing. He also uses some activity such as running when the mother comes with food he does not like but smile to some food which he loves. All behaviors are very appropriate for this milestone. The child has reached the milestones of walking, but he has not yet reached the milestone of talking (De Onis, 2017).

Considering the observation i made on this child, the child has fully reached the milestone that is expected in his age. His physical activities show the level of development in a child of between 13-18 months. His communication emotions and cognitive development also portray what is expected to an 18 months child. The factors that could have impacted on the child behaviors include good environment, dieting, and good parenting. Lack of these factors may negatively impact or delay some development in a child.


De Onis, M. (2017). Child growth and development. In Nutrition and Health in a Developing World (pp. 119-141). Humana Press, Cham.

Ghassabian, A., Sundaram, R., Bell, E., Bello, S. C., Kus, C., & Yeung, E. (2016). Gross motor milestones and subsequent development. Pediatrics, 138(1).

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18-Month-Old's Development: Physical, Emotional & Communication Milestones - Essay Sample. (2022, Dec 27). Retrieved from https://midtermguru.com/essays/18-month-olds-development-physical-emotional-communication-milestones-essay-sample

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