The statement the youth are the leaders of tomorrow is very cliche but there is a lot of truth in it. This reality has made a lot of senior citizens all over the world, for instance, the Asian Tigers to invest their resources with the young people around them in a bid to realize a profit. When empowered, the youth can be an invaluable asset to any given community. When the needs of the tooth within any given community are treated with oblivion, there is a likelihood that these young people may be distracted with vices such as the using of hard drugs, organized crime, and even prostitution. It is imperative that talent is identified and the youth are advised on what is most appropriate for them; discouraged from indulging in vices such as binge drinking and the taking of hard drugs (Arvidson & Lyon, 2014).
With such a disposition to communities, outreach becomes an important part of providing young people with the right mentalities towards self-improvement and economic development. A primary component of outreach is that the communities providing it are never stationary but very mobile; in essence, they are meeting the people in need of outreach services at the places those in need are found. A lot of good comes with empowering the youth in comparison with not doing so. In essence, the empowerment of the young people within communities can lead to the creation of employment, educational promotion, and national development, moral life growth, eradication of poverty, reduction of corruption and the expansion of agriculture. Empowered youth have a high chance of succeeding in any given community unlike the ones devoid of such an opportunity (Goodman, Calderon & Tate, 2014). This paper is going to give invaluable insights on the benefits of coming up with a non-profit organization focused on community outreach for young people. Besides, it will highlight how it is important for community members to team up together to realize a noble cause such as youth empowerment.
Why Community Outreach is Important for the Survival of the NPO
Community outreach will be important to the mission and vision of the nonprofit organization. Beyond monetary support and primary objectives, community outreach is paramount for any given business, more so nonprofits. The backing of communities and people at large is the determinant of whether the organization will become successful or not, yet nonprofits are basically dependent on such support.
A robust and diverse social support network is paramount for the success of the person or organization. Through operation in the public eye beyond the need to realize financial goals, nonprofits can garner community support that amounts to increased involvement on behalf of beneficiaries, limited opposition to the goals of the organization, and much greater chances for success. In as much as monetary support of all amounts more often than not marshals up moral support as well, there is no surrogate for being an active part of the community (Steinmetz, Srirattanaporn, MorTip, & Seuaturien, 2014).
Once the nonprofit organization is realized, the community outreach services of w3hich it will be a proponent of will offer a lot of benefits to the youth. It is worth mentioning that if the community is not supportive of this project, the chances of success are very low. Besides, monetary support of any amount more often than not infers moral support also; in essence, there is no alternative to being an active part of the community when it comes to helping the youth.
What the Youth Need
For many young people in our community, the change to adulthood comes with myriad challenges when it comes to the meeting of basic needs. Young people may be unable to realize employment that offers health and countless other personal benefits, no longer to be included in the insurance programs of their parents or it is even possible that they are too old to meet the qualifications for SCHIP or Medicaid. Coming up with secure and affordable housing can be a very big challenge; the same applies when it comes to matters revolving around emotional and spiritual development. In the event that our community chooses to care for all the young people, then there is bound to be positive results on the way the youth develop financially, emotionally, spiritually, and even physically.
Audiences for Whom This Message Is Intended
The call to build a non-profit organization focused on community outreach for youth is directed to parents and any other interested groups who bear concern on matters of youth affairs. The community has a lot of parents within it and it is my hope that the want to help their children will come naturally. No one parent would love to see his or her child suffering; besides, these parents would not want to witness the suffering of other children around them. With such a reality, parents ought to come together and see to it that the needs of their youth are always met.
When all parents unite for the sake of the youth, a lot is bound to be realized with respect to outreach and the establishment of a nonprofit; this is because the moral support of parents will also resonate with the financial support of the said parents (Hayes, Campbell, Taylor, Theoktisto & Wielgos, 2017). In essence, the most important thing that this project needs is numbers; individual contributions will not amount to much if parents do not come together. Unity between parents will help in that there will be a sharing of ideas, contacts, and connections that will marshal up more support from corporate bigwigs who are looking to impact communities positively through Corporate Social Responsibility. Whats more, unity between parents will increase the bargaining power of the projects stakeholders in a way that national and international organizations can be approached for help; mainly monetary help (Lerner & Simon, 2014).
Transnational Leadership and the Project
In the course of this project, the leadership needs to be able to conduct operations that positively influence everyone in the community, build a nonprofit characterized by heterogeneous teams that are aware of the importance of inclusion and diversity. In addition to that, there will be a need for the leadership to deal with differences on multiple fronts and attend to the needs of many young people that reside within the community. It is due to the aforementioned reasons that I deem transnational leadership to be most appropriate when it comes to empowering the youth in the community through a nonprofit community outreach.
As one of the leaders in this project, the transnational style of leadership would require of me to be a team conductor, pragmatic, perceptively responsive, talent-oriented, and resilient despite of uncertainty. Besides, transnational leadership will require me and the rest of the leadership to possess strategic orientation, good people skills, vision, client focus, team focus, a strong moral compass, adaptability, and high integrity among others.
Most importantly, all the transnational leaders in this project need to realize that they are operating in a multicultural environment and therefore must be willing to listen to and to learn from individuals of various cultural and ethnic backgrounds. The will to explore brand new and varied experiences and the grace to meet new people and listen to the challenges they face in life is an important aspect of transnational leadership (Gordon, 2014, September).
In summary, for the leadership of the nonprofit to be effective in community outreach and to attend to the needs of the youth, four actions are necessary. These include selecting and accessing global talent, increasing the prospective capabilities of future transnational leaders, speeding up current transnational leadership capacities and capabilities, coming up with a sustainable and multicultural community environment for all the young people.
Literature Review
In a planet where money does not come very easily, beginning a nonprofit without the money may be a challenge. All the same, the process is not impossible. There are a number of steps that can help a community find out the needs of nonprofits and answers to finding the money necessary to realize missions and visions of the organization.
According to Arvidson and Lyon, (2014), it will be important for a given community to be aware of what it is up against prior to embracing the challenge of starting a successful nonprofit; for everyone in the community to brace themselves. For any given nonprofit, before there is a filing for a 501(c) 3 status and the exemption of tax, there will also be a need to make payments of a fee that will be directly proportional to the size of the budget. Since at this stage a nonprofit is basically starting out, the fee ought not to be outrageous. For instance, if the operating budget is $10,000 or even less, the fee will approximately be in the tune of $400.
Butler and Wilson (2015) posit that any new nonprofit usually needs about 15 months to file a form 1023, which is a document that makes an assessment of any nonprofit's programs and structure. Forms are usually necessary for 501(c ) status. The normal fee for many nonprofits starting out is approximate $850. In addition to that, for the realization of a 501(c) status, there is a need for incorporation, and myriad states charge some amount when incorporation is filed for. The moment there is a filing of all the required paperwork for starting the nonprofit, it is paramount for all stakeholders of a nonprofit to be aware of what they will require to file a tax time after every 12 months. Besides, it may be necessary to look at the list of IRS forms for exempt nonprofits (Butler & Wilson, 2015).
It is important for all the people involved in the realization of a nonprofit project be trusting of their mission. For any given project to realize trust and enough supporters, the initial capital outlay must be in place. Whats more, it is important for all stakeholders to trust that the mission of the nonprofit is enough for earning money through connecting on an individual level with prospective contributors. If project sponsors are aware of and understand their goals, they will be more likely to help the nonprofit in question realize its goals and objectives. With more donors and volunteers by the side of a nonprofit, any outreach project will seem to be less of a burden and the realization of a profit status will be a reality.
A nonprofit is better off if it has many associates or in this case other nonprofits (Arvidson & Lyon, 2014). Money from grants may seem to be easily attainable but this usually not the case. Most nonprofit leaders on a global level can attest to the fact that grant money is not as effortlessly possible as many may think; more so if a nonprofit and its leaders have to build up a good name for themselves. It is advisable that new nonprofits look for similar organizations that can assist it in getting started with getting grants from sponsors. They will most likely be in possession of a list of companies that gave them grant money that would probably be in a position to accord a nonprofit money since the missions of the two nonprofits may be interrelated.
It is worth mentioning that community outreach will be a very significant way of the senior citizens to connect with the youth; to serve the public need. The advantage of community outreach to the youth anywhere in the world are greater community support with respect to monetary reward, organizational success, and moral support. For nonprofit organizations, support from the community is very much impo...
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Community Outreach: Connection of the Senior Citizens With the Youth - Paper Example. (2021, Jun 10). Retrieved from
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