Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting of the Coca-Cola Amatil

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  2
Wordcount:  378 Words
Date:  2022-10-04


This report discusses Corporate social responsibility reporting of the Coca-Cola Amatil. The discussion highlights the importance of CSR and the guidelines for the preparation of the report by corporate bodies.

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CSR Meaning of CSR

Organizations need to show those operations that are socially friendly and those which are not. Moreover, CSR is meant to demonstrates the relationship between the society and the entities

CSR is a conception requiring business entities to incorporate environmental and social aspect in their activities to enhance better relationship with all stakeholders (Crowther 2008).

Benefits of CSR

CSR has numerous benefits to the entity and to the society altogether. The key benefits are:

  • building of the organization reputation and brand name
  • organizational growth
  • increased customer and market share

GRI Reporting Principles Topic Sentence: Economic

This principle is concerned about the flow of amongst different stakeholders and the impact of the organization economic performance on the society. Further, the principle suggest that an organization should report, on accrual basis, any direct economic value generated, distributed, and retained (Global Reporting Initiative Report).

GRI Principle for Report Content Topic Sentence: Materiality

The report should comprehensively cover all the information relating to economic performance, social impact, and the environmental significance that would impact decision making of the user (Global Reporting Initiative Report).

GRI Principle for Report Quality Topic Sentence: Timeliness

The report should be presented to stakeholders on regular basis for timely decision making (Global Reporting Initiative Report).

Evaluation of Coca-Cola Amatil CSR Reporting Coca-Cola

Amatil strictly adheres to the set guidelines on CSR reporting. First, the company prepares financial statements (profit and loss account, balance sheet, statement of cash flow, and statement of changes in equity) on quarterly basis, semi-annually, and annually. These financial statements demonstrate economic performance of the company at different intervals of the year.

The company also prepares sustainability report annually reporting on the social and environmental aspect of the business. The business is fully committed to ensure that the environment is well taken care of through water and energy management and the climate protection (Sustainability Report 2017).

The company has set stringent environmental management rules and regulations. In order to preserve water, the business has embarked on water saving strategy which has seen overall water usage reduce by about 5% in 2017 compared with 2016 (Sustainability Report 2017)...

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Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting of the Coca-Cola Amatil. (2022, Oct 04). Retrieved from

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