Dreams of Distant Lives: A Symbol of Love and Emotion - Essay Sample

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  556 Words
Date:  2023-02-01


The extract from harpers work on a dream from distant lives is a true indication of love and emotion. Every human being on earth can express love. Love itself is a phenomenon that cannot be explained by simply constructed sentences. The nature of love can engulf a personality until it consumes the individual entirely. From Harper's extract on dreams of distant lives, we can conclude that His love for his wife is very strong to the point that his normal life is being affected by the death of his wife. Normal routine activities are brought to an end by the loss of a loved one, this can affect even the social life and the relationships with friends and relatives. The extract by Harper also draws a similarity to the work done by Tobby wolf, a. From his story "The deep kiss", Joe a young teenager just 15 years of age his consumed by a love that becomes a heavy burden to his mother. Because of this, she threatens to move him out of the house. This love also causes curiosity to the small town that they are living in.

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Love can be explained as an emotion that is felt mostly followed by actions towards another person. Mostly a person in love is controlled by a strong desire to know the well-being of the other person. Where there is love, it is characterized by affection. This is seen from the Harpers account that all his dreams come to an end when he loses his life. All the dreams that he had been having all of a sudden cease because of the loss of a loved one. This is the extent that love controls an individual. Love controls emotions and the deep thoughts of a person. It of importance to see love as a supernatural force that has the effect of turning lives into different characters. This theme runs out throughout the two characters that are presented in the two stories.

Though love is an expression that can be observed between two people sometimes it becomes very inconsistent. This seen in the story by Tobias wolf. Joe and Mary two people who are in love, who initially seemed inseparable are facing storms in their relationship which seem to be breaking the apart and tearing them into pieces. This inconsistency is the cause of grief and when love is misguided it can end up becoming a disaster to those who are involved in a relationship. From Harper's account,, we can see. The nature of love when it is not misguided and devoid of inconsistencies. Being able to equate some of the dreams that he has been having. IT gives us a clear picture of His life with her wife. We can see from the dreams that the two had a positive relationship that involved true love. This dreams when they seize makes us understand the emotional connection between the two. Like Harper explains I one of his dreams; "The two events happening side by side can draw a comparison between me and my wife.


The two writers' expresses and emotional balance that is indicative of the true nature of love. This is driven by desire and passion for people. The most significant moment is how emotions can consume a person and make them change their goals and ambitions.

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