Economic growth affects the way a country uses energy and in return is likely to increase the rate of Carbon (IV) Oxide (CO2) emission in the atmosphere. It comes as a result of development and increases in industries which consumes more and more energy (Malik & LAN, 2016). As the country grows its industries and manufacturing, the rate of energy used increases on a daily basis. The majority of these companies require the energy of whatever form to run and operate. It is also industrialization and increases in manufacturing, which plays an important role in increasing the Gross Domestic Product and Per Capita income of an individual and increase in the export index compared to the imports, which final results into the growth of the economy (Dong, Sun, & Hochman, 2017). It is important to consider the whole notion of CO2 emission due to the fact that it does not only affect the environment, but can also have an impact on the lives of individuals. The main purpose of this paper, therefore, is to examine the relationship between CO2 emission, economic growth, and energy use.
The main objective is to find the actual relationship of the three variables, CO2 Emissions, Energy use, and economic growth and derive possible ways through which the country (Russia) can control its CO2 emission in the atmosphere and at the same time achieve its economic growth (Dogan, & Seker, 2016). It also analyzes whether there are policies available to help control the energy consumption of industries in the country and their consumption. It is critical in deriving conclusions about whether the policies play a critical role in minimizing CO2 emissions in the atmosphere without interfering with the economic development of the country (Iftikhar, He, & Wang, 2016). The research concentrates on the type of energy, whether green energy which comes from the natural sources like sunlight, rainfall, wind and geothermal among others or it uses carbon energy or energy from fossil fuels. It is highly crucial because the nature of energy consumed by industries in a country determines the amount of CO2 released into the atmosphere.
It is qualitative research that concentrates on the case of Russia. It reviews the available literature on secondary sources for scholarly articles in a bid to determine the relationship which exists between CO2 emission, economic growth, and energy consumption. The common knowledge is that any growth in economy attributed by industrialization and manufacturing increases the energy consumption in the country and hence increasing CO2 emission (Dogan, & Seker, 2016). The increase in CO2 emission is likely to increase climatic changes specifically global warming. It is the major reason why a lot of concentration to be put on the topic and determine how global warming, which a serious climatic change can be reduced in highly industrialized and powerful countries such as Russia. In this manner, it is critical to understand what climate, economic and environment-related organizations say about the economic growth of Russia and how it affects energy consumption and CO2 emission in the atmosphere (Berardi, 2015). It also reviews, scholarly articles and other publications to determine the findings of other researchers in relation to economic growth and CO2 emission into the atmosphere. The main objective and aim are to derive a comprehensive conclusion on energy use in Russia, the type of energy Russians use amidst their economic growth and also to analyze its impacts since 1970 all the way to 2017.
In order to achieve the main objective of the research, the paper is divided into five major parts which include introduction whose main aim is to provide the general information contained in the paper. It outlines the framework which the research follows in order to make it reach its goal of determining the relationship which exists between CO2 emissions, economic growth, and energy consumption in Russia. The second part of the paper is a literature review which analyzes the topic based on various aspects involving energy in the case of Russia and it affects energy consumption. It also analyzes the impacts, policy improvements in Russia which have been used to curb fossil energy consumption that leads to an increase in carbon emission in Russia. It also contains a methodology chapter whose main importance is to describe the research methodology in the research it also describes the philosophy, research, design, data collection, and analysis mechanisms among others. The main aim is to ensure that the research is not only accurate, but also employs ethical techniques and cover all the necessary information which are essential for deriving a meaningful and accurate research conclusion. After the methodology section, it analyzes and discusses the empirical findings of the research. In this part, it plays an important role in discussing the findings, properly analyzing the relationships and expounding on them. The critical information discussed in this section involves determining whether economic development and growth increases the emission of CO2 or not. The main aim is to break the findings down into more understandable content that is understandable to the reader. The other critical part is the conclusion and recommendation whose main aim is to summarize the findings of the paper and derive an accurate conclusion based on the findings of the paper. It also recommends proper energy which Russia can use to ensure its economic growth and at the same time reduce the amount of carbon dioxide it emits into the atmosphere as an important way of reducing global warming in the country.
Review of the Literature
This section of the paper analyzes important literature in relation to how they portray the relationship between CO2, economic growth and energy consumption in Russia. It reports what other findings of the researchers on the topic. Its main aim is to determine what other researchers and organizations have outlined since the economic growth, specific information on the nature of energy the country uses and policies put in place to ensure that it does not emit too much CO2 in the atmosphere. The section details the findings in the secondary sources and relates them to the topic. That analyzes the available information about Russian energy consumption rates and how it changes with respect to the economic growth and CO2 emission in Russia. It tackles the topic in different subtopic to help develop a theoretical perspective of the essay. It is important in developing a roadmap for what the paper analyzes and the critical strategies and information it contains. It also determines the available gap between the theoretical literature and the practicality. The knowledge gap is what is used as the basis for designing the research and determining the best approach and niche to focus on data collection and research.
Economic Growth and the Environment
Economic growth entails industrialization and increases in other economic activities. According to Panayotou, (2016). It outlines various impacts of economic growth on the environment. It outlines the factors such as consumption of natural resources, pollution of the environment and environmental degradation among others. It explains that though economic growth has a variety of positive impacts in the society, it results in a number of negative effects such as increased carbon emission in the environment, global warming and other forms of pollution which can make it quite difficult to survive in that environment or a country. The research published by the environment in Anthrophony is supported by (Soytas, & Sari, 2009) which indicates that carbon emission increases with an increase in the economic activities. It outlines that as long as there is an increase in manufacturing and production, there is always a direct relationship with the emission of Carbon in the air. It also outlines that carbon emission has long term impact than the expected short term. In this manner, resulting in granger casualty.
The journal published by sustainable and Renewable energies ascertained the fact that an increase in economic growth increases carbon emissions in the atmosphere. It also outlines important issues that indicate that economic growth increases the energy consumption, hence increasing carbon emission to the atmosphere which finally results in atmospheric pollution and global warming (Ozturk, & Acaravci, 2010). The paper analyzed the long ran relationship between CO2 emission, economic growth, and energy consumption and asserted that they have direct proportionality. That is, economic growth increases energy consumption, which in turn increases CO2 emission. On the same point, Yang, Lou, Sun, Wang, & Wang (2017), outlines that economic growth has increased the amount of greenhouse emission in the atmosphere. It is critical research which clearly outlines the relationship between economic growth and industrialization or economic growth. All the sources indicate that economic growth is brutal on the environment and results in critical pollution. In specific, they share a similar finding the economic growth increases greenhouse gas or CO2 gas emission in the atmosphere.
Economic Growth and Energy Consumption
Energy consumption details the amount of energy consumed due to economic reasons or in economic activities. According to (Chen, Chen, Hsu, & Chen, 2016), it is outlined that there is a clear relationship between economic growth and energy consumption globally. It also outlines that there is a relationship between the two and CO2 emission where the underlying factor is the energy required to help run the economy. In another research Shvarts, Pakhalov, & Knizhnikov, (2016), indicates that Russian Oil and petroleum energy consumption has increased drastically since 1970 due to an increase in economic growth. It clearly outlines that as manufacturing increases, so is the energy required to run and operate the companies and industries in the country. Through the whole process, it ends up increasing the energy consumption. It also outlines that the increase in energy consumption makes it difficult to have adequate sustainable and environmentally friendly energy, hence increasing the consumption of oil and petroleum energy thus resulting in increase CO2 emission.
In another research, Lelieveld, Evans, Fnais, Giannadaki, & Pozzer (2015), outlines that energy consumption in the country increases with an increase in the amount of production in the country. It outlines than economic growth results into higher demand for energy in the country which in turn increases the rate of consumption. It also outlines important aspects as climatic changes and environmental aspects. The quantitative research details the consumption pattern of how Russia consumes energy and releases CO2 in the atmosphere. It achieves it by analyzing the outdoor air emission among industries in the economy and their contribution to polluting the environment. Ozturk (2015), supports the same sentiments by explaining that economic growth increases energy consumption in the country. Though, it dissents from the fact that there is no significant relationship between economic growth and CO2 emission. Despite the fact that it does not agree with the notion that an increase in energy consumption increases CO2, emission, they all agree that economic growth in Russia has a significant increase in energy consumption. The also shed more light on the fact that having so much consumption is likely to cause an increase in the amount of carbon emission in the atmosphere more so when carbon-related sources of fuel are used as a source of energy.
Economic Growth and CO2 emissi...
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