Employment Training: Motivation & Quality Service - Research Paper

Paper Type:  Research paper
Pages:  6
Wordcount:  1616 Words
Date:  2023-01-09


The hotel and tourism industry is growing very fast. The customers are always after quality services in the world's major five-star hotels, and the quality service that is sought after is a product of a well-trained and a motivated. Major hospitality countries such as Hong Kong and Australia have been on the forefront to ensure the infrastructure of their hotels meet the globally accepted five-star rating. This research paper seeks to explore a variety of lead developments shaping the majority of famous five-star hotels. The article has highlighted a variety of concepts, theories and different models related to the evaluation of the efficacy of preparing personnel and enthusiasm in key five-star hotels. Among the components discussed in this paper include the concept of training and motivation where the different forms of employee training techniques and types of motivation are discussed in depth. The comparison between a trained and well-motivated five-star hotel staff any freestyle employees have to be compared in terms of their productivity and type of quality service rendered. The paper seeks to establish the importance of training and to motivate the employees in top hotels, five-star hotels. Another factor that the research paper aims to determine if the impact and the possible advantages that the image of the restaurant and its employees have posted about it. The two primary theories that relate to the training and motivation of employees in the tourism and hospitality industry are Human Resource Management theory and the Theory of Performance. This paper has also aligned its research to the keen analysis of the already existing empirical research which focuses on the hotel staff preparation and inspiration in Australia and Hong Kong. The study concludes with recommendations on how the training and motivating the workforce within the hotel industry.

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In researching the evaluation of the effectiveness of training and the impact of employee motivation in five-star hotels, the team will employ a qualitative method to collect data. The qualitative research will be used to identify any possible underlying factors that need to be the reasons for the motivation of the employees, opinion on the training of the five-star hotel employees (Berger, 2018). The qualitative research technique in this study gives us an insight into the possible benefits associated with training and motivation of the employees and also identifies emerging trends among the top five-star hotels globally.


In collecting data, the team will employ numerous techniques. Among the research methods, the team intends to use while in the field include the use of questionnaires (Paauwe, 2009). Questionnaires will be a useful technique as it saves time used in collecting data from the respondents (Bulut & Culha, 2010). The respondent is only required to fill in the questions asked and forward without necessarily having to distract other employees in the hotel (Goetsch & Davis, 2014). Carrying out face to face interviews, observation of the environment within the five-star hotels and analyze how the employees are trained and motivated (Mulder, Weigel, & Collins, 2007). The team wills also cross-check the schedule document of the hotels they will be visiting for data gathering (Nadler & Nadler, 2012). The other method the team will use is environment screening and video recording (Petcharak, 2002). Video recording gathers accurate data through the use of video cameras (Privitera, 2018).

Methods and Sampling

After the team has gathered sufficient data from the research, it will further evaluate the best way of sampling the collected data to come up with a sound conclusion (Bernard, 2017). The team will have a wide range of sampling techniques to choose from (Green & Thorogood, 2018). Among the standard sampling techniques, the team will use include stratified sampling, systematic sampling and simple random sampling (Quaddus, & Woodside, 2015). Clustered sampling can also be used (Schutt, 2018). Under clustered sampling, the hotel employees with similar response will be classified into the same group distinct from the others who have different views during the data collection period (Flick, 2018).

Reliability, validity, and Generaliability of the Selected Research Design Technique

Reliability is an estimation of the stability, consistency, of the method selected in gathering data (Ericsson, Hoffman, Kozbelt, & Williams, 2018). The method needs to be more accessible when required by the methods to be used in collecting and designing the data structure need to be in line with the needs of the team (Goetsch & Davis, 2014). In deciding on the type of research design to employ, various elements need to be considered (Adams, & Lawrence, 2018). The consideration will be based on the reliability of the design technique, validity, specific, and sampling (Bell et al., 2018).

The method used in analyzing the findings need to be reliable hence accessible when required (Ary, Jacobs, Irvine, & Walker, 2018). It should also be valid with the correct data collected and avoid manipulation as any modification will result in wrong findings (Bailey, Mankin, Kelliher, & Garavan, 2018). The design methodology employed need to ascertain neutrality. The design methodology employed need to ascertain neutrality in conclusions; it should prevent any possible biases of the research collected from the hotel employees (Ary, Jacobs, Irvine, & Walker, 2018). The generalizability to be adopted needs to be goal specific and avoid generalization of the findings. Under the study of the impact of training and effectiveness of motivation to employees in five-star hotels. It should prevent any possible biases of the research collected from the hotel employees (Bulut & Culha, 2010). The research design to be adopted and conform to become goal specific and avoid generalization of the findings (Clarke, 2018). A specific plan will eliminate ambiguity in the research findings (Price, 2007). Under the study of the effect of training and efficacy of motivation to employees in five-star hotels, descriptive and experimental research design are the most favored design technique to be employed (Bowen & Ostroff, 2004).


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Employment Training: Motivation & Quality Service - Research Paper. (2023, Jan 09). Retrieved from https://midtermguru.com/essays/employment-training-motivation-quality-service-research-paper

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