Essay on Human Trafficking: Systems Theory, Empowerment Theory, and Feminist Theory

Paper Type:  Research paper
Pages:  4
Wordcount:  925 Words
Date:  2021-05-31

Human trafficking or modern-day slavery presents a disconcerting issue in the global circles. It is an issue that mainly affects women and children from marginalized areas (Feingold, 2005). It is Therefore an act of criminality that can be explained by the use of various theories. When trying t understand the problem systems theory is essential. It explains human trafficking as an interaction of the influences of various systems that are interrelated. It starts from the individual as a system especially one who is from a poor background or a marginalized area. The individual becomes vulnerable in his/her endeavor for greener pastures. It then goes to the family which has various expectations from the individual especially financially (Adepoju, 2005). The society and its permissiveness on the issue also determine the effect it has on its members. The criminal justice systems around the globe play a significant role in determining individual engagement in human trafficking. Therefore as these systems interact there occurs a determination of the course the issue takes across the globe. It means that the interaction of all these systems presents a fertile opportunity for stopping the issue of human trafficking (Northen & Kurland, 2013).

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Empowerment theory, on the other hand, assures individuals of the ability and power they have to make decisions, bring about change and gain mastery of various issues at the individual and social levels (Lee, 2013). Human trafficking is an issue that belittles those who are taken as modern slaves and all the vice does is making them feel demeaned. Therefore empowerment theory comes in to ensure that every individual is society has the power and capacity to confidently refuse the problem and eradicate it from society. It also demonstrates that individuals can make a change in their lives jus with the sources at their disposal and thus do not need to be lured into lucrative job opportunities which turn out to be human trafficking.

Feminist theory focuses on the exploration of gender equality and especially issues that touch on women. It looks at the various aspects of women including their social roles, feminist politics, their interests, experience, and chores (Turner, 2011). Human trafficking often involves vulnerable groups of women and children. The feminist theory mainly empowers the woman to understand her rights as a member of society. When a woman is empowered both men and children will experience the benefits of this empowerment. In the case of human trafficking, the woman will have the resources and capability to stand against it thus helping the society as a whole.

All these theories have roles they play in the issue of human trafficking. The systems theory gives a description and understanding of how the issue operates and transits across the various systems in society. It mainly focuses on the effort of systems as wholes and the roles they can play in dealing with human trafficking. Empowerment theory looks at society in its fullness. It also aims at helping people understand the immense power they have towards eradicating the issue of human trafficking in society. However, unlike systems theory that mainly deals with specific systems and their role in the issue, empowerment theory focuses on the entire society. The feminist theory goes further to address women and the role they play in the issue. It specifically empowers women and the effects of this empowerment trickle down to the rest of society. Therefore despite that, all these theories focus on dealing with the issue of human trafficking; they all focus on different groups of people in society.

A multidimensional theoretical approach is often more effective in addressing any issue because it incorporates different aspects be suited to deal with the problem and helps develop the most appropriate solution (Turner, 2011). As a future social work professional my aim will be to use the multidimensional approach while addressing the problem using a multi-systemic method that will involve the prevention, intervention, education, training and advocacy in the promotion of human rights and the fight against human trafficking. My aim will involve educating and training society on how human rights are infringed in instances of social vices like human trafficking which go against human rights. By equipping people in society with the necessary information and tools, the whole society will have the ability to come up with the appropriate strategy that would promote human rights. I would work in conjunction with a society that is already empowered through education and training to come up with the most appropriate interventions for issues hat go against human rights.

Interventions developed by society as a whole would be more efficient in promoting human rights than those I develop as an individual. Working in unison with the society including organizations we would identify the most appropriate prevention strategy for vices ha go against human rights in society. Such prevention strategies would work best due to the involvement of every individual in society. Eventually, advocacy would be easy at this point because society will have an understanding of the issue of human rights, vices that infringe on other peoples rights and the various intervention and prevention approaches. Therefore advocating for human rights will be a day to day issue for the society as a whole.


Feingold, D. A. (2005). Human trafficking. Foreign Policy, 26-32.

Adepoju, A. (2005). Review of research and data on human trafficking in subSaharan Africa. International Migration, 43(12), 75-98.

Northen, H., & Kurland, R. (2013). Social work with groups. Columbia University Press.

Lee, J. A. (2013). The empowerment approach to social work practice. Columbia University Press.

Turner, F. J. (Ed.). (2011). Social work treatment: Interlocking theoretical approaches. Oxford University Press.

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Essay on Human Trafficking: Systems Theory, Empowerment Theory, and Feminist Theory. (2021, May 31). Retrieved from

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