Essay on Old Spice Advertisement: The Man Your Man Could Smell Like

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  561 Words
Date:  2021-06-17

Currently, it is difficult for one to miss any form of advertisement. This is because advertisements are in most media outlets and are almost impossible for one to escape them. Most of these advertisements have some specific target audience whom the advertisements have been specifically designed for them. Since the advertisement industry is a multi-billion dollar industry, it is the intention of the advertisers to attract the attention of their target audience. Old Spice is a company that produces hygienic products that are specifically intended for the male gender. The manner in which the Old Spice advertisement has been set out is one whereby the advert implies that by using the products of Old Spice, one becomes more similar to the old Spice man or even eclipse the man himself. The advertisement is intended to capture the attention of men from the perspective of the needs of women. The advertisement gives a man an ideal image that has a sexual; theme.

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In the current Old Spice advertisement, different sports stars and actors have been used since most of them are good looking and are very fit. The intention of the advert is to highlight their body wash. It is imperative to comprehend that the Old Spice advertisement is used to promote masculinity, humor and sex appeal. In the advert, there is a scene whereby the actors are positioned together with normal men. This comes out well in that the scenes are shifted quickly so as to show the main actors in romantic fantasy-like settings. Such scenes are intended to appeal to women. The models used in the advertisements constantly remind women that their men can be like me if they use Old Spice products.

It is also imperative to comprehend that the advertisements do not only reach out to the women. The advert also has a message to men since men are also their target audience. Since the advertisement uses sports personalities, an image that men want is created. In the advertisement, it is evident that there is no hidden message. Moreover, the advertisement goes after men in that it seems to set standards that women expect of men. One can also note that the advertisements by Old Spice make men react emotionally since the advertisements appeal directly to vanity, masculinity, the insecurities of men not being able to impress their ladies and to keep women happy. Apart from appealing to the status of women, the Old Spice advertisements have sexual themes. Te strategy implemented in the advertisements is that sex sells. Any advertisement that is sexually-themed is likely to attract attention and appeal to both men and women. Since the advertisements are appealing to both sexes, once they are played, the attention of both men and women is taken. It is also imperative to comprehend that it is vital not to overuse the sexual theme in the advertisements. In the Old Spice advertisements, there is a right mix of sex appeal and humor.

By using men in their advertisements, Old Spice is successful in their campaign. When advertisements are successful, then the pay-off to the companies can be huge. The purpose of the advertisement is to increase the number of individuals using Old Spice products. The producers of the advert have to be careful when they implement the use of sex appeals as it may sometimes backfire on the business.

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Essay on Old Spice Advertisement: The Man Your Man Could Smell Like. (2021, Jun 17). Retrieved from

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