Harnessing the Power of Cloud Computing: An Introduction

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  6
Wordcount:  1632 Words
Date:  2023-01-25

INTRODUCTIONBackgroundCloud computing also referred to as cloud technology refers to the on-demand accessibility of the computer system resources, particularly the computing power and the data storage, without the user's direct active management (Hayes, 2008; Vouk, 2008). Cloud computing operates by sharing the resources to attain economies of scale and coherence. The phrase cloud computing came as an inspiration from the cloud symbol that is commonly used to denote the internet in diagrams and flowcharts. The cloud technology aimed to improve efficiency on how people tend to share information, therefore improving service delivery in both the public and private sectors. The large clouds are common in today's technological world such that they have functions which are distributed over several locations originating from the central servers. The cloud computing is divided into three categories each with different functions, these are Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) (Buyyaet al. 2008).

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The history of cloud computing traced from the1960. During that period, John McCarthy

anticipated to integrated the "nation-wide utilities "to perform the computer calculation, from that idea, the clouding technology evolved to incorporate even further features that those that were initially expected. The breakthrough brought by cloud computing was readily embraced by many of the businesses upon its introduction, among them is Google. Numerous of Google services that depend on the cloud technology in doing business include the Google Docs, which allows the user to work with the office through the browser. According to the research by Andac, Akbiyik, and Karkar (2016) cloud computing is applicable n the small business. First of all, the business has taken advantage of the cloud-based infrastructure technologies since they are cost-effective and promote productivity in the business management and support of their physical servers. The businesses benefit from the low-cost licensing model which is different when comparing to the traditional software. Cloud infrastructure offers small companies with work mobility, like the VoIP services that operate under the cloud technologies which are received to be cheaper and can be remotely when contrasted with regular hone. The same applies to the Google application, which the employees can simultaneously work with the documents. Whereas, for project management, the use of the Apollo, Basecamp as well as other services. The role of cloud computing within the business cannot be ignored, Hayes (2008) added that technology has eased how people meet, thanks to WebEx, GoToMeeting, and Fuze.

Cloud computing is modeling's attractive for enterprises segment of both small and medium-sized business, together with the companies that have just established, this is because it lessens the cost of investing in technology infrastructure and only incurs on expense on direct use of information technology. The business has new use of doing business with the new technology in communication with the customers, managers, contractors and it is not possible to overestimate the Cloud Computing (Buyya et al. 2008).

Indeed, the growth of the market of Cloud technology is attractive to the business leader, together with the institution of information technology (Habjan, and Pucihar., 2017). This is believed to move information technology cost from the group of capital in the transaction to promptly and flexibly respond to the varying needs of their business. The feature is convincing and important, especially in the case of approving the enterprise budgets for information technology. Adel, Reza, and David, 2013, stated that globalization in the modern world has given a new definition of business nature and how it operates. The businesses need to embrace globalization gives no choice to embrace Cloud technology. Also, the increasing completion in the business and striving to upgrade the business system had made it possible for the business leader to integrate the Cloud Technology.

Research QuestionsThe aim of the research is based on the idea that digital technologies influence the growth of the business as well as its management. As a way of ensuring that the objective of the study is fulfilled, the following are some of the research questions that this research will seek to discuss:

How technological and digital transformation change in cloud computing has improved service delivery and technological adaptation in comparison to the public and private sector?

Research HypothesisThe characteristics and challenges of technological and digital transformation in the public and private sector, under the inclusion of enhanced technologies, has transformed and facilitated automated and improved means of business operation. Whereby, both sectors easily coordinate in their operation and efficiency.

Research ObjectiveComparing how digital technology has enhanced business in the public and private sector to meet the industry's needs.

LITERATURE REVIEWIntroductionBusinesses in various industries are increasingly making use of technology in a bid to streamline operations and improve service delivery. Business markets in the world have also developed in various aspects which have ultimately created the need for a more robust infrastructure in private and public sectors. Technology has greatly contributed to the development of businesses and markets in the world. Cloud computing has, however, played a greater role in bringing change to the business sector. While the adoption and use of these new technologies have led to improved service delivery, it has also created the need for a variety of safety features. Businesses have had to make use of safety features such as cryptography and biometrics in cushioning themselves against various security risks. This paper discusses how cloud computing technology has impacted the management process and business organizations in various industries.

Cloud Computing in BusinessCloud computing is a concept that came into existence in 2006. The technology emerged as a result of collaborative efforts by industry giants such as Google and Amazon (Yang & Tate, 2012, p. 36). The cloud is a computing system made up of various virtual and interconnected computers which are usually provisioned and unified to provide the required computing resources. While there are various definitions of cloud computing, the technology is characterized by the following features: self-service, elastic abilities and infinite access to resources, payment according to usage and virtual resources (Yang & Tate, 2012, p. 38). Through the use of cloud computing technologies, businesses in various industries have been able to establish a flexible work environment whereby they can easily and quickly respond to emerging customers' needs and requirements. The technology has enabled firms to concentrate on their most vital business activities which have led to increased productivity (El-Gazzar, 2014, p. 214). It has also been instrumental in the cost-cutting measures adopted by various managers as businesses are only obligated to pay for the services which they make use of.

Advantages of Cloud TechnologyDespite the many advantages associated with the use of technology, a few business decision-makers have had concerns regarding its adoption. Being a new technology, many are still weighing its benefits and comparing them to its advantages before they can decide on its adoption (Algarni & Alsanad, 2015). At present, cloud services are provided by key vendors who are relied on by various businesses in the region. The overreliance on these key providers presents an unprecedented risk to businesses in various industries. Other concerns associated with the adoption of cloud computing include; data integrity, confidentiality, and security (Bakht & Mohan, 2017). Initially, cloud computing was adopted to enable the migration of non-core applications and services to the cloud. However, as it has been established by the EBA, a variety of business institutions are considering migrating their critical systems and applications to the cloud. Etro (2010) cites flexibility, scalability, and agility as the main benefits associated with the use of cloud technology. Managers are continually seeking ways of ensuring sustainability and cutting on costs which explains the increase in their adoption of cloud technologies (Zhang, 2019). Firms that have adopted cloud computing have had to enhance their security and privacy as the two are essential aspects not only in cloud computing but also for many businesses. There have also been reports of increased efficiency among firms due to their adoption of cloud technology. Cloud computing has provided managers with the tools which have been instrumental in automating some of their processes (Cook, Milojicic, & Talwar, 2012). The automation of manual processes has allowed managers and other employees to focus on essential businesses processes thereby increasing their productivity. The automation of business and managerial functions has also been advantageous in the sense that it has reduced the likelihood of human errors. Large businesses enjoy the ability to handle greater volumes of transactions without having to incur a lot of expenses.

Cloud computing continues to enjoy increasing popularity because it has enabled firms to enjoy a wider variety of services at cheaper costs than before. The reduction in costs is because businesses no longer have to spend huge amounts of money in acquiring dedicated software, hardware or manpower. Before the adoption of the technology, customer service in the various industries was slowed as businesses often experienced procurement delays while acquiring hardware and software. However, since the adoption of technology, firms no longer experience such setbacks and have been able to serve their clients much faster. Through the combined use of big data and limitless computing power, firms have been able to establish stronger relationships with their clients. The use of big data has enabled business managers to gain a better understanding of their clients thus promoting better decision-making.

In the article by Jones, Irani, Sivarajah, and Love (2017) the government, which is a public sector, has completely embraced the use of the technology in the carrying out of the public activities. The advantages noted include that the government takes advantage of the real-time automation data synchronization, flexibility in work services and optimization of profit. The strength of the research is that it further gave the future perspective in the growth of the cloud computing in the public industry and the possible impacts that are anticipated such as the governance risk that might shift the organization.

Criteria when Selecting Cloud Technology in both the Public and Private SectorsThe IT infrastructure in a variety of industries...

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Harnessing the Power of Cloud Computing: An Introduction. (2023, Jan 25). Retrieved from https://midtermguru.com/essays/harnessing-the-power-of-cloud-computing-an-introduction

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