'Let Them Eat Dog' - Essay Sample

Paper Type:  Argumentative essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  694 Words
Date:  2022-10-04


Foer focuses on food as the culture, habit, craving, and yet an identity in part of life. Food has not been described as rational. He still argues that a response made to factory farming raises the capacity of care (Foer, 'Let Them Eat Dog'). Whatever is seen in the undercover videos for factory farms and other slaughterhouses are wrong. In these perceptions, there are ones who can defend the system, which allows occasional animal cruelty. However, even the involved do not defend the cruelty.

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Eating of dogs is a repulsive issue. It is more important to see instincts come before reasoning as they are important. Foer has argued that as soon as people let dogs be dogs and let them breed, there would be a balanced supply of meat (Patel, 'Let Them Eat Dog'). Since they are part of the ecosystem, eating of dogs can be considered a good practice as there are low energy inputs with dog meat. Most of the environmentalists would also say that dog meat is realistic food. For some critics, there are numerous advantages to taking dog meat. No maintenance is required as opposed to other farm animals. Even though there are areas that consider euthanized dog meat as feed for livestock and pets, having dog meat is advantageous as long as there is no harm associated with eating the same.

However, the arguments made by Foer are not literal in some sense. Eating of dogs has been a contentious topic in society (Cooke, 'Let Them Eat Dog'). Various societies and cultures tend to appreciate dog meat as it is not a topic of the latest generation, but which was raised a long time ago. No further counter-arguments can be made regarding the article. Each statement made by the author gives a reason why dogs should be eaten. However, at the back of the mind, it still raises a question of whether it is truly agreeable as culture has taught its people that eating dogs is an unethical practice.

Dogs will remain to be pets in the society, and the idea will remain a taboo for other coming generations. It is mentioned that cultures such as the French and Chinese appreciate various animals hence, tend to eat the rest. For many cultures, however, beef, pork, and chicken meat are being eaten. Since people live in a balanced ecosystem, it would remain to be that way unless something is changed, which would again change the entire ecosystem. Eating dogs would mean that there should be other pets to replace the gap created by eliminating dogs from the categories of pets. Again, embracing the acts of eating dog meat would mean questioning the taboo of various cultures that do not embrace a particular idea (All-creatures.org). There have been changes in ethics and cultures with time and generations after generations come with new practices. It would be, therefore, easy for people to embrace the idea of having dogs as meat producers. Foer presents a situation that would show the reason for a change in culture. The idea of taking dog meat is credible, but at the same time not appreciable by many communities. Therefore, accepting the notion of dog-eating would be a myriad for many people. Foer tries to change the mindset of the people regarding various types of animals. However, it is still not clear on the type of change being suggested, as presenting the topic of a dog could mean eating other animals other than the ones embraced by the taboos.

Works Cited

All-creatures.org. "Let Them Eat Dog An Animal Rights Article from All-Creatures.org." Pharmaceutical Cruelty Down on the Farm: Consumer Beware - The Meat and Dairy Industry - An Animal Rights Article Series from All-Creatures.org, 2018, www.all-creatures.org/articles/ar-letthem.html.

Cooke, Charles C. W. "Let Them Eat Dog: A World Tour." National Review, National Review, 10 Oct. 2017, www.nationalreview.com/corner/let-them-eat-dog-world-tour-charles-c-w-cooke/.

Foer, Jonathan Safran. "Jonathan Safran Foers Modest Proposal: Let Them Eat Dog - WSJ." The Wall Street Journal, 31 Oct. 2009, www.wsj.com/articles/SB10001424052748703574604574499880131341174.

Patel, Imtiaz. "Wall Street Journal Article: Let Them Eat Dog | Foodie ..." Food Lifestyle, 31 Oct. 2009, www.foodielifestyle.com/2009/10/31/wall-street-journal-article-let-them-eat-dog/.

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