Literary Analysis Essay on Downriver by Will Hobbs

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  735 Words
Date:  2022-10-10


This paper, "Downriver will Hobbs Summary", will discuss the plot, summary and main themes. Jessie is on a long hike/rock climbing trip at a summer camp for troubled teenagers. Her father has sent her here. Jessie was always in trouble, and she had felt very alone since the death of her mother when she was five years old. Jessie believes her dad is trying to get rid her and make time for his girlfriend. He signed her up for this camp. Jessie, tired and aching from the hike, continues to follow her group. They finally reach the cliff that they have to climb. Jessie puts on her harness and climbs with Freddy, her climbing partner. Freddy says "Don't look below", but Jessie is already gazing down at the thousand foot drop below her. Freddy holds on to her, but she slips. Finally, they managed to pull Jessie out of danger. They then hiked down the mountain to end their day of climbing.

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They went rafting the next day. Heather, a member in their group, fell out of the raft but was fine. Everyone was amazed and delighted that rafting was so much fun. Day two was the next day of rafting. The group climbed into a van and loaded the rafts onto the trailer. Al, the camp counselor, drove them to a halt where he went to obtain permits to raft for the day. The group began discussing a devilish idea after he got out. They could drive anywhere without Al's supervision. Freddy suggested that they raft the Grand Canyon from the backseat. The Grand Canyon was not far from them, and the group loved the idea. Al could be out any moment now. The decision is made. They will "borrow" the gear to raft the grand canyon. Troy, another member, jumps in front of the vehicle and turns it on. Al is left behind as they drive off. They reach the Grand Canyon at night. It is mid-October, so almost nobody is there. They silently rig the boats but soon realize Heather has left the group. They hope she won't reveal what they are doing to anyone. As they begin their journey, they will paddle down the river.

With rocks protruding and white water, the first rapid appears treacherous. They do it well and have very little water to bail. After carefully planning the next rapid, Jessie is flung from the boat. Star, Jessie’s cabin mate at camp, pulls her back into the boat. The rapid that follows, the boat with Star inside it flips. She is fine. The group sets up camp, then goes to bed. They decide to go into a cave the next day. As they were climbing down the ledge to return to their boats, Adam, one of their group members, accidentally kicks Rita, another member, with a rock. Her head is split open by the rock and blood slowly drips out. Freddy stitches Rita's head with a first aid kit. They see someone come down the canyon the next day. Al, their counselor, is there. Al, their counselor, is mad but says he hasn’t told anyone about the activities. Al claims that they have a burger joint near the canyon's top. They climb up, but the emergency services are already there. It was a trap! Al is left behind as the group rushes down the canyon towards the boats. Helicopters begin to follow them as they descend more rapids. A big rapid comes up. A helicopter is parked at a bank. The helicopter is parked on a bank. They end up taking a great risk by just trying to avoid the helicopter and heading down the rapid. It works out. They set up camp but are woken by a huge storm. They manage to escape unscathed.

They descend more rapids, and they set up camp for the night. Freddy awakens in the middle of the night and alerts his friends that there is something wrong. He was actually bitten by a poisonous snake. They do their best to make sure he is okay. They come across more helicopters and decide to surrender for Freddy's safety. They had to transport Freddy to a hospital. Their epic journey down Grand Canyon is over. Star moves in with Jessie, her father, and Dad's girlfriend. They live happily together at their new home on the Grand Canyon.

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Literary Analysis Essay on Downriver by Will Hobbs. (2022, Oct 10). Retrieved from

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