Matilda and the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe - Literature Essay Example

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  8
Wordcount:  1973 Words
Date:  2021-06-09

The two novels, Matilda and The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe are classic fantasy novels which entail children supremacy and magic lifestyle. The novels portray the life and supremacy adventures of the characters; especially the children identified. The two novels aim at showing the readers the real world of magic and the roles of magic. Though the current world does not believe in magical spirits or supernatural humans, the novels prove the perceptions wrong through magical characters in the two novels. Basically, the novels settings are based on supernatural environments with extraordinary characters like Matilda in the Matilda novel and Lucy in the novel, The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe. Both these ladies are young and very sensitive. The supernatural humanity is expressed in both novels though at different perceptions. There are some characters that still believe in magical humanity even after experiencing the magical features of their fellows.

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The authors portray the magic and supremacy in psychological insight, through giving the overview of what the other characters think about the behaviors of the extra ordinary characters. From this, we see what role the magic plays in shaping ones adventure. In chapter one of the text, Matilda, the young supernatural lady expresses a lot of magical characteristics, both at home and in school. Her teacher spot out her supernatural behaviors from her curiosity full of intelligence and at first thinks that the kid is more intelligent. This was the genesis of magical thoughts about the young girl. While in school, she could express her supernatural intelligence through her performance in class and other careers. The teacher thought that she was more intelligent and should have been promoted to higher class level but is stopped by the headmaster. Matilda expresses the facts of human supremacy in how she programs herself at home. She does the unexpected activities, for instance, a normal human being cannot stay reading the whole day however much you are intelligent. Matilda proves this argument wrong by her extraordinary reading (Cushman, 2000). Her parents think that the girl was just curious, but this was the genesis of her supernatural life.

Likewise, in the novel, The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe the author expresses the psychological thought of supremacy through the character Lucy. From the visit of Lucy at Narnia the readers can develop the concept of psychological repression. From what Lucy thinks of the Narnia characteristics, a reader can spot out the supernatural culture of Narnia. This is the benchmark of psychological thought of superior humans. Narnias supernatural journey is revealed by Lucy, who thought of Narnias extraordinary behavior in psychological thought. The extraordinary characteristics of Narnia can be seen both at an internal and external level. From Lucys experience, an extraordinary journey of Narnia that is full of supreme emotions and magical adventure manifest in everything she does. Lucy reveals this in her psychological thoughts of curiosity; she seemed to be very sensitive to the behavior of Narnia which confirms the extraordinary behaviors of humans (The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe, 1-10). From this, we get the sense of a Supreme Being; her younger age does not reflect her supreme thoughts and curiosity about the occurrences.

The authors also express the feeling of extraordinary characters through representing their fear and horror in the novels and how the characters express their emotional solution rather than the expected rationale. In the novel The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe Lucy seems to be a fearful and shy character at the first chapters of the book. Lucy is scared by the odd looks of the professor; this was a fear common to all students. The professor had shaggy, white, scaring hair. Lucy takes the keen interest of that and stands boldly to adapt to his odd face as compared to other students who remain to be shy about the look of the professor. Lucy becomes sensitive to this and develops an extra ordinary approach to solve this fear and shy towards the look of the professor. Lucy becomes sensitive in her behaviors through her sensitive lifestyle. She also expresses her supremacy as rational to fear and shyness in the incidence where she emerged the bold character in the scene where they were in their room, in their new home. The situation developed a mind of creepy when the girls were wondering where the noise was coming from. In real life situation, it is true that one can develop a fearful mind when you move into a new home and the place is full of unexpected noise. This was the mindset of fear that affected the girls in the room. Lucy expresses her extraordinary rational which emerges in a unique way among the girls in the room. She becomes sensitive to this; amazing the girls and the readers of the text while speaking about their new home.

Apart from the outlined reason, another cause of fear is the fact that during the time of their movement into their new residence, it was the period of frequent raids in London. Lucy becomes sensitive and curious about the current situation (at that time). The girls were also fearful for the new strange environment characterized by totally different people; however, Lucy was indifferent to the situation since she developed a curious mind as a rational. She becomes an extraordinary young girl since she was the youngest and the readers may have expected her to behave in a fearful way, but she reacts in a strange magical way. Lucy was always responsive to her instincts and her curiosity. She expressed her spiritual supremacy on the incidence of wardrobe and was curious of discovering more about the magical wardrobe while trying their new home house. As readers, we expected that she could not try the new door as she did in their new girls room. Though the door of the wardrobe was locked, Lucy thinks that there is something special in the wardrobe, and this was all part of her spiritual supremacy. She thinks that the wardrobe of the new house has some unidentified magical appeal, especially to her unique curiosity. She moves on in trying the doors since she had developed the mind that it was worth trying new magical things, as the other girls moved out since the doors would be closed, Lucy is disparate of the signals that the door would be soon closed, she moves on to try the new doors irrespective of the imminent danger. The wardrobe scene acted as a catalyst to Lucys development and transformation; from a fearful spirit into a more self-secure and curious nature full of courage. It is worth noting that by the time Lucy and her family moved into this new place, she was very young and nobody could imagine a normal human being capable of taking such magical approaches to new environments. This was the genesis of Lucys spiritual journey that is, to become an extraordinary human being, from a tender age. She becomes more courageous with self-security. From the text, [.] it was almost completely dark in there and she kept her arms stretched out in front of her [.] pushing the soft folds of the coats aside [.] what was rubbing against her face and hands was no longer soft fur but something hard and rough and even prickly [.] then she saw that there was a light ahead of her [.] (The Lion, 13-14)

It should go without saying that the spiritual magic was very vital especially in the adventure of Lucy into Narnia place. Narnia was a spiritual superior being all together. In essence, the transition from Light room to new dark and soft room was vital symbolism of transformation of life of Lucy, especially in her psychological journey. The wardrobe is like a passageway symbolism that marks the transition of Lucys consciousness mind to unconscious magical mindset. Traveling through the wardrobe marks her move into Narnias place, this adventure was a vital component in the passageway of Lucys development during the quest where Lucy was able to experiment her hidden motivation and emotions of magical psychology. The wardrobe was a symbol of the psychological passageway which was marked with her adventure into Narnias place.

Similarly, in the novel, Matilda, the author portrays Matildas psychological thought that she should be reading all the time. The parents, especially her father restricts her from reading too much; he argues that she should be watching at some point and not only reading. From the text, it is evident that Matilda works extra hard with her books. She reads her books all the time while at home, the librarian complains of her unique character. She is very eager to learn irrespective of her insensitive parents. Matilda seems to be more authoritative; this makes children loathe her in the school she attended. In real life, children make friendship with their playmates; Matilda was an exception, she does the unexpected of making friendship with their teacher, this shocks everybody. She discusses sensitive matters with the teacher as an adult person; this makes Miss Honey devote her attention to her curiosity. Her curiosity and learning process was marked with uniqueness and human supremacy, after all, she was only a young girl, and how could she have search genuine brain.

The authors also express their theme of role of magic through intensive fantasy in their texts. The magic helps in restoring path of dumbfounded characters and restore their happiness. The authors rebuke the weakness of hopelessness by creating fantasy, from the text, The Lion the Wardrobe and the Witch, the author relates the fantasy between the Beaver and the children. The authors reason for the fantasy was intentional, as Edmund, Peter, Lucy and Susan were having the mind of hopelessness; the beaver comes in to restore their sense of hopes. As discussed earlier, Lucy was having an extraordinary spiritual mind, when the beaver came, peeping out and gesturing silently to the children, the children suggest that after all it is only a beaver and they should approach it quietly in secret. Lucy immediately trusts the Beaver without a second thought, she believed in her magical mind, which was strengthened after leaving with Narnia. The other children did not believe in the help from Beaver, Peter and Susan lacks trust in the decision of Lucy, but they had no alternative. Edmund, on the other hand, becomes more suspicious about the beaver. They both develop the upset mind of pessimism, but their hopes were restored by their fellow, Lucy. The children later approach the beaver together to seek for help; Lucy leads them and assures them of their safety. The beaver surprises the children when he asks if they were sons of Adam and daughter of Eve. The author puts the readers in the world of imagination when the beaver restricts the children from making noise since the trees could hear what they are saying, the beaver encourages them to talk and walk slowly and quietly. Though this was full of fantasy, we see the sense of the beaver in all aspects. The children created a strong feeling of goodness when the beaver showed them that they would be taken to Aslan though they did not know who Aslan is and what he does. It is evident that Lucys magical humanity salvaged the children. She was over excited by the beaver since she understood the fantasy of the beaver. The beaver later accommodated them and gave them a warm welcome. Though beaver was excited of engaging with human children, he had a fear of how he will feed them. The children are later fed well by the beaver with delicious meals (Lewis 2012). Lucys supremacy emerges successful, and this was the essence of magic in this chapter.

Similarly, Matilda becomes unique in her ways even after the disapproval of her promotion by the headmaster. She builds...

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