Metis is a term that has been used in the historical concepts in Canada and some parts of the northern united states to describe people who have different races of their parents, for example, a European mother and a Native American father. Metis is a French word used to refer to the concept of mixed, basically a native American and white person. The concept of metis has been complex as it does not involve the determination of ethnic, social or political aspects of an individual. Malcolm Norris & James Brady have been influential in the restoration and settlement of Metis consciousness after 1930. They have had significant historical ideas about metis because of their analytical exploration and commitment towards its discovery and development. On the other hand, Louis Riel was a credited millenarian leader of the Metis people in Canada. He had believed in being a divine chosen leader to lead the Metis. He sought to enhance the preservation of Metis rights and culture especially when the metis fell under the Canadian sphere of influence. Riel was a great and influential leader who fought for the Metis people in Canada. Therefore, both Malcolm Norris and James Brandy having similar concepts with Louis Riel of the discussion of the Metis carries several similarities and differences depicted from their discussions. These comparisons are well analyzed below.
The ideologies of Malcolm Norris and James Brandy on the revival of metis shares common similarities with Riel`s work as a millenarian leader of metis. Both depict the concepts of leadership in their ideologies. Malcolm Norris takes the leadership role in the rejuvenation of Indians. This is during the periods of war where he views metis as weak to influence and fight for change. He saw no hope for the betterment of the Metis. James brandy also convinced him on lost hope of better conditions of the Metis. He thought that metis could not be believed as they followed the directions given by priests. The acts of Malcolm Norris establishing links with League of Nations of North America Indians to convince the league to pressure the united states government to introduce changes in legislation that was affecting Indians depicted his acts of leadership. Malcolm Norris was a key factor in the formation of Callihoo movement. This acted as a unifying factor and inspired Indians to focus on the problems they were facing (Manfred 2007). This geared them towards the concentrations of issues and the formulation of resolutions. James Brandy also had deep thoughts of metis and their struggles. He had frequent correspondences with his colleagues in metis and showed his desires to rejuvenate the MAA movement and lobbying the Alberta government to eradicate the Catholic clergy in the colonies. Riel millenarian leadership aspects were depicted in the Christianity field. He outlined his Christian leadership qualities by the activities he was involved in, for instance, his typical visions which were articulated to the biblical models. He was primarily a millenarian leader, not a political leader, as manifested in his prophetic leadership. Nonetheless, Riel and both Malcolm and Brandy share a similarity of being futuristic (Manfred 1988).
Malcolm and Brandy were optimistic of better days of metis after the war and the challenges the metis faced during the war. Their attention on the situation of Metis and Indians was to a great extent geared to the future, that is after the war period, despite the fact that the situation required immediate action. On the other hand, Riel`s prophesies were based on the future. For example, his Christian prophetic thoughts that Jesus Christ would come. Another aspect of similarity was outlined by their rebellious actions in fighting for their rights and oppression. Initially, Riel as a prophet did not support rebellion but later, after the agitation of the Metis people he, as a prophetic leader triggered the formation of rebellious movements. On the other way, Malcolm and Brandy lacked confidence in influencing the Indians and Metis towards fighting for the problems that they faced, however later he was involved in the formation of movements such as Callihoo that acted as a unifying factor that made metis to focus on their challenges that they were facing. The last similarity outlined in the discussion was the issue of the expedition. Both James brandy and Riel were exiled in their efforts to influence rebellion (Manfred 2007). Brandy was exiled and in Calgary and was released in March 1946 while Riel was driven into exile in the united states after they were instigated during their rebellion movements operations. He together with other prophetic figures were exiled after the red river rebellion and surrendered in May 1885.
There exist differences in the conceptual ideologies and the doctrines presented by Malcolm and Brandy in relation to Riel in the process of Metis revival. The doctrines and thoughts of Riel were religious based as he was a Christian and a prophetic leader. Initially, be being involved in rebellious movements he was tied in Christianity as a prophetic leader of millenarian with huge knowledge and concepts of religious beliefs. He later became a prophetic leader of a millenarian protest movement though he had strong bonding to the prophetic and biblical mysticism. Whereas, the thoughts of Malcolm and Brandy were political and economic based. The depiction of Malcolm and Brandy traces huge content of political based movements to promote unity and realization of challenges faced by Metis and Indians (Manfred 2007). Furthermore, Malcolm and Brandy were against the Catholic clergies for their wicked activities of amassing wealth, therefore, leading to exploitation of Metis people. The period after 1930, was characterized by wars during the era that Malcolm and Brandy fought for the consciousness of Metis people; therefore their movements were politically based.
Another difference was that Malcolm and Brandy were involved in family issues whereas Riel is not depicted to have any relation with a family. He was devoted to his Christianity and prophetic works before the formation of rebellion movements. Malcolm and Brandy, both at some point became less involved with the rebellion movements and settled with their families. They both look for employment, for example, Brandy was working with Saskatchewan fish board while the organization that Malcolm was working with was exploitive, but he had to cope with the situation due to family responsibilities.
In conclusion, it can be justified that Metis people faced numerous challenges and exploitation for being a minor and weak community. However, Malcolm, Brandy, and Riel have been greatly influential philosophers whose activities towards the revival of Metis have been of great importance. The formation of rebellion movements was a significant step that enhanced the fighting of exploitation of Metis people hence regaining consciousness. The millenarian movements formed in the 18th century during the era of Riel, worked with similar patterns as they were born out similar circumstances of social, economic challenges, political power, loss of economic wealth and the social status of native people just like the political movements formed in the 19th century.
Mossmann, M. (1988). The Charismatic Pattern: Canada's Riel Rebellion of 1885 as a Millenarian Protest Movement. Louis Riel: Selected Readings. Ed. Harwell Bowsfield. Toronto: Copp Clark, 227-245.
Mossmann, Manfred. "The Charismatic Pattern: Canada's Riel Rebellion of 1885 as a Millenarian Protest Movement." In The Western Metis Profile of a People, edited by Patrick C. Douaud. Regina: Canadian Plains Research Centre, 2007. 185-202 (Labeled Riel rebellion in the files)
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