New Venture Creation: Scrapbook

Paper Type:  Course work
Pages:  5
Wordcount:  1196 Words
Date:  2022-09-22


I intend to start a cleaning services business which will specialize in houses and offices cleaning. Houses are always dirty hence the business will have demand. In pursuit of career goals, professionals do not have time to clean their homes. Companies are also cutting operational cost hence outsource services like cleaning. Therefore, we intend to bring a solution to cleaning needs. The proposed name for the business is Prestige Cleaning Services.

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The Market and Its Needs

Today, the lives of people have changed. Gender roles are not designed like they were in earlier days where the woman stayed in the house and the man was the breadwinner. Now, both women and men are working outside their homes. Hence, they do not have time to clean their homes. In addition, families incomes are overstretched due to the poor economy. Hence, to meet family demands, people are working longer hours (Schabner, n.d.). By the time they get home, they are extremely exhausted to do the cleaning. Therefore, without having someone to clean their houses, the will live in filthy dwellings. Also, many working class people cannot afford to hire full-time help in their houses. With these conditions, many people are in need of efficient cleaning services for their homes.

We also intend to offer cleaning services to offices. One of the ways for a business to survive in the turbulent environment is to find a competitive advantage. Therefore, many companies are in pursuit of a cost advantage to increase their profitability and position in their industry of operation. One of the means of reducing cost is the outsourcing of services like cleaning (Click & Duening, 2005). This has become a common concept for organizations. Thus, our reason for targeting companies for tenders in cleaning. Organizations are willing to pay professional companies to clean their workplaces as they continue with their operations.

Our services will directly benefit the owners of the houses. By making their dwelling habitable, they will have time to relax with friend and families. In addition, the cleaning of the house reduces the chances of contracting communicable diseases like diarrhoea, stomachaches, and dust allergies. Also, it keeps rodents and insects like cockroaches and rats away. These spread germ causing diseases leading to illnesses. In offices, the staff will have a clean work area. Hence, they will concentrate on their work. Individuals will save money that would have otherwise been used in accessing medical care as a result of dirt related diseases. Companies, will also not loose manhours due to absenteeism of employees who are sick from germs contamination. Therefore, increasing their productivity and profits.

In choosing a service provider, customers look for efficiency and reliability. These may not be hard to find in many providers. In addition, clients also look for providers who are trustworthy. This attribute may not be easy to find. Therefore, Prestige Cleaning Services will offer reliable, efficient services as well as being a trusted partner. This is necessary since customers need the confidence that in admitting strangers into their homes and offices their property will be safe and free from damage.

We will be targeting neighbourhoods where the majority of middle income and high-income earners live. Our choice is driven by the possible nature of their lifestyle. These groups of people want to relax after a long days work but not clean their houses. During weekends, they would rather rest or socialize with their friends. Hence we will offer a solution to their cleaning needs so that they can enjoy their lives. Our other target population are middle-sized companies with employees of five to fifty people. These organizations are in the process of growth. Therefore, strive to reduce operations cost for growth. Thus, by offering effective cleaning solutions to them, they will manage to reduce cost on cleaning and at the same time increase their profits.

Our services will directly benefit the owners of the houses. By making their dwelling habitable, they will have time for other engagements. In addition, clean houses reduce changes of contracting communicable diseases. These spread germ causing diseases leading to illnesses. In offices, the staff will have a clean work area. Hence, they will be able to concentrate on their work and also not contact disease which they could spread to their families.


Every business does not come without competitors. These are essential in business as they are a source of products and services improvement (Jain, 2013). Therefore our business will have competitors who will motivate us to provide the best services. Excellent service will lead to an acquisition of a large market share. Our main competitors for individual and business clients are other cleaning companies that have in the business for long. Since we are starting our businesses, we will be competing against cleaning companies that have created their reputation. Also, some will have a sophisticated cleaning equipment that we may not afford to buy at this time due to constraints in the capital.

However, we plan to capitalize on the weaknesses of these companies to define our niche in the market. The number of clients in need of cleaning services will always be on the rise since many individuals continue to work away from home. Furthermore, the idea of outsourcing is becoming common to businesses. Therefore, we expect an increase in companies in need of our services. Our competitors have not been able to satisfy the rising market demands which are always on the rise. In addition, most do not offer professional services so they end up losing clients. We intend to employ qualified staff with not only cleaning experience but also excellent customer service skills to delight the clients.

The substitute services that customers are using are employing full-time staff at homes and offices. These are directly selected, recruited and paid by clients. Thus they tend to be more trusted and are more prefered, to staff from outsourcing companies. However, we plan to offer value for the money to our clients. We will deliver excellent customer service to our clients. Hence, we will have continuously trained our staff on service. Customer service will be our competitive advantage. Since services may be similar, one of the most effective differentiators is excellent customer service (Cook, 2011).

Also, we will put in place a code of ethics that will promote efficiency and integrity as we work. Therefore, giving the clients a reason to trust, engage and refer our services to others. As a means of attracting clients and penetrating the industry, we will offer introductory prices that are a bit lower than our major competitors. However, we will be careful to operate at a profit as we gain new clients. We are confident that by use of these strategies, our company will be competitive in the cleaning industry.


Click, R. L., & Duening, T. N. (2005). Business process outsourcing: The competitive advantage. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

Cook, S. (2011). Customer care excellence: How to create an effective customer focus. London: Kogan Page.

Jain, J. (2013). Harmonization of international competition laws: Pros and cons. Hamburg: Anchor Acad. Publ.

Schabner, D. (n.d.). Americans Work More Than Anyone. Retrieved from

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New Venture Creation: Scrapbook. (2022, Sep 22). Retrieved from

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