Paper Example on Kellogg's Breakfast Cereal Division

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  6
Wordcount:  1408 Words
Date:  2022-09-15


Kellogg's is one of the biggest food companies in the world, and it manufactures many products for the American breakfast table. Parents are interested in what their children consume. In today's world, nutrition has become a crucial factor for many, and food companies are aware of the fact. Kellogg's has identified women and kids as a critical market segment that could help in increasing company sales. It has put in the necessary efforts to appeal to this demographic via a combination of marketing mix operations and positioning strategies.

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Psychographic segmentation relies on the lifestyles, interests, and activities of consumers. Companies will study these parameters and come with a product that will appeal to the target market. Kellogg's has tapped into the desires of many mothers of ensuring that their kids live a healthy lifestyle. Mothers understand and value the need for proper nutrition and exercise in their children's' lives. Exercise and sports are crucial parts of ensuring the healthy growth and development of kids and Kellogg's has tailored its cereal products to fit the market needs. The threat of poor nutrition has increased the attention on processed foods and how they affect the body. Kellogg's understands that improving the product will make it more appealing to mothers who are concerned about their children. Kellogg's cereals are fortified with vitamins and minerals to provide the necessary nutrition that gets lost while processing the grains. Corn Pops contain seven essential nutrients with no artificial flavors. Others like Froot Loops include whole grains which provide the body with crucial fibers (Fauquet, 2009). Any product that improves the health of the children will be a hit with the parents since they are interested in the healthy lives of their kids.

The primary marketing strategy of Frosted Flakes revolves around encouraging children to live healthy lifestyles by starting the day with this cereal. Kellogg's is continually updating its strategies to keep up with the latest developments in sports. It sponsors teams and develops contests to engage the kids constructively. The company is continuously looking for ways to engage children and their parents. Frosted Flakes was the official breakfast food of the Little League in 2012 (Clements, 2016). The Frosted Flakes provide a balanced breakfast that helps kids to keep fit and develop self-assurance. These qualities are essential to every mother. Kellogg's Frosted Flakes and Tony the Tiger, the famous mascot, have a program dubbed 'Earn Your Stripes' where children participate. It is a motivational program aimed at building the self-esteem of kids by eating right and working hard to accomplish personal goals and overcome challenges (Clements, 2016). This promotion strategy ensures that the customer is engaged on a personal level beyond consumption, and hence it creates a lasting impact. Frosted Flakes encourages children to be active by participating in a variety of programs and depicting the famous mascot, Tony the Tiger, as an energetic campaigner of youth fitness and sports activities.

Kellogg's has promoted products using campaigns and events to bring kids and mothers together. Kellogg's Chocos ran the campaign called 'Khuljaye Bachpan' in India with the focus on motivating mothers to cultivate fun and intimate relationships with their children throughout childhood (Chawla, 2015). Mothers found the initiative taken by Chocos very beneficial since it helped in bonding with their children. Such an approach by the company means that the specific brand, Chocos, will be a hit with this target market since they are a core part of the campaign. Kids love Kellogg's Chocos due to its chocolatey taste and mothers approve it since it offers roti-like benefits (Chawla, 2015). Companies use many ways of promotion apart from advertisements, and this kind of engagement is an excellent example.

Kellogg's also uses its product mix efficiently to appeal to kids. The company has a range of pre-sweetened products such as Cocoa Puffs, Honey Smacks, and Froot Loops. Kellogg's understands that children like consuming sweet things and hence they have developed such products to satisfy this demand. Froot Loops are packed with a delicious fruity taste and aroma that keeps the kids hooked on the product (Fauquet, 2009). The Froot Loops cereals consist of multi-colored rings which also form part of a vital product mix since the children will enjoy the presentation. The Froot Loops brand comes in different variations containing marshmallows and wild berries. The focus on the product has also considered health aspects since it packed with fiber due to the use of whole grains. Even if the product is sugary, it still has its healthy aspects.

The packaging of the cereals is also meant to appeal to kids due to the colors and designs used. Similar to most TV advertisements for children, the packages contain bright colors and animated mascots. The use of cartoon characters and mascots on the cover strikes a chord with children, and hence they opt for a given product. The name of the Froot Loops mascot is Toucan Sam, and it has been in use since the 1960s. Using such a character will appeal visually to the kids since they identify with the cartoon. Kellogg's has also combined with Disney to build on the latter's impact on kids. It is well known that children love Disney characters and animations. Kellogg's has a line of cereals with popular Disney characters on the cover. This collaboration will make the product appealing to the children since the characters displayed hold an emotional impact. Characters like 'Dora the Explorer' and 'Mickey Mouse' are household names in America hence placing them on a package will drive up the interest and attention from children.

Kellogg's understands the use of place in its marketing mix. The bulk of the cereal products are sold through supermarkets and shopping malls. A significant portion of the Kellogg's cereals is sold via Walmart. Using this outlet makes the products appealing to kids and mothers since they often go shopping together. Walking through the supermarket aisles, the children are likely to pester the parents for certain cereal products. Stocking in supermarkets increases the chances that kids and their parents are going to buy the product since they are always passing by and seeing it displayed. Apart from supermarkets, Kellogg's is also marketing via convenience and high-frequency stores which are popular spots for parents. Placing the product where the parents can see it helps Kellogg's in maintaining constant sales and brand visibility.

Kellogg's has successfully positioned its products as the ideal breakfast meal. Breakfast is a crucial part of the American diet, and Kellogg's has positioned itself as the go-to-company. According to nutritionists, breakfast should cater for approximately a quarter to a third of the daily nutrition recommendation ("Superbrands case studies: Kellogg's Corn Flakes," 2002). Kellogg's have considered this figure while developing and marketing their products. By making products that offer a balanced breakfast diet, it appeals to parents since there is no need to spend time preparing meals in the morning. Kellogg's Corn Flakes are a common breakfast favorite, and they contain nine vitamins and iron to ensure a nutritious breakfast. They are also fat-free ("Superbrands case studies: Kellogg's Corn Flakes," 2002). Creating a single, ready-to-eat product that offers the necessary nutrition for a healthy breakfast has been an excellent tactic by Kellogg's. American mothers can prepare quick breakfasts for their children without worrying about malnutrition.


Proper nutrition plays a primary role in the appropriate development of children, and hence it is an essential topic for parents. They are concerned about what their kids consume, and therefore companies should be aware of what is recommended. Kellogg's has been manufacturing breakfast products for over a century and are leading the market for cereals. The company utilizes various measures of the product mix and promotion strategies to ensure that the products appeal to all target groups. This paper shows that Kellogg's has employed various tactics to capture kids and their mothers, which is a crucial demographic. The company has used psychographic segmenting, by considering the interests of mothers in their children. Kellogg's has also used its product, place of distribution, promotion tactics, and packaging to appeal to kids and their children.


Chawla, J. (2015). Retrieved from

Clements, M. (2016). Chicago Tribune - We are currently unavailable in your region. Retrieved from's-frosted-flakes-exercises-marketing-strategies-to-engage-mom-and-her-active-child/

Fauquet, S. (2009). Kellogg's Froot Loops and Apple Jacks Now with Fiber!. Retrieved from

Superbrands case studies: Kellogg's Corn Flakes. (2002). Retrieved from

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Paper Example on Kellogg's Breakfast Cereal Division. (2022, Sep 15). Retrieved from

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