Parental Engagement in Education: Exploring the Impact - Essay Sample

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  568 Words
Date:  2023-02-07


Despite the fact that the significant support for parental engagement and involvement has been reflected in the contemporary educational practice and policies, the concept has never been precised. Parental engagement comprises of a range of behaviors, which includes the engagement though employing resources in ensuring a better education for the student. Several researchers have demonstrated a positive relationship between parental involvement in education and the consequences in terms of performance. For instance, the studies by Howard and Kathleen reveals that parent engagement consists of mainly of home-based activities such as assisting students with homework and discussing the events at school (McKinney, 2019). The paper seeks to explore the solutions and the rationale for such solutions in parent involvement in education.

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The project will implement the utilization of media at school in connecting the parents. Currently, the use of social media among parents is tremendously rising; therefore, the project should explore the use of social media such as Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter, among others. More imperatively, social media provides the best approach to connect to the parents (McKinney, 2019). The project will also use the home visits to the parents to inform them about the student and get the reaction of parents and what they do about the student's performance, as well as conducting parent-teacher conferences which involve the collection of opinions from parents. Again the project would implement the use of online advice videos; it is of significance when teachers and parents share their views through the use of web videos on the school websites.

The project will also implement the concept of family nights. The idea erases pressure and breaks the monotony and boredom of the usual sit-down meeting. More importantly, when students come with their parents and siblings to school, their confidence improves and may have a greater result on their performance, as well as providing room for parents to inspect student's operation (McKinney, 2019). Ultimately, the project will consider the use of volunteer opportunities. The opportunities enable the transformation of parents from being spectators in the student's education and make them more active to engage in education. Volunteer opportunities also equip parents with a proper understanding of what their students do daily at school.

The Rationale for Solutions

The implementation of social media would enhance the connection between teachers and parents, thereby sharing different views on social media. And social media resources such as Twitter, Facebook, and Whatsapp, among others, is the most available tool to easily connect parents with teachers today (McKinney, 2019). The use of online advice videos enables teachers to give proper guides and direct parents on how they can assist their children and provide feedback on areas which require adjustments. Home visit and conferences enable the collection of diverse views from parents based on student's performance.


Parent's engagement and involvement in education are a critical issue which requires proper understanding, and the best approach should be employed. Despite the much time taken in school by children, parental engagement significantly contributes to the performance of students because the parent can actively check on the student's daily activities and more time is also spent at home. The use of techniques such as home visit, family night, and social media, among other methods, help in providing the solution on how parents should get involved in the education of students thereby fostering their performance.


McKinney Jr, R. (2019). Book Review: A New Paradigm in Parent-School Relationships.

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Parental Engagement in Education: Exploring the Impact - Essay Sample. (2023, Feb 07). Retrieved from

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