Questions and Answers on Best Practices for Peer Review - Paper Example

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  628 Words
Date:  2021-06-17

1. In our Ruszkiewicz text, the author lists four goals of writing an arguement/persuasive essay. List them and explain.

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Response to Question 1

According to the author in the Ruszkiewicz text, the four goals to writing an argument are; to inform, convince, explore and to meditate or pray. He explains further that an argument is not just about winning.

2. Ruszkiewicz also recommends knowing your audience through what seven considerations. List

Response to Question 2

Ruszkiewicz recommends knowing your audience by listing several considerations such as; use of emotional appeals, use of humor, using argumentative language, using emotion to sustain an argument, using emotions to build bridges, use of images and sounds to sway the audiences emotions and finding the right time to address an issue.

3. Explain the process of finding counterarguments and considering emotional appeals

Response to Question 3

The process of finding counter arguments and considering emotional appeals consists of three ingredients. These ingredients include; ethos which is an appeal to ethics and convinces the audience of the credibility and character of the persuader. Second ingredient is the pathos which is an appeal to emotion. This convinces the audience of an argument by coming up with an emotional response. Finally, there is the logos which is an appeal to logic. This is a way of convincing the audience by use of reason.

4. When creating a structure, what four goals should be covered?

Response to Question 4

When creating a structure, there are four goals to follow. The persuader should; find arguments from the heart, find arguments based on values, find arguments based on character and also find arguments based on facts and reason.

5. What are some ways to make sentences more vibrant when writing.

Response to Question 5

The following are ways to make sentences more vibrant when writing. One should not use difficult words while writing, the reader needs to be charming and one who uses emotional appeals, the writer should be interesting, write sentences in active voice instead of passive voice, avoid repetition and make use of rhetorical questions.

6. Regarding our reading assignment, "Is Google making us stupid? " How many times a week do you use Google? How about in a day?

Response to Question 6

According to our reading, Google is making us stupid. This is because, as Nicholas Carr states, it changes how we think. Most people rely most on Google to find answers to their questions. Additionally, most students copy paste their assignments from Google. This has not only made us stupid but also lazy. In a week, I use Google more than a thousand times making it at least two hundred times a day.

7. Does Nicholas Carr make valid points about our dependence on the internet?

Response to Question 7

Yes. Nicholas Carr makes valid points about our dependence on the internet.

8. How does Google enhance our ability to communicate, research and carry out our dat to day activities?

Response to Question 8

Google enhances our ability to communicate research and carry out our day-to-day activities by providing us with guidelines on how to go about everything we do. There are tutorials to what we are required to know. It also gives us answers to questions that no one can answer.

9. Are we dependent on the internet? Give some pros and cons to our use of the internetin nursing.

Response to Question 9

Yes. We are dependent on the internet.

The pros and cons of the use of internet is that; patients are able to communicate with their doctors through the internet without them being there physically. Health practitioners can also use the internet to access the latest diagnosis. Conversely, patients may not take their prescriptions as required when no one is watching. It also takes much time for one to come up with the correct diagnosis for their patients.

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Questions and Answers on Best Practices for Peer Review - Paper Example. (2021, Jun 17). Retrieved from

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