The central aim of the learning process is developing appropriate communication skills that enable a person to make understandable statements in any setting. In the beginning of this course, I encountered several challenges in making grammatically correct statements and developing a piece of literature that could appeal any reader. I was unsure of the writing process that would allow me to develop an idea, discuss it, and conclude my sentiments without the fear of contradiction. However, I have progressively grasped these critical concepts that form the backbone of communication. Currently, I can confidently say that I am a better writer and communicator who not only presents ideas in a clear and understandable language, but also the one who logically maintains the flow of a discussion from introduction to conclusion. Communication competency is a goal that I set my mind on in the beginning of the semester, and I have successfully achieved most of what it entails. Other than communication, I have also achieved the ability to think critically on issues drawn from a variety of fields. Today, I can argue out any topic that is presented on the table for debate. I have also developed the ability to deconstruct opinions and come up with a counter opinion that explains my stand on various issues. In a nutshell, I have achieved at least three of the learning outcomes for this course which include communication, critical thinking, and integrated and applied learning.
In the area of communication, I have learned to organize my work in climatic and least-to-most formats. When writing an introduction to any essay, I understand how to develop a thesis statement from the background information and open the framework for the discussion to follow. From this point, I can explore the topic of discussion from various angles and arrange the various perspectives in paragraph. I therefore know how to begin a paragraph with a topic sentence that hints to the reader on the idea that I am making for that paragraph. For example, in one of my works titled Gender Stereotype, I made seven body paragraphs to discuss all the relevant information on gender stereotyping. During my writing, I ensured that each paragraph explored one concept that was introduced by a topic sentence. By using this format, I discovered that I completed the assignment after a short time while meeting the target word count set by the instructor. Therefore, I can confidently say that I have communication competency that is supported by the evidence of the papers I have written so far.
I can also assert that I have mastered the art of integrating information from various sources and deducing relevant information from them. This learning outcome is important because it has not only helped me to avoid plagiarism but to become an inventive researcher. I have learned that deciding on the right material to cite in a paper requires careful analysis of the source coupled with a clear understanding of the essays objectives. After finding the best source to cite, I first provide a context that would then allow for the integration of the source in my paper. After putting the source in its correct context, I would then cite the author followed by the page number of the book or journal that contains the information. At the end of my paper, I would establish a Works Cited page and list all the references I have used for the article. For example, in my work titled Why Liberal Arts Education, I included direct citations from an article in the Washington Post that I deemed informative for my discussion. In this citation, I set the context for the source to fit in and then followed the quotation with the page number from where I sourced the information. Therefore, I can confidently say that I know how to make citations and references in an essay or a term paper.
Critical thinking was also a learning outcome in this unit that I have also mastered in the course of my study. I was able to analyze information from print and electronic media and discern its importance for my writing. In my work titled Gender Stereotype I analyzed three media advertisements and wrote a full paper on how they promoted the stereotyping of women and men. I also discussed how these stereotypes affected the society in the light of hyper-sexualization of women and masculinization of men. Integrating social issues and technology is a critical thinking skill that this course has allowed me to achieve.
In conclusion, this course has instilled in me the ability to read and argue critically, develop communication competency in terms of proper essay structuring, and integrating ideas from various sources into my work. The previous work that I have done is an evidence of how course enabled me to gain all the learning outcomes. Since critical thinking is an essential life skill, this course has also prepared me for the career ahead.
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Reflection Essay on My Progress in Learning Process and Communication Competency. (2021, Jun 24). Retrieved from
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