2. For how many years have you been watching the game?
Personally, I started watching the sport since I was five years; I can say that I have been a fan ever since I was able to watch TV.
3. Particularly why do you enjoy this sport?
I am most engrossed by the immense heat and pressure in the game. The game requires cognitive and physical presence in the game. The adrenaline involved is highly intense.
4. Do you attend any live sporting events or you prefer watching from home?
Yes, I do. When I was 12 years my dad took me for my first live game, ever since then I have been watching the game live, when am held up at work or missed a ticket is when I would watch the game at home.
5. Which team do you support in the NFL?
I am a full-fledged Oakland Raiders fan. I have been a fan of this club since I was 16 because when I was younger, I was conflicted on what I love about all these clubs.
6. On your ranking of NFL, Soccer, Basketball and Baseball which sport comes out first?
Definitely, NFL comes First, basketball would come second, soccer and finally baseball. What matters to me most is the aspect of strategic planning before the game, agility, and athleticism of players determine a favourite sport for me.
7. What would your pick of a leisure activity at any time?
I would definitely pick spending an afternoon watching the NFL at the stadium. I have other passions like outdoor trips to falls, botanical gardens, and the zoo. My all-time favourite is watching the game with my friends.
8. Why do you think people love the NFL?
The NFL is a highly advanced game, the excitement levels swing from a low to high within an instant, all the players have a role to play in the game. The fact that scoring does not occur as frequently as compared to other sports, it is always interesting to note that every score counts at all times.
9. How often do you watch the game?
I basically watch all the Oakland Raiders games; I have literally never missed watching a game or the replay to the game. That is how much of a true fan I am.
10. Do you take your spouse for the game?
I usually take my girlfriend for the game; she is a big fan of the Dallas Cowboys, and this state of affairs keeps us watchful for the games. Our rivalry in the game has highly made our relationship much stronger.
11. What do you love most about your team?
The players, Derek Carr who plays the Quarterback, is my best player. His skills, tenacity, agility and physical prowess in the game is what makes me enjoy the game so much.
12. Would you encourage anyone to be an NFL fan?
Definitely, the NFL is the best sport in the world. This is an opinion of the majority but the game sales itself, it is thrilling and full of outbursts of energy and mastermind strategy.
This report looks into Why do Americans love watching the NFL, this is the main research question for this report. I managed to arrive on this research question based on the love that Americans have for NFL for leisure purposes. It is imperative to acknowledge that the American Football Association founded in 1920, the league started with ten teams from four states of the United States of America (Beckert and Lutter, 2012). The sport has transcended periods of low participation to the high days that led to the creation of the Super Bowl. In essence, the game has moved from being the joy of only Americans but fans globally. Although baseball is known as Americas favorite pastime, American Football has the largest capacity of spectators. The popularity of the game has been strongly supported since the 80s, and till today, the television viewer ratings for NFL is highest compared to other sports. The highly rated leisure activity among Americans is the NFL, it is a game that can be viewed by the whole family, and it appeals to the male and female gender (Campelli, 2016). It a great suite of activity that appeals to people in love of adrenaline, agility, tenacity and high levels of athleticism.
Discussion on Interview Process
The interview was conducted in a restaurant setting, Martin Grayson was selected as an interviewee based on his online presence on his Facebook account, and he writes game reviews and commentaries of previous matches. The interviewee was contacted and was asked if we could interview him, he responded positively and the interview date and time was planned. It is clear to note that Martin did not have a problem being interviewed as he has a variety of knowledge that goes beyond the knowledge of an average NFL fan (human-kinetics, 2016). The discussion took place very systematically; we did let Martin exhaust his explanations on each and every question.
Choice of Interviewee
We settled on picking one interviewee for the research; we settled on a big fanatic of the NFL. The reason for doing it was to learn what is the secret ingredient in NFL that makes it outrun all other sports. We needed an individual who would express his in-depth knowledge of the game to us; this would highly help us build our knowledge of how the game operates.
Design of Interview Questions
The interview questions were developed out of a collective research of the core reasons why people enjoy the game. We looked at what factors contributed to the love of the game; we looked into how fans think about NFL, and we also needed to know whether watching the NFL is their greatest leisure activity of all. The interview questions looked at all the aspects of the game and its relationship to leisure (Dunning, 1996).
Ethical Issues and Informed Consent
We adhered to the required code of conduct and ethical guidelines provided by the University. We ensured that the interviewee was aware of the requirements of the research. We went ahead to issue a consent form to Martin before we proceeded with the interview. The interviewee was made aware that he is free to interject on any point that he felt uncomfortable to answer (Evans, 1995).
Personally, I am a great fan of American Football (NFL), I have been watching the games since high school. I have always enjoyed the game; I landed on the above-mentioned research question because it is my favorite game. I wanted to know if other people share the same love for the game, get a new perspective of how other people think about this leisure activity. I believe if I get to learn more about other peoples perspective I would be able to answer the questions why Americans love watching the NFL games.
Problems Encountered
During the conduction of the interviews, I was able to note that not so many people were comfortable to respond to what is their favorite leisure activity. In particular, some individuals felt offended that it is general assumption that all Americans were fans of the NFL. In any case, is it imperative to note that some individuals were not comfortable being inquired about the sport because the game has left many of their relatives with permanent injuries? I noted as much as NFL is highly celebrated, there is a smaller crowd of people who know the adverse effects of taking boots and skull crushing blows at the pitch.
Suggested Improvements
I noted that during the interview, some questions elicited pain in some individuals, next time we can negate the sensitive questions in order to avoid a repeat of such. It is imperative to note that NFL is enjoyed by many, the interviewees grouping should be expanded from the age of 15 coming all the way to people in their senior years like 50 years of age. This will help get a much wider perspective of the popularity of the game and its influence on individuals watching the game.
Summary of Analysis and Findings
The interviewee conducted on different individuals across the university and its residence helped us significantly in finding out why most Americans enjoy watching the National Football League compilation of the American Football. The results of the interview were analyzed using an SPSS software; the information was tabulated, and we got the core reasons why Americans prefer the NFL as a favorite leisure activity. We analyzed all the questionnaires in a systematic manner that would help us deduct the activities in the game that are mostly applauded by fans across the world. Here are some of the reasons why NFL is enjoyed and taken as a leisure activity:
The games are well planned out. The NFL game tables are planned out in a way that allows only one game a week. For ardent fans, one can never miss a game as it requires minimal planning. Fans do not get into a vortex in trying to place themselves available for all games.
The games have not consented action; one is free to look away in between the game without losing anything significant at any point.
The game has an emotional buildup that starts at the beginning of every game; it is important to note that all sportsmen participate fully in a tough game. It always ends up in a celebration or a big disappointment. Hence it makes fans to be emotionally invested in the game.
The game is highly complex, apart from score, the game offers a fan to watch out for fumbles, sacks, and interceptions that give fans something interesting to watch out for.
The game is highly intensive; it is hard-hitting in a way that it gives fans moments of high pressure and surprises. This is mostly evident when one player is knocked out totally. This kind of tackles is not experienced in other games like soccer, cricket, and baseball.
The most interesting fact about the NFL is that it is actually enjoyed by individuals of both female and male genders. Statistics presented by Harris Poll indicated that over 77% of Americans watch football, 44% being male and 33% being females. The game comes out as an all-around activity for the family. Individuals enjoy this game without the feeling like it is a gender-based sport as soccer seems to be.
In conclusion, the NFL is a very much liked sport across America, for most Americans the game is highly captivating and enchanting in a way. Most Americans enjoy the sport as a leisure due to the heightened intensity of the game; it should be noted that this game usually occurs during the weekends, so it coincides with many individuals resting periods. The agility of players, their high skill level, and ferocious athleticism is what captivates many Americans to watch the game and also to make it the best leisure activity for many Americans.
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