The purpose of self-assessment is to try and identify the areas of strength and learning needs. Following a self-assessment process, one can then develop learning goals. Self-assessment is facilitated by reflection skills which help in academic growth and ability to learn. To begin this self-assessment process and reflection, the first step will be analyzing the changing practice in the areas of practice, for instance, implementation of skin care champions nurses to manage HAPU cases in the healthcare setting. Another way of complementing a self-assessment plan is by review your competencies with the peer practitioners which is a reflection on identifying areas of learning needs (Porter-O'Grady & Malloch, 2013). Following this change practice, the self-assessment will be based on the various competencies regarding ethical principles, program planning, and financial management.
Ethical principles
According to DNP essentials, ethical principles fall under scientific underpinnings for practice whereby they govern the patterning of human behavior during the interactions with the working environment thereby determining the nursing actions (American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 2006). The first assessment on ethical principles is on identifying the various ethical principles in the nursing practice. Examples of ethical principles in practice are beneficence (to do good) and non-maleficence (to do no harm) (In Norman & In Ryrie, 2013). . To practice in an ethically sound professional manner, one needs to employ beneficence in all cases. One of the situations that require beneficence and non-maleficence is the intensive care unit where one is encountered with a case of futility. Another set of ethical principles includes respect for autonomy, fairness, truthfulness, and justice (McSherry, McSherry, & Watson, 2012). In the healthcare, respect for autonomy is a practiced behavior to give the patient a room of expression as well as informed consent (Halkoaho, et al., 2013). Fairness as an ethical principle involves demonstrating expertise in avoiding conflict of interest and treating all patients equally and without discrimination (Lillemoen & Pedersen, 2015). Truthfulness and justice as ethical principles involve demonstrating openness in practice.
The second assessment is the ability to integrate the nursing practice with the knowledge on ethics. Demonstrating expertise by the practitioners is a requirement to show how the practitioner is knowledgeable about the specific ethical principles (Burns & American Association of Critical-Care Nurses, 2014). To facilitate the patient outcome, one must demonstrate expertise in applying the ethical principles during the practice. Some of the requirements of a practitioner are to practice fairness and justice when distributing the resources in the healthcare as well as giving services (Kirk & Jennings, 2014). Conflict of interest is a phenomenon that can determine how best one is practicing ethical principles. Additionally, integrating knowledge on ethics will also involve educating other practitioners on best practices that will show expertise in ethical principles (Peate, Wild, & Nair, 2014).
The third assessment on ethical principles is on developing and evaluating new practice approaches based on the ethical principles. To identify the areas of strength concerning the expertise requires the practitioner to have the ability to develop a practice change or implement an existing practice on the best ethical practices (Anderson, Knestrick, & Barroso, 2015). Additionally, application of the ethical principles in leadership and management essentials of practice is another assessment aspect that will give a reflection on the expertise concerning ethical principles (Gelling, 2014).
Program planning
Program planning is a leadership as well as management aspect of organizing, designing, implementing and evaluating all types of programs involved in the healthcare (Miodonski & Hines, 2013). Concerning program planning, first, the self-assessment will be based on practice essentials like organizational and system leadership, inter-professional collaboration and healthcare policy for advocacy (American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 2006). Organizational leadership in program planning in the healthcare setting has a paramount role in determining the program outcome. The ability to apply organizational leadership, therefore, is what should be assessed to get a reflection on strengths and areas that need improvement. Organizational leadership skills involved in program planning include; accountability for the quality of healthcare, use of advanced communication skills, and developing strategies for managing issues in the healthcare practice (Zeleznik, et al., 2015). Accountability for the quality of healthcare as a skill of organizational leadership involves developing and implementing strategies that are used to ensure patient safety, staff satisfaction and improved patient outcome. Other skills of organizational leadership which include communication skills and developing strategies for managing issues in the healthcare practice are as well assessed depending on the expertise to apply the skills. The ability to develop strategies for managing issues in the healthcare practice is an expertise in program planning (Miodonski & Hines, 2013)..
Inter-professional collaboration is another aspect of program planning which plays a role in determining the success of the program (Kelly & Tazbir, 2014). The assessment on inter-professional collaboration is based on the ability to involve other practitioners in healthcare programs like evidence-based practice in the healthcare (Pedrazza, Sartori, & Berlanda, 2017). Other competencies that are reflected on this self-assessment include effective communication and collaborative skills for developing and implementing practice models, leading inter-professional teams in evidence-based practices and organizational issues, and the ability to use leadership skills within intra-professional and inter-professional collaborations during healthcare quality improvement. Healthcare policy for advocacy on the other hand also contributes a lot to program planning. The ability to review healthcare policy is an aspect of good practices skills in program planning. On assessment, the skills of competency include the ability to design and implement healthcare policies that are used in program planning (Miodonski & Hines, 2013)..
Secondly, the program planning self-assessment will also focus on the ability to apply program planning, implementation, and evaluation tools. Program planning, implementation, and evaluation tools that are necessary for a project include results-based accountability and total quality management (Fain, 2013). Results-based accountability is the tool that determines how successful the program will be. On the other hand, total quality management as a tool focuses on the ability to apply strategies that will improve the quality of the program. In total quality management, one should identify the best practices through skills of evidence-based models. The last important assessment aspect in program planning is sustainability. Sustainability is the in program planning which determines its effectiveness (Fain, 2013).
Financial management
Regarding financial management, the self-assessment will be based on the DNP essential on organizational and systems leadership for quality improvement and system thinking. From the DNP essentials, one is competent to handle finances in the project designs and other implementations (Chubbs, 2013). Financial management is one of the leadership skills and competency that determines the success of a project (Finkler, Jones, & Kovner, 2013). Financial management competency also involves healthcare goals to ensure quality improvement and reliable patient care. Again, the skills on financial management according to the DNP essentials requires expertise in system thinking as well as locating business and financial acumen required for the analysis of practice quality and expense (Waxman, 2013). In financial management, one should develop care delivery strategies that are parallel with the current and the future requirements of practice need and may it be in the healthcare or even in project development. Another competency in financial management is employing principles of business, finance, economics and health policy to come up with a sustainable budget which demonstrates sensitivity to the healthcare outcomes and goals (Talley, Thorgrimson, & Robinson, 2013). Lastly, the self-assessment of financial management will also focus on accountability of the effective plans and strategies that are developed to ensure quality patient care.
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