Servant Leadership in Nursing Team

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  612 Words
Date:  2021-05-20

Emotional healing: 28 Creating value for the community: 28, Conceptual skills: 28 Empowering: 28, Grow and Succeed: 27, Followers first: 27, Behaving ethically: 28 Scoring Interpretation; High Range: A score between 23 and 28 means = you strongly exhibit this servant leadership behavior.

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Based on the content of this questionnaire, it has become very clear to what servant leadership entails and the steps that I need to take so that I can improve my nursing skills. According to Greenleaf, a servant leader refers to one who can express social responsibility and is more concerned about the less privileged and the haves not." At al circumstance, a servant leader would strive to eliminate any social injustice or inequality amidst an organization (Graham, 1991).

Servant leaders live up to certain qualities that define their characters and enable them to be a servant of a people at all time (Spears, 1995). They do listen effectively and seek clarification in case of any ambiguity so that they have a succinct understanding of a situation before empathizing with others. Additionally, they encourage lasting relationship that is built on trust within an organization. Further, they have absolute understanding of ones potential and weaknesses within an organization hence duty allocation is done based on this criterion. Alongside these characteristics, they have outstanding strengths and values. A servant leader also have high levels of persuasion hence is less authoritative and when it comes to making decisions. The leader should be in a position conceptualize the organization's operations and learn from previous occurrences, have an elaborate understanding of the current situation of the organization and be in a position to make sensual predictions about the future. Additionally, they should express stewardship towards the greater good, commitment to the growth of people and build the community is key to serving others.

Servant leadership also supports the development of other upcoming servant leaders within an organization thus propagating the positive attitude of caring for and supporting others. This further ensures job satisfaction within the staff members hence improving productivity (Gunnarsdottir, 2014). Proper communication channels is also a factor of a servant leadership that ensures there is no duplication of services as well as over-utilized which translate into time wastage and high costs (Trastek, Hamilton & Niles, 2014). Healthcare quality and patient safety are enhanced in the presence of coherent multidisciplinary care process. A nurse servant leader takes into account the expectations of his/her staff and monitors the progress consistently hence ensuring challenges arising are addressed promptly. Nurse leaders anticipating to enhance strong and effective department must come to terms with the potential and weaknesses of each member of the staff. A winning team can be built only through a shared vision and acknowledgment of each team member's contribution.

I will start looking today to discover the specific strengths possessed by each of my team members and draw on those strengths to harness the power of the nursing team.


Boden, T. (2014). The First shall be last: The essence of servant-leadership. Journal of

Medical Practice Management,29(6), 378-379.

Graham, J.W. (1991). Leadership, moral development, and citizenship behavior, Business

Ethics Quarterly, 5(1), 43 54.

Greenleaf, R (1977). Servant leadership: a journey into the nature of legitimate power

and greatness. New York: Paulist Press.

Gunnarsdottir, S. (2014). Is servant leadership useful for sustainable Nordic health care?

Nordic Journal of Nursing Research & Clinical Studies,34(2), 53-55.

Jenkins, S. (2014). John R. Wooden, Stephen R. Covey and Servant Leadership.

International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching,9(1), 1-23.

McGee-Cooper, A., & Trammell, D. (2001, January 1). The Essentials of Servant

Leadership: Principles in practice. 2-22.

Spears, L. (1995). Reflections on leadership: how Robert K. Greenleaf's theory of

Servant-leadership influenced today's top management thinkers. New York: J. Wiley

Trastek, V., Hamilton, N., & Niles, E. (2014). Leadership models in health care - a case

for servant leadership. Mayo Clinic Proceedings,89(3), 374-381.

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Servant Leadership in Nursing Team. (2021, May 20). Retrieved from

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