Smart, Educated, and Intelligent - Essay Sample

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  4
Wordcount:  915 Words
Date:  2021-05-26

Being smart in todays time is wrongfully used. Today, when you call someone smart, it does not mean that they are well educated, but just in the particular subject, they know a bit more than others. It is about taking what you have learned throughout your childhood, and teenage years, to succeed as an adult. Some still have the mindset that smart is someone who can obtain all knowledge and remember what they have learned later on. Being smart has different levels of definitions that start as a baby in the womb, staying healthy, going into childhood, teenage years, and taking that knowledge through adulthood as well as the environment they grow up in to succeed (Fiero, Gian and Gian Fiero).

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Getting a Degree after high School does not always mean that you will succeed. Example, John whose parents were well off in the financial service industry, who got excellent grades in school. He started working at Barnes and Noble while going to college and received his Ph. D degree in American History. After being awarded that degree, he has gone on multiple interviews but received no calls for higher employment. He still works at Barnes and Noble. However, you have Angie, who got ok grades in school. As a little girl, she went to her Uncles auto mechanic shop to hang out and observe. She took a couple of college courses but had no degree. She took over her Uncles Auto mechanic shop, then a few years later opened up a few more and now runs a chain of these stores. The difference between John and Angie is not the fact that Angie is smart, but using what you learn throughout your childhood to succeed in life as an adult. As much as John has the knowledge, he is not utilizing that knowledge in his field of work. Therefore, we can safely say that John is wasting his education. You have to apply what you learn throughout your whole life to your career of choice (

Everyone is born with a brain that grows as you obtain knowledge. It is a matter of if you have the drive to use what you learn to succeed in life. Everyone has their mindset. How your mind works determines your intelligence. Whether you are taking tough courses towards a degree or doing on the job training looking to move up. Everyone has different types of mindset. Example, Fixed mindset, Burke and Williams found that most of the students came in their study believing that intelligence was fixed and inflexible. It is the motivation that is the key to success. Motivation is smart, intelligent, and education ("What Is Smart? | Chris Kennedy | Tedxwestvancouvered").

In reality, your intelligence starts when you are in the womb. Many studies throughout history, have shown that if a girl is pregnant and she eats healthy, takes all prenatal vitamins, and still exercises on a daily basis, that you have a better chance of your brain developing at normal to the rapid pace. This does not mean that just because you are not healthy when pregnant you will have a stupid baby. Intake of plenty of iron while during pregnancy helps the baby's brain develop. Being healthy in the womb, and also growing up while keeping those healthy habits, plays a significant role in your intelligence (

We all have our way of thinking in general. Critical thinking is necessary for any situation and before making any major decision. We all have a different thought process from each other. Charoula Angeli and Nicos Valandides from the University of Cyprus tested the idea that critical thinking skills are most readily learned when they are embedded in a particular subject. Critical thinking is a way to get your point of view, supporting reactions, why you may think that way and different perspectives (

Your beliefs also have an effect on the way you think. In many ways, your expectations can help you in your intelligence, or also hurt you. Carol Dweck is well-known for her work on the fixed mindset vs. the growth mindset. In a fixed mindset, students believe their basic abilities, their intelligence their talents, are just fixed traits. Growth mindset could sabotage your health and happiness down the line.

Everyone has their beliefs and way of thinking. Thus, also has their definition of how differently they think how smart they are or how smart others around them are. Intelligence does not always mean that the person is well educated. People have their way of thinking and obtaining any kinds of information that they can use to help them succeed in life. Intelligence has different levels of definitions that start as a baby in the womb, staying healthy, going into childhood, teenage years, and taking that knowledge through adulthood as well as the environment they grow up in to succeed (Sieck, Winston).

Works Cited

The Huffington Post, 2016,

The Huffington Post, 2016,

2016, http://ttp://

Fiero, Gian and Gian Fiero. "The Difference Between Being Smart, Educated, And Intelligent". Ezinearticles, 2016,,-Educated,-and-Intelligent&id=2181806.

Sieck, Winston. "Critical Thinking Skills: What Are They And How Do I Get Them? - Thinker Academy". Thinker Academy, 2016,

"What Is Smart? | Chris Kennedy | Tedxwestvancouvered". Youtube, 2016,

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Smart, Educated, and Intelligent - Essay Sample. (2021, May 26). Retrieved from

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