Social Media Conflicts: The Need for Mediation - Essay Sample

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  657 Words
Date:  2023-01-10


The social media factor represents the various activities that happen online. With the digital media operation s, social media conflicts are likely to occur. Just like it happens with face-to-face conflicts, social media conflicts may result from arguments over posts by any user of the media platforms. It often occurs that the impact of such disputes may be adverse, hence the need for mediation. Such occasions that may lead to conflict include exposure of private information of another person. However, social media is ultimately essential in today's business world for various reasons that shall be discussed in the sections that follow.

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The Use of Social Media Professionally

Mass Personal

It is a general term used to depict a social media platform like Facebook or Instagram that disseminates personal information to a broad audience. Organizations are turning to such platforms to communicate to potential customers and keep the existing ones. Moreover, some organizations re using digital ways to communicate with their staff and clients via emails and WhatsApp groups or whichever means they find suitable.

Electronic Word of Mouth

The business world has dramatically evolved with many firms investing more in marketing their products to maximize their sales and profits henceforth. Word of mouth remains to be the most efficient way of advertising products. In this case, companies persuade their existing clients to inform other potential clients about the company's products for the sole purpose of marketing. Social media areas have made it easier for the company to advertise their products online as words spread faster and without much struggle.

Factors to Consider When Using Social Media Professionally

Visibility and Persistence

Every firm must train their staff to use social media platforms to spell out clearly about their range of products. They should make posts that are frequent and catchy to potential consumers.


In this case, posts made on social media pages of a company must be subject to editing whenever there is need.


It is essential for the staff of a particular country to associate themselves with the company they work for. However, the employee must learn to differentiate posts that reveal his personal opinions from posts that reflect his a company by use of a disclaimer.

Building Personal Relationships via Social Media

Some people may fail to grow their relationships while meeting in person. On the other hand, work, school, and other unavoidable factors tend to draw couples apart. During this time, wise people may make use of social media platforms to build their relationships more. It is said that many online relationships tend to get stronger than those in which couples converse in person. As a result, social media has been found to grow secure attachment among couples.

Ethical Issues Related to Social media

It is essential for every user of any social media platform to consider the values they must observe. It is crucial to consider the privacy of a person or an organization when posting on any social media platform. It is also wise to avoid posting information that despises the dignity of another person or is undoubtedly abusive. However, when ethics are not abide while using social media, various factors arise among them are cyberbullying and online flame wars.

Online Flame Wars

It results from different posts from a person concerning another's personal life. A discussion erupts in group and comments follow with personal opinions. Victims of such are encouraged to respond privately, intervene with authority or rather ignore the flame.


It happens in some cases that a person gets attacked negatively, and their incapacities are exposed online. This is cyberbullying, and some countries have put laws to counter such acts as they are said to inflict suicidal thoughts into the victims.


Conclusively, the social media factor can be used appropriately to benefit an individual or organization. With all the cons at bay, social media is essential to an individual, firm, country and the world at large.

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Social Media Conflicts: The Need for Mediation - Essay Sample. (2023, Jan 10). Retrieved from

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