In the statistics presented, a sample of 2258 participants was targeted, but only 2224 can be considered as valid respondents. The participants comprised 1136 females and 1088 males. However, not all of them took part in the survey of job demands. Those who responded by saying work is carried out under pressure of time were 2252 while those who said there are peaks in work are 2243. Those who responded by saying the staff has to work too hard were 2248 while 2238 respondents believe that too much work has to be done. 2245 of them thinks that there is too little time to finish the work, but 2233 agreed that the pace of the work is too high. On the other hand, 2238 respondent pointed out that the work is mentally exacting. On the question of whether the work is too complicated, 2236 agreed that the work they are doing is too complicated for them to do.
When analyzed on the basis of gender, the valid sample of 2224 comprised 1136 females and 1088 males with the valid percentage being 51.1% and 48.9% respectively. This show that majority of the respondents were females. However, the percentage difference between the males and the females is not too much. Regarding gender, this sample is representative. 2231 respondents were asked about person management and 40.7% agreed by saying yes while the other 59.3% disagreed by saying no.'
A total of 2252 participants were asked on whether they carry out their works under the pressure of time. 36.7% said they often carry out their work under pressure of time while 29.2% said that they carry out their work under the pressure of time occasionally. The other 4.4%, 12.3%, and 17.4% claimed that they carry out their work under pressure of time very rarely, rarely, and always respectively. This suggests a large percentage of the respondents agree that they often carry out their work under pressure of time.
Are there peaks in work? 41.1% of the total 2243 respondents said that often they encounter peaks in their work while 28.7% responded that they occasionally encounter peaks. 2.7%, 9.7%, and 17.3% agreed that they encounter peaks in their work very rarely, rarely, and very often respectively. This suggests the majority of the respondents often encounter peaks in their work.
On the aspect of whether staff has to work too hard, 2248 responded, and 36.5% agreed that they occasionally work hard while another 31.1% said agreed that staff often work too hard. The other respondents comprising 5.4%, 15.8%, and 11.1% said that staff has to work too hard very rarely, rarely, and very often. This reveals that majority of the staff have to work too hard occasionally.
2238 of the participants responded to the question of whether there is too much work that has to be done. 37.8% of the respondents said that occasionally, there is too much work that has to be done while 30.2% said that often, there is too much work to be done. The remaining 4.9%, 16.5%, and 10.6% agreed that very rarely (4.9%), rarely (16.5%), and very often (10.6%) there is too much work to be done. This is an indication that majority of the respondents occasionally believe that there is too much work to be done.
A total of 2245 respondents were asked whether there is too little time to do the work and 35% said that they occasionally have too little time to do the work while 25% agreed that often there is too little time to do the work. 23.1%, however, said that they rarely have too little time to do the work while the other 8.5% and 8.3% said that very rarely and very often respectively, there is too little time to do the work. These statistics show that a large fraction of the respondents contends that occasionally, there is too little time to do the work.
On whether the pace of work is too high, 33.3% of the respondents agree that that the pace is too high while 29.3%sai that often, the pace is too high. Those who responded by saying the pace of work is too high comprise 7.1% who thinks the pace is too high on very rare occasions and 19.3% who thinks that the pace of the work is occasionally too high. A further 11.0% said that the pace of the work is very often too high. Overall, the majority of the respondents feel that the pace of the work is too high.
Respondents were also asked whether the work is mentally exacting. From the 2238 respondents, 35.5% contend that the work is mentally exacting while 26.7% occasionally thinks the work is mentally exacting. Another 18.0 % believe that very often the work is mentally exacting, but 5.8% and 13.4% respectively responded that the work is very rarely and very often mentally exacting.
2236 participants responded to the question of whether the work is too complicated. While 39.2% responded that the work is occasionally too complicated, 25.4% contend that often the work they do is not too complicated. 12.1% responded that the work they do is too complicated. However, 18.4% said the work is often too complicated while 4.9% agreed that very often, the work they do is too complicated.
Demographics and Opportunity
The total sample targeted was 2258, but only 2224 took part in the survey comprising 51.1% females and 48.9% males.
On the question of personal management, while 40.7% responded by saying they do practice personal management, 59.3% said they do not. This means the majority of the respondents do not practice personal management.
The respondents were asked whether they have a method of working themselves. The majority of the respondents comprising 35.7% responded by pointing out that they are some opportunities while 32.4% said there are many opportunities.
With 31.3%, a large fraction of the respondents agreed that there are some opportunities to leave the workplace whenever a person wants. This was followed by 22.2% who said there are very few opportunities for moving out of the workplace when they desire.
A question asking the respondents whether they can individually determine work goals for themselves showed that majority of them comprising 34.4% pointed out that there are some opportunities for one to determine own work goals while 23.0% of the respondents contend that there are many opportunities.
34.0% of the respondents revealed that there are many opportunities in which they can personally determine the order or sequence in which the work need to be carried out or performed. This is closely followed by 32.1% who said there are some opportunities.
When asked about whether they can do self-evaluations, 36.2% said that there are some opportunities while 28.2% pointed out that there are many opportunities.
Another question asked was whether they could pause whenever they feel like pausing. While 33.5% pointed out that there are some opportunities for pausing whenever they want, 25.8% agreed that there are many opportunities implying that majority of the respondents have many opportunities to pause every time they want to pause.
Out of the 2251 respondents, 32.0% said that they could determine the amount of work which needs to be done over a certain period. 22.8% responded that there are many opportunities while a further 22.6% said that there are few opportunities.
On the question of whether they can raise or lower the pace of their work themselves, 36.3% of the respondents said that there are some opportunities but 23.0% of them said there are many opportunities. However, 20.4% said there are few opportunities to lower the pace of their work themselves.
On the issue of determination of own working hours, 30.% said that there are very few opportunities while 26.2% said there are some opportunities. This implies the majority of the respondents find no opportunities to alter their working schedule.
A total number of 2253 respondents were asked whether they can determine the kind of work they can do themselves. Of this sample, 31.3% said that they have some opportunities, but 24.6% said that they have few opportunities. A further 21.9% report that there are very few opportunities to determine the nature of the work they can do themselves.
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Statistics of the Demographics and Job Demand - Paper Example. (2021, Jun 11). Retrieved from
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