The Divine Comedy Analysis Paper Example

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  613 Words
Date:  2021-06-10

In Canto I Dante has reached a point in his life where he feels that he needs to have a close relationship with God. Dantes soul is disturbed, and he has no peace because of his sinful past. The Divine Comedy is full of metaphors and imagery that have several meanings. For instance, the forest in Cantos I is a representation of Dantes troubled and sinful past. Midway upon the journey of our life / I found myself within a forest dark (1-2). The brighter regions on top of the hill are a representation of attainment of righteousness and being in a close relationship with God. The struggle that Dante goes through as he tries to climb a hill represents his quest to be redeemed from sin and have a close relationship with God. The three animals that block Dantes path as he tries to climb are a representation of temptations of sin that Dante has to get rid of he wants to be righteous and eventually have a close relationship with God. And as he is who willingly acquires, and the time comes that causes him to lose, who weeps in all his thoughts and is despondent. (15). The three animals symbolize pride, lust, and greed. Therefore, for Dante to climb to the top of the hill that is sunlit, he has to free himself from pride, lust, and greed.

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In Canto II, Dantes quest for morality and unity with God can be seen by the manner in which he is self-conscious of his sinful nature. Dante desires to have a close relationship with God, but he is doubtful if God will approve of his sinful nature and accept him. I not Aenas am, I am not Paul, Nor I, nor others, think me worthy of it (27). In Cantos II, there are passages that illuminate Christian imagery and symbolism. In Cantos II, hell is a place where sinful people are taken and punished accordingly for their sins. There is a place called limbo, a place in hell where individuals who died before hearing the gospel of Jesus Christ are taken and assessed if they are worthy being taken to hell. Dante goes through a journey in hell to understand how horribly sinful people are punished so that he may draw close to God.

In Canto III, the Christian imagery that is used is that of hell. Hell in this context refers to a place where sinners are damned to suffer eternally. Through me, the way is to eternal dole; through me the way among the people lost (41). Individuals who neither sided with God nor sided with Satan are also in hell and are being punished for their cowardice and failure to have a solid spiritual stand. Passing through hell, Dante is compelled to have a solid stand and not be lukewarm in his spirituality.

In Canto IV, there is Christian imagery of limbo in hell. People who are in the limbo section of hell are those that lived virtuous lives but did not accept Jesus Christ as their savior. The souls in limbo are those that were not baptized. That they sinned not; and if they merit had, tis not enough because they had not baptism which is the portal of the faith thou holdest. (51). In Christianity, baptism is mandatory for anyone who wants to be saved. Failure to be baptized means that even if a person lives a virtuous life, he or she will not be accepted in paradise. Dante is instigated to get baptized if he wants to have a close relationship with God and in future be accepted in paradise.

Work Cited

Dante, Alighieri, and Henry W. Longfellow. The Divine Comedy. , 2013. Print.

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