Jesus exhibited two kind of nature of life, which is God's nature and human nature. The most comprehensive view of the life of Jesus by the people is the human nature. That is, Jesus showed the typical behaviors as the human does on a daily basis despite having the God's nature. Therefore, it is much possible to understand and write something that goes parallel to the daily encounters and what is well inherently known. Therefore it would be easier possible to write about the life of Jesus on the side of human nature.
The Nature of the Gospel
There exist numerous contradictions regarding the relationship between Synoptic Gospel and the Gospel of John. The nature of the Gospel can be termed as controversial. (Bratcher, para. 25). That is, they offer a lot of questions to the audiences as to whether gospel writers, were the real authors. The gospel creation is in a unique way through the sinful nature of a man. That is, the gospel has been an ancient God's plan to deal with the way man behave and his nature. The gospel has been compiled along with the line of sinful human nature (Berhkof, pg. 254).
John versus Synoptic Writers and Whether They Were the Eye-Witnesses
Typically, there exist some of the outstanding distinctions between the book of John and the other Synoptic writers, that include; Mathew, Mark, and Luke (ONeal, para. 2). Despite all the four gospel books concentrate on the gospel of Jesus, there exist far and close relationships or similarities especially in the first four books of the gospel (The Gospels of Mathew, Mark, Luke). The gospel of John has much difference from the rest of the gospels regarding; orientation of the scriptures, different styles of scripture presentations, the logic of the events, as well as unique emphasis and perspectives.
The gospel of John substantially omits much of the events that happened as Jesus carried on the gospel ministry. The omissions include; the case of the Lord's Supper, as well as casting out the demons. On the other side, the gospel of John contains a significant amount of information omitted in the synoptic gospels such as; the early ministry in Galilee by Jesus, and a pre-visit to Jerusalem by Jesus (Bratcher, para. 21). For instance, in the Gospel of John states the visit of Jesus happened five times, while in synoptic happened once (ONeal, para. 11). The synoptic gospels are more descriptive about the events that happened. They present the events as if they happened as they watched, while in the Gospel of John, the description brings out the event in a past perspective. Furthermore, the gospel of John enumerates further on various stories to bring out the comprehensions of events. In contrast, the other synoptic gospel only presents sayings and events that happened. For example, John describes the real meaning of Nicodemus being born again in a more understandable manner.
The gospel books writers were the eye-witnesses of the events that happened during the formation of the gospel. That is due to the reason that, each book describes almost a similar account of the incidents that occurred though in a different way. Typically, they were the disciples of Jesus Christ. Therefore, much of the happenings took place in their presence (Mathew 5:1-3). That led to the description of a similar event explained in different ways. The second reason is that John writes a different line of events so as not to have an overlap toward those of synoptic writers. That indicates John wrote the events of his account without reference from other gospels books.
How the Gospel Used the Written Sources
There exist lots of suggestions that try to explain the relationships between the gospels. One of the suggested approaches is the interdependency. The proposal states that there is a probability that the later gospels were more likely dependent upon the previous ones (Bratcher, para 61). For instance, the assumption suggests, the gospel of Mark existed first, while the Mathew and Luke came later taking the resemblance of the first book.
There also exist other assumptions like proto-gospels and fragmentary (Bratcher, para. 53). The suggestion assumes that there existed hypothetical materials that led to the formation of the Gospel. The materials are suspected to exist in the form of Aramaic Gospel (Bratcher, para. 11). Furthermore, there could have been preserved description of various events that Jesus held and subsequently kept in churches. That could have led each writer from access to different material, thus, describing the account of a similar event in various ways.
What is Q?
The Q refers to an unknown gospel source that has never been evidenced even by the early churches. The whole concept of the Q gospel gives an assumption that, the Synoptic gospels from Luke, Mathew, and Mark are so similar owing to being sourced from another common source (Arlandson, para. 18). The suggestion further clarifies that the gospel writers were not the first eyewitnesses of Jesus Christ, hence, assumed to have sourced from another reference material. The gospel of Mark is the most suggested book containing original material since it is traced back to A.D. 70. Mathew and Luke are alike, thus, assumed to have sourced from the Gospel of Mark because was written later, hence, the existence of another source that cannot be accounted (Arlandson, para. 21). That also serves as evidence there existed another source of a document of reference which never exists.
Why Mathew and Luke are Like each Other
Evidently, there exist some parallelism between the Gospel of Mathew and Luke. Some described events are present in both books of the gospel but omitted in the other synoptic gospel of Mark. For instance, Mathew and Luke give a different description of the Lord's Prayer. Though the prayer exists and differs in both books, it lacks in the gospel of Mark (Bratcher, para. 18). Another similarity is that Mathew and Luke came after the gospel of Mark. That led to Mathew and Luke taking some references from the Gospel of Mark, hence, holds the similar direction of descriptions.
How the Old Testament Stories are used to Interpret Jesus
Most of the Old Testament books such as Psalms, Isaiah, Zachariah, and Micah enumerates clearly about the nature of Jesus Christ. Some of the Messianic prophecies include the existence of the virgin woman who will bear the son who will be called Emmanuel (Isaiah 7: 14). Jesus was a king, gentle, and who acted in a high level of humbleness (Zachariah 9:9). There is also the description of his suffering, persecutions, and rejections by the people in the book of Psalms and some part of Isaiah.
Did the Sermon on the Mount Happen?
From the scripture evidence such as the Gospel of Mathew 5: 7, explains the event of the Sermon on the Mount. Jesus was a prominent teacher in many gatherings and venue; hence, it is most probably that it happened as Mathew explains in several of his teaching scriptures. Moreover, Mathew being one of the synoptic writers describes the event as if was going on in his presence (Bratcher, para. 15). Therefore it seems as if an account of an event that happened.
What Kind of Things Did Jesus Do?
During Jesus' ministry, he performed many significant things associated with human as well as God. Jesus was referred to as the teacher since he used to teach many kinds of people and also of different ages since he was all knowing. Alongside with his ministry, he performed many miracles including healing those who suffered various diseases such as leprosy. Jesus also restored the health to those who suffered many deformities and disabilities such as deafness, lame, and blindness. He also restored the dead back to life as he did to Lazarus. Jesus also encountered with the devil physically in the wilderness where he received temptations and in other instances he used to drive demons away from men (Mathew 16: 1-4). Above all, Jesus sacrificed himself to die for the sake of the safety of humankind and reconciliation of man and God.
The Significance of His Birth, Miracles, and Resurrection
The birth of Jesus Christ indicates that God came in the form of a man. The state and condition in which he is born is a humble one and simple. Jesus did not manifest himself in an extraordinary way from above, but he starts the life just as the human. That brings an excellent teaching that humbleness is critical since the kingdom of God is for the ones who humbles themselves.
The miracles that Jesus did give a notion that, everything is possible through the power of God. Jesus was able to manifest the power of healing different sicknesses and restoration of abilities to various disabled people. He also shows power over the Devil despite having human nature. Since we are his heirs, it gives us courage that everything that we do in the power of God will be successful.
Jesus manifested defeat over the death after the crucifixion; he resurrected on the third day. Jesus died just as the human dies after some time. The act of resurrection of Jesus after death mainly gives us hope of living again after death to those who will live according to the will of God. The whole life of Jesus from birth to resurrection paves the way for human life and manifests a great act of a faithful believer.
The Interpretation of Prophets, Magicians, and Madman
In the ancient times, Israelites used to believe in magicians since they would perform great acts, especially of Baal. In some instances, the magicians and false prophets would fail to perform according to the audiences. For example, Joseph would interpret the dreams of the king of Egypt after the failure by the magician (Genesis 41 1-36). In another case, Egypt magicians turned walking sticks into snakes, whereas, Aaron used the power of God to create the same but consumed the magicians snakes (Exodus 7: 8-13). On the other hand, the false prophets would lure people to the other gods worship. They would perform wonders but could not have emphasized on the faithfulness and obedience (Williams, pg. 22) Moses directs and reform the policies and create warnings to the Israelites from such false teachings (Deuteronomy 13:1 -5).
Comparison with Saul and Elijah
Saul and Elijah are the true prophets of God. They would perform extraordinary miracle than the one done by the magicians and the false prophets. For example, Elijah won the contest set by the false prophets of Baal by a successful burning of Elijah's sacrifices through the power of God (1Kings 18: 16-40). Therefore, it indicates, Elijah was a true prophet and the others who relied on idols were false prophets.
Jesus Talks about the Kingdom of God In Contrast With the Leadership of the Romans and the End of the World
Jesus was ministering in the presence of Romans who had a little know about the heavenly kingdom. They only prospected about the earthly kingdom, and that's why they anticipated of Jesus who would lead them to the fight for leadership of the world. They expected something they would see, but Jesus used to enumerate on the spiritual issues they did not understand (Jeremiah 23: 5). The Romans expected to see a physical change of kingdom that they would account, but Jesus nullifies the statements of the Pharisees by stating; the kingdom of truth is within the heart of everyone (Psalms 48: 2). They had little knowledge about their expectation to change from their sinful nature and conform to the spiritual cleanliness before the end time. Jesus wanted them to understand one needed to be born again in preparation for the kingdom of God but not for military leadership.
What They Meant.
Jesus talks were directed to correct what seemed to be false and enlighten the hypocrites on how to conduct themselves. Simply, the talks were to prepare the way for the coming Kingdom of God through teachings.
Why Romans Execut...
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