Why I Am Interested in Podiatry? - Essay Sample

Paper Type:  Personal statement
Pages:  2
Wordcount:  528 Words
Date:  2022-09-21


Podiatry is the study, research or treatment of the foot and ankle (Menz et al., 1). This, therefore, is a special area in medicine that looks keenly into the conditions of one's foot and ankle. All parts of the human body are very important and should be functioning well for an individual to be said to be in good health conditions. This makes podiatry to be equally very important. I have a lot of interest in podiatry because I want to be part of those individuals that help the society to have good health. In the society, it is regrettable that the foot and ankle are prone to injuries and infections for two main reasons namely the feet are very exposed to the environment and again are used a lot in many ways including walking, playing etc. The people who play games have their feet and ankle exposed to injuries. These games are hockey, football, basketball, rugby, cricket etc. One good suffer from the dislocated bone in the leg, hamstring among others and could need the massage, surgery, consultation etc. I, therefore, see a podiatrist as one who has got a very big responsibility in modern society. This professional handles a lot, from fractures, bone spurs, flat feet, ankle feet, flat feet etc.\

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My Future Goals

To make residents ready to positively and effectively grow, improve and develop in surgical residency and also perform their duties effectively both in and out of the hospital setting.

To be a practitioner who understands very well the podiatry, in terms of how to study, investigation and research work.

To be a professional that follows every rule of medicine, time conscious and very disciplined.

To show commitment in following the prescribed code of conduct in the work environment.

A practitioner who is able to gel with the community where I work, understand their problems and their beliefs and relate them well with medicine and treatment. It is this objective that could make it easy for one to treat in a community that are strong believers of the tradition and also those that are not that literate. Remember what is most important in medicine is offering a solution to people's medical problems.

A practitioner that is selfless and puts the interest of a sick person first more so if it is in line with the law and treatment. The law must be the one of the country and that of the medical field.

To be a practitioner who is considerate, humane, responsive and receptive to medical problems but in all this very professional.

Individual Talent

Several of renowned medical practitioners with an illustrious career who did something more than the hospital rooms and wards (McGilvray, 1). Showing talent is doing something that is extraordinary in this medical field. I have a unique creativity in solving problems associated with feet and ankle i.e. surgery. I also have a talent in offering guidance and counseling in problems affecting people and families.


Menz, Hylton B., et al. "Welcome to Journal of Foot and Ankle Research: a new open access journal for foot health professionals." (2008): 1.

McGilvray, Annabel. "Doctors of many talents." The Medical Journal of Australia 199.10 (2013): 1.

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Why I Am Interested in Podiatry? - Essay Sample. (2022, Sep 21). Retrieved from https://midtermguru.com/essays/why-i-am-interested-in-podiatry-essay-sample

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