
Good Topic Ideas for Policing Systems Term Paper

Good Topic Ideas for Policing Systems Term Paper

Published by on August 9, 2021

High school students associate college with new friends, famous parties, and freedom gained so many turn out to be unprepared for intense curriculum and high workload when they get there. College professors provide young people with numerous assignments, trying to develop their skills and improve knowledge. Thus, you will hardly find a student who has never written a term paper if it is not about newcomers, of course. Whatever specialty you choose, you will face the need to write an essay. So, suppose you've decided to study law, criminology, or any other related majors. In that case, you should find out how to choose interesting law enforcement research topics and write a decent term paper according to it.

What Is a Term Paper?

Every college student should be familiar with the main assignments they will have to deal with. Different types of essays run the table in this case, and writing a term paper is one of the most common things students face in college. This paperwork requires strategic and critical thinking to organize your thoughts and create a well-tailored paper. What does it represent by itself? It is a type of research-based written assignment, which involves discussion, description, or providing arguments. Even though there are no strict requirements for the length of a term paper, usually, it is about 4,500 words. The main thing here is to create a powerful thesis statement and back it up with proper arguments.

Tips on How to Choose a Good Term Paper Topic

Many professors prefer to provide their students with certain topics to see how they will cope with the assignment. However, some believe that young people should show maturity and independence in choosing a suitable topic, so it is up to them to decide what they will write about. 

When you work on policing systems, you should always consider all the pitfalls and issues connected with them. Even though such themes are quite flexible, you will still be limited in some aspects since you should base on case studies and facts. If you want your term paper to impress your teacher, you should be confident and interested in the topic. When you proceed to brainstorm, try to answer the following questions to pick up the most suitable theme:

  1. Is the chosen topic relevant nowadays and can evoke emotions?
  2. Why is the topic crucial in personal terms?
  3. Can it boast of global significance?
  4. What type of paper are you going to write?
  5. Will you analyze, review, compare or bring arguments in your essay?
  6. Is the theme in the public eye today?
  7. Can you reach out to similar works?
  8. Do you require any additional information to reveal the theme?

What Is a Good Topic for Policing Systems Term Paper?

The successful outcome of your effort will depend on the topic you have chosen for your essay. That's why it is so important to do a little research and weigh all the pros and cons of different law enforcement research paper topics. Just make sure you are interested in the chosen option to create a true masterpiece. If a subject doesn't look appealing, the chances are high that you will give in to procrastination and fail to meet a deadline unless you turn to a trustworthy writing service. 

Searching for suitable police topics for a research paper, you should consider the required length, so you will have enough space to reveal the essence of the chosen subject. Avoid hackneyed topics since it will be much harder to write something fresh and unique. A popular subject can work out only if you consider it from a completely different perspective.

Here are some good topic ideas for policing systems term paper that may look appealing to you:

  1. Pros and cons of tasers usage.
  2. Effective communication tools and icebreakers in police work.
  3. Widespread precautions and the police force.
  4. The effectiveness of foot patrolmen.
  5. The biggest changes in the law enforcement field.
  6. The danger of police brutality.
  7. The role of police in crime combating and prevention.
  8. Advantages and drawbacks of predictive policing.
  9. Fundamentals of crime theory.
  10. The role of police in the adoption process.
  11. History of police ethics.
  12. The connection between domestic violence and music culture.
  13. Prevention of crime in academic institutions.
  14. Gender bias in the police.
  15. Policemen's prejudices against African Americans.
  16. Necessity and effectiveness of PTSD rehabilitation among police officers.
  17. Abuse of power in police stations.
  18. Peculiarities of modern law enforcement.
  19. Usage of deadly force.
  20. Police reform: education and diversity.

How to Create a Powerful Thesis Statement

If you have stopped on one of the broad police essay topics, it is important to narrow it down when writing a term paper. The essence of your subject should fit into one or two sentences at most, representing your thesis statement. You should consider the type of assignment you have been provided with when creating it. In other words, define the main goal of your paper and tailor your thesis statement according to it:

  1. When it comes to an analytical one, you should break down a sophisticated topic in parts for better research and understanding.
  2. When it is about expository one, you should illustrate or share a certain point.
  3. In the case of an argumentative term paper, you should make a claim or support an idea to change your readers' opinion.

You should place your thesis statement at the end of the introduction when you provide some general background on the subject and a catchy phrase to make your audience keep up reading.

How to Write a Term Paper Working With Policing Topics

Whatever topic you choose, it will still have a similar structure in all the cases. So, you will not do without an introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. Let's consider each aspect in detail.


It represents a general review of your topic, so your readers can find out what you will talk about. You start with a broad subject and narrow it down to a specific research issue and thesis statement. It is crucial to provide the audience with a catchy phrase to make them stay with you till the end. You can introduce the topic by highlighting the key issues in policing nowadays or an illustrative quotation. The latter may serve as a hook for your readers. You should also focus on your target audience while writing your academic paper.

Body Paragraphs

When you start working on your body paragraphs, you should constantly keep your thesis statement in mind since it serves as a driving force that sets the tone. You should create at least three paragraphs, providing new powerful evidence each time to support your statement. A term paper suggests that you shouldn't face any issues with providing facts and reliable pieces of information to support the claim. Just don't overdo it by using many direct long quotes. Even though a term paper requires proper research on your part, you should share your thoughts on the subject. Create a transition sentence at the end of each paragraph to make the whole part look holistic.


It is one of the key aspects of such an assignment, so it can enhance your success or spoil all the previous effort. You should combine the introduction and the conclusion, creating a parallel between them. Restate your thesis statement using different words and prove the achievement of the research goal. Draw your readers' attention to the results and highlight why it was important to work on the topic.