Application for Occupational Therapy Graduate Program at California University

Paper Type:  Personal statement
Pages:  2
Wordcount:  539 Words
Date:  2022-09-14


I am taking this opportunity to apply for a place on the occupational therapy graduate program at the Dominican University of California because I am interested in the topics covered at the university more specifically psychology and medical terminology courses. It is true that my interest in these two areas was aroused during my working days at Casa Colina Hospital and Centers for Healthcare as well as Brookdale Senior Living. I am glad that your Course not only covers the above-stated topics but will also introduce me to new areas of Occupational Therapy and some Psychology which will help to broaden my knowledge and experience of the subject in general (Jones, 2012). I scored a good grade for my dissertation, and therefore I am looking forward with a keenness to strengthen my interest in research during the dissertation program of the course. In this regards, I am expecting to achieve high grades or a first class degree which will further demonstrate my academic ability to study at this level in this elite institution.

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I am a female student aged 23 years old. I have been engaged with various organizations as a volunteer and as an employed worker. This has enabled me to build my interest in the area of occupational therapy as confirmed from my attached resume. I am a residence of U.S, and this will enhance my cooperation during this process as I can easily can easily reach the university without any inconvenience when contacted.

I must admit that my work placement at Casa Colina Hospital and Centers for Healthcare during the summer of 2006 reinforced my interest in the area of occupational therapy where I was able to offer assistance to occupational therapists, exercise patients, assisted in stretching, strengthening and other exercises under the supervision of a senior therapist (Jones, 2012). The other roles that I performed while at Brookdale Senior Living in the summer of 2010 were specifically as a volunteer in a skilled nursing setting where I involved myself in such activities as patient warm-ups, patient charts as well as patient exercise. All these have made me gather a lot of experience and interest in occupational therapy.

I am glad to state here that I am particularly keen to study at the Department of Occupational Therapy in the Dominican University of California because of the much interest that you have in this Department as well as the excellent reputation that you have in this field. The international reputation that the department holds attracts such a variety of student learners and I believe that it will be a stimulating environment to study a master's degree. It is essential to admit that your university also provides a good working and recreational facilities for graduate students like me which further demonstrate your conformity to the international graduate student body.

On completion of my interested graduate program, I would like to further pursue my immense interest in research in the same area of occupational therapy either through doing a PhD or through researching with a related government department or a public sector body (Jones, 2012). In any case of any clarification, find attached my resume will all the aforementioned details.


Jones, S. (2012). The Personal Statement: A fair way to assess university applicants?

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Application for Occupational Therapy Graduate Program at California University. (2022, Sep 14). Retrieved from

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