Article Analysis Essay on Two Loves I have, of Comfort and Despair

Paper Type:  Article review
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  646 Words
Date:  2023-01-17


In "Two Loves I have, of Comfort and Despair: The Drama and Architecture of Shakespeare's Sonnets" Malvern Smith argues that Shakespeare's sonnets especially sonnet 18, 30, 116 and 129 stakes brings out the themes and structures of the sequence in a way that discusses how Shakespeare explores the possibilities that are evident in the procedures used to pursue variations of themes. Smith's theme is based on the truth that what is seen as an obvious thing in the sonnets of Shakespeare is not always as obvious as they appear.

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Smith analyzes a book by Leishman that was published back in 1961 where the book also shows variations and theme to be common in the composition of music even though the procedure is not always that common in general production. A question arises in the mind of Smith concerning the idea that may have pushed Shakespeare to write 154 sonnets concerning love. The theme of love receives mixed feelings either by being celebrated, excoriated or lamented and it confuses the readers who expect the sonnets to be based on a sexual decorum. The sonnets have several features which bring out the themes and structures of love and the way through which the ending of the sonnets does not always end how people expect them to end.

The poems of Shakespeare are dramatic and dynamic on the impact they have on the readers as well as the structures they use to drive the main themes home. The structure of the sonnet by Shakespeare is dramatic which is evident in many of his sonnets such as soliloquies and several other monologues. The dramatic moment that turns the interest of Shakespeare from being static and contemplative to being a dramatic variation of the form of a sonnet in its unique predisposition. Shakespeare possesses a narrative that has many possibilities of complications as well as reversals which help to express different liberations and convictions. Love displays sensations, emotions, and reflections which involve human beings in a range of effects, executions, and nature. Sonnet 116 of Shakespeare was conceived based on chords which are climactic and symphonic and it is not addressed to any specific person. The art portrayed by Shakespeare's sonnets is brought out individually but it cannot be gotten from isolation rather it is acquired from a design that shows the elements required. The art in the sonnets also displays rhetoric extravagance that is important in the showing of intensity and meaning which is purposed to be shown in the different lines of the sonnets.

Shakespeare repeatedly uses anaphora and paranomasia in the sonnets and these skills play a major role in the development of the length of the lines found in his various sonnets. Smith also argues that the sonnets by Shakespeare are linked with a major message of urging a young man to marry. The sonnets that are considered show the features of music which are important in displaying rhythm, rhyme, and voice. Embellishment and decoration are treated in such a way that they help to bring out effects and designs that have meaning. Sonnet 116 and 129 are different images from one another but they are dramatically addressed to the reader in a way that they are assertive to the convictions they are shown to display.


A myth exists that Shakespeare was born on the 23rd of April 1564 and christened later on the 26th of April the same year. This is a myth that helps Smith come up with his theme which argues that those things that are seen to be obvious in the sonnets of Shakespeare are not always as obvious as they seem to be. Four poems are used in this article and they include sonnet 18, sonnet 30, sonnet 116 and sonnet 129 where the arguments of this article are based on the different concepts used by Shakespeare in all of these sonnets as well as the differences they possess when displayed to the readers.

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Article Analysis Essay on Two Loves I have, of Comfort and Despair. (2023, Jan 17). Retrieved from

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