Essay on the Leadership in the Future Business Environment

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  4
Wordcount:  949 Words
Date:  2021-06-14

With the constant revolutionary activities in the business environment , organizations need continuously adapt in order to survive in such business environment. As a result, organizations have turned to self-organizing systems. Self- organizing organization structure enables employees in the organization to tackle problems as their won initiative. With this structure, employees have some high levels of engagement. Employees have to be committed to the vision and the mission of the company. Moreover, employees in self-organizing companies do not have to feel some form of autonomy in order to perform their tasks. It is only through self-organizing companies that employees can fully utilize their collaborative skills in their approach to the tasks at hand. Organizations with self-organization systems have the capacity to ensure that they respond to change continuously (Henrekson and Sanandaji, 2014). Through self-organization systems, organizations tend to embrace change as the organizing force and not the intrusion to the developed system. Moreover, the organization structure and solutions in the self organization are temporary. Through self-organization, use of experimentation is the norm in addition to having fewer levels of management.

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With a hierarchical organization structure, an organization places individuals who perform similar tasks to work in specific groups under a specific manager. The level of the manager involved may vary depending on the size of the organization. Low-level managers report to other higher levels of authority to the level whereby the authority in the organization is centralized and is under the CEO or the president of the organization. The higher levels of the management in the hierarchical organization structure tend to delegate authority to their subordinates to make decisions to the lower levels (Tyler et al., 2014). It is only in instances where some unpredictable circumstances occur when the top management make the decisions. Information tends to travel from the lower levels to the higher levels thereby making the communication process slow to react to the changes sin the market. On the hand, self-organizing structures offer the organization an effective and simpler way to accomplish work. The organization is less involved in minor decisions but provides regular feedbacks to let the employees know how they are fairing towards organizational goals as the organization needs only to set goals in order to have the employees tackle problems in their own initiatives in order to carry out the work without no or little top-down direction. The self-organization structure is able to achieve a responsive and high flexible market because its employees continuously integrate into business environment (Edelenbos et al., 2016.

With self-organizing structure elimination of most of the management layers, employees have the ability to solve the problems without having to consult the authority, therefore, lessening time required for completion of activities. The self-organizing structure also improves relationship amongst the employees as they usually work on teams. Work completion is ensured despite anything because the employees share the responsibility of delivering in time. Increased productivity is achieved when employees work in teams hence through wide rays of problem-solving ideas and brainstorming comes innovation and creativity. The structure also creates balance because the employees tend to tackles issues through various angles in complex issues and solve them efficiently. On the other hand, the self-organizing structure has its misgivings with less organizational consistency as various teams work independently which may lead to non-alignments with the other teams. This is despite the fact that each team may act with good work spirits which may ensure innovation and creativity but lack of bureaucracy may cause it to be a less-cooperative workforce. According to Hattie (2014), with team-based decision-making change might be a constant norm which may result in chaos and misunderstandings in the organization if the authority does not step in and ensure effective communication with teams in the organization. There is also a lack of effective leadership because self-organizing structure lacks management structure by design which might create improper allocation of resources and ineffective project management.

In the instance that I would appear in more self-organized organizations, there are numerous aspects that are need to work on so as to be able to work in such an environment. One of the key aspects that I need to work on is my communication skills. In order for one to be successful in self-organizing structures, there is need for one to be a good communicator. It is imperative to comprehend that one has to be able to properly articulate oneself through verbal communication, questioning and listening. With proper communication, I would be able to ensure that I improve my communication skills. Additionally, there is need to ensure that I build my rapport. By mastering the art of developing ones rapport, one is able to develop a sense of harmony within the other members working in the organization. Finally, the other aspect that I need to work on is the ability to comprehend that working in an organization requires one to adopt good interpersonal skills in that self-organization structure is fundamental in working with other people.

In conclusion, through self organization systems, organizations tend to embrace change as the organizing force and not the intrusion to the developed system. Moreover, the organization structure and solutions in self organization is temporary. Through self organization, use of experimentation is the norm in addition to having fewe5r levels of management.


Tyler, T.R., Kramer, R.M. and John, O.P., 2014. The psychology of the social self. Psychology Press.

Edelenbos, J., van Meerkerk, I. and Schenk, T., 2016. The Evolution of Community Self-Organization in Interaction With Government Institutions Cross-Case Insights From Three Countries. The American Review of Public Administration, p.0275074016651142.

Hattie, J., 2014. Self-concept. Psychology Press.

Henrekson, M. and Sanandaji, T., 2014. Small business activity does not measure entrepreneurship. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111(5), pp.1760-1765.

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