Essay Sample on Technology Development and Global Cities

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  565 Words
Date:  2022-09-15


Technological development is a significant facilitator and motivating power in globalization can be defined as the comprehensive overhaul of an organization's systems of technology covering software, hardware, network design and storage and access of data and how they affect all people. On the other hand, global cities also known as the alpha city is an urban Centre with significant invention point of expert financial and services produced that enhance global economic progress. This paper will try to analyze some of the technological advancements and its impacts on global cities.

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Technology has significantly unveiled the efforts of service delivery in various cities and enhance the livelihood of its citizens on an extraordinary level. Our study will focus on Boston which will offer a general overview of how technology has impacted other cities globally. Firstly, in Boston, the so-called city score is one of the technological development. Government supervises trillions of dollars yearly, yet extensive usage of data in the public sector is limited. The city of Boston sought to amend that. In our study, we involved to the Mayor Walsh's vision metrics to help establish daily updates on everything from the percentage of institutional buses the reach on time to the breakdown of areas he attends. Four data dashboards were set in his office to monitor this evidence in real-time.

Secondly, due to the advancement in technology in global cities, traffic has decreased through the Waze. Traffic is a crucial issue in any given city globally. While infrastructure elevations are of course a key to easing traffic in the towns, technology on the other hand within a short timeframe can allow in fixing that issue as well. When we consider our focus city, Boston, it has partnered with an app called Waze which monitors events such as how drivers are driving faster on the road to where the double-parked cars are located in the city. There is approximately 450,000 Waze users in Boston city. The probable applications with this data are huge and its inferences for enhancing traffic significant. In the city of Boston, traffic management headquarter has installed cameras on critical intersections. Basing the lights on the cameras would allow traffic engineers to see them and hence allowing for more data-driven conclusions on ways to harmonize the lights. The Waze offered the double-parked car statistics and areas where accidents happen more frequently.

Thirdly, technology has been made personal like in our case Boston has propelled a 311 app which will help citizens in reporting everything that happens around them. There has been widespread reporting of issues from citizens using the app which is a 39% increase from 2015. Through technology advancement, it is vital that human touch is maintained.

Lastly, through technology, Boston has established one of the first big project called Boston convention and exhibition in the waterfront district whose budget was $1 billion and was completed in 2004. Since that time, it has fascinated at least 200 more businesses, including three feasting spots by Barbara Lynch, a famous restaurant, and office buildings.


As technology changes how cities function, the human touch is undeniably the thing various towns need to keep the top of mind. Nothing will ever substitute being out of the community, pay attention to people jointly and having discussions. But the revolutions outlined above have the possibility of improving the way cities lenders services to society and change the way the government helps people.

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Essay Sample on Technology Development and Global Cities. (2022, Sep 15). Retrieved from

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