Ethical Considerations in the Collection and Analysis of Qualitative Data Analysis - Essay Sample

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  5
Wordcount:  1145 Words
Date:  2021-06-14

Based on the current problem that the organization is facing, it is important to establish the relationship between the real estate agents and the clients. This is the basis for the business operation. He evolving relationship and demands that are placed on the real estate agents by their clients must be seriously taken. For an efficient gathering of information from the respondents, there must be a lot of ethical considerations to be taken in place. The highest ethical standards must be upheld during the qualitative data research, and this must be well stipulated in the research plan. The respondents must be protected at all cost. Their wish must be adhered to. Successful data collection will only take place when there is good blood between the researcher and the respondent. Therefore, the first consideration is creating a good rapport to the respondent. This is the first ethical consideration. It will ease the tension during the interview, and in turn, trusted data for the research can be established. During the interviews for the data collection, the main ethical issue to be considered is confidentiality. As a researcher, it is important to consider that the interview (qualitative data method) and all that is recorded during the interview are kept confidential for a protection of the participant. A confidential agreement should be signed by whoever person that is going to read and verify the interview data and transcripts. During the overt observation on the relationship between the real estate agents and the clients, the ethical consideration that needs to be considered is the presence of the observer that may be threatening and may have an influence on the behavior. However, in the case of a covert observation, let's say for interaction between a client and a real estate agent, it must be noticed that it is a violation of the principle of informed consent and therefore must only be used in circumstances when there is no alternative method. Depending on the type of observation, the researcher must ensure that his or her presence does not have an influence on the behavior of the respondent. This is the only way that trusted data that is not biased or that have not been influenced in whatever way is acquired. Another ethical consideration is ensuring that all the information collected are kept anonymous. The questions to be asked or to be written must be carefully written to avoid bias and must not be misleading or opinionated. As a researcher, it is important to learn that the researcher has the right not to answer some questions. Understanding this will help ease the whole process of data collection.

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Research Question Hierarchy

The qualitative research method is the best data collection technique as it helps to unveil the trends in opinions and thoughts and look much deeper into the problem. Decision making is very critical to any organization, and therefore this research will use both structured and unstructured techniques to unveil the best ways to which an organization can apply to make the best of decisions. Should the company contact the clients directly or use the real estate agents. Both of these options have got a share of their challenges to the management. Using the real estate agents may just result in situations where clients pay more and directing clients directly will reduce the customer base as the sales persons in the company will not be able to find all the potential customers. This research paper aims at looking into the hierarchy that is involved in the business decision-making and the strategies based on the qualitative data analysis. Business decision making is of great essence to the company, and therefore the use of qualitative research will be able to give data that with no doubt can be used to make the best decision for any organization.

Qualitative data fit for analysis

The situation at hand is a dilemma to the management. Both of the options that are available to the management have got both benefits and demerits. Deciding to use the sales department of the organization will ensure that the clients get the real value of the estates that the company offers. On the other side, using the real estate agents will result in a situation where they will want to get their commission. This will result in a situation where some clients will be scared with the high prices and in turn look for other service providers. Therefore, the qualitative data that will be used must prove to be efficient for the data collection and give information that will be used for business decision making.

Data that will be obtained from face to face interview with the respondents will be fit for the studies. This is because the researcher will be able to get a lot of clarification from the participant. The researcher can ask more questions and get clarifications from the respondent. The information will also have the personal appeal of the client. From the responses and the behavior of the respondent, it is easier to withdraw some conclusions from the respondent concerning some burning issues. Data from face to face interview which is a method of qualitative data method is fit for the situation because it entails getting of primary information. Primary data is not corrupted in any way, and therefore it can be used as trusted data for decision making in the organization. It is unlike the secondary data that has the possibility of being manipulated by the researcher so that their needs may fit into the studies (Liamputtong, 2005). Obtaining information through observation will also provide data that will be of great essence to the management in establishing the relationship between the real estate agents and the clients. Observing the trends that have been taking place during the whole interaction between the clients and the real estate agents can help give information on the strengths and the weaknesses of such interaction. From the observation, the analysis will show the areas that need to be improved and the areas that should be done away with. However, when the management sees the whole process not fit, it would be easy to make the decision of doing away with real estate agents. The vice versa is true.

Evaluation of qualitative data collection and analysis

The main data collection methods for the research will be face to face interview and observation. However, other qualitative methods can also be applied. They will be of much essence as there will be primary data that has not been manipulated in any way. The management will be able to establish the relationship between the clients and the respondents based on what they will have heard from the two parties involved (Liamputtong, 2005). The respondents will be guaranteed for their protection, and therefore they will be in a better position to give facts for the study.


Liamputtong, P., & Ezzy, D. (2005). Qualitative research methods.

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Ethical Considerations in the Collection and Analysis of Qualitative Data Analysis - Essay Sample. (2021, Jun 14). Retrieved from

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