FDA AERS: Outcome of Adverse Event Reports - Essay Sample

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  2
Wordcount:  430 Words
Date:  2023-01-10


AERS is a systematic computerized database purposed to back the FDA's programme of post-marketing safeness surveillance of therapeutic biologic goods and other authorized drugs. AERS also monitors recent adverse activities and related medical errors that could be an outcome of the products being marketed (Fadini & Avogaro, 2017).

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Outcome of Reports

Reporting adverse events is voluntary. Lately, the AERS has been receiving numerous statements concerning professionals in the healthcare industry and consumers who comprise of patients and other groups of civilians. Upon receiving the complaints from the consumers, AERS carries out independent research on the case to determine its worthiness. For safety concerns, AERS implements regulations to better safety of the product hence protecting the general public from harm. Among the restrictive measure that can be applied include proper labelling of the product or even limit the use of the adverse product (Fadini & Avogaro, 2017).

Prompt 2 Asthma

Asthma is a situation in which a person's airway channels swell, become narrower and inflammable hence producing extra mucus that causes difficulties in breathing (Pavord, Beasley, Agusti, Anderson, Bel, Brusselle, & Frey, 2018).


In managing and treating asthma, various factors are analyzed- age and the current symptoms at the critical elements analyzed. Long-term asthma control measures need to be done daily to keep asthma under proper management (Pavord et al., 2018). The long-term medical controls of asthma include inhaled corticosteroid which is used to reduce inflammation of the airways. Leukotriene modifiers can manage asthma for around twenty-four hours. Long-acting beta diagnosis and theophylline are used to open up the airways of the patient.

Asthmatic Patients

Asthma patients should avoid too much dependence on long-term drugs and try to keep themselves in warm conditions. They should also prevent the use of excess fats and cold foods to help manage their health (Pavord et al., 2018).


Fadini, G. P., & Avogaro, A. (2017). SGLT2 inhibitors and amputations in the US FDA Adverse Event Reporting System. The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology, 5(9), 680-681. Retrieved from


Pavord, I. D., Beasley, R., Agusti, A., Anderson, G. P., Bel, E., Brusselle, G., & Frey, U. (2018). After asthma: redefining airways diseases. The Lancet, 391(10118), 350-400. Retrieved from


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FDA AERS: Outcome of Adverse Event Reports - Essay Sample. (2023, Jan 10). Retrieved from https://midtermguru.com/essays/fda-aers-outcome-of-adverse-event-reports-essay-sample

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