Sample of Narrative Essay About My Classmate

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  665 Words
Date:  2021-06-02

Fabrizio Paolo Burela is a classmate of mine who is quite complicated and charming. He lives by his principles and meeting him would be a great pleasure for any person who likes making new friends. The period I have interacted with him has left me a changed person, as I have borrowed a lot from his ways of life starting from the way he conducts himself to his character and beliefs. I have also come to learn more about his past experiences, his family, hobbies, adventures, likes and dislikes as well as religious beliefs.

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Fabrizio was born in the Hispanic states of the United States which are dominated by the people from the Spanish cultures though his whole family originates from the Peruvian people. He went to Glades Middle and the southwestern senior high school where he acquired his secondary education. His favorite subject while in school was mathematics, a subject that he considers quite easy to him since he entered the school where he was a calm person who minded his own business as well as keeping all his issues to himself. However, he was not so good in English though he never believes that he was that bad but blames reading as one of the main reasons why he failed to reach the required standards in the subject. Fabrizio has been involved in the business of selling fighting game toys and made a lot of money from the business though he had a very hard decision to decide on what to do in life because he wanted to do something that his parent and he would be happy of.

His family is made up of him his brother and sister, but the family is not that interesting as they rarely communicate with each other. Currently, Fabrizio lives in Miami city of the Florida state of the United States of America. He describes his current residence of Miami as a quiet and clumsy place where he never likes a lot though he has resided there for a long duration of time. Additionally, he says the city is dominated by anxious, generic and boring people who he never finds appealing a lot to him. He considers himself atheist as he believes in studying and learning all religions before accepting to be part of any religion. He also hates those people that put rules over the right aspects of life and those who drink alcohol and drive while texting since they are capable of causing fatal accidents. Fabrizios favorite restaurant is the great Japanese sushi where one can get all forms of sea foods. He finds the great Sushi restaurant as an ideal place to look at and the also there foods and events organized there are entirely amazing. Fabrizio likes listening to rock, arctic monkeys, cage the elephant music which he finds calming to him. He is also a manager at a business and also lives by his own together with his dog pet. He considers his parents as his heroes since they have always sacrificed a lot for him as they care about him.

Fabrizio admires himself having a character like that of Michael Cera in the life of an awkward boy being. He likes how Michael Cera behaves sand wishes if he could be like him. Fabrizio is defined by the attributes of being an honest, hardworking, humble, determined and intelligent person. These are the attributes that will enable one to live well with other people in the society just like Fabrizio has been.

According to the time, we have been together, Fabrizio has been a great friend and a classmate to me. We have shared a lot with him inform of classwork assignments, discussions and we have been able to live in harmony. The friendship has also enabled us to learn about each other from where we come from to our families. Our friendship has also inspired us to hustle hard as Fabrizio has been involved in various business thus inspiring me.

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