Teachers: Inspiring Creativity & Right Choices for a Better Future - Essay Sample

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  2
Wordcount:  309 Words
Date:  2023-01-05


Teachers impact creativity in their students. A creative student thinks intensely and will choose right over wrong before executing any action. Making the right decisions on the right time gives amazing results resulting in significant changes in life. Therefore, the future development of any nation lies in the hands of teachers. They convey the data and facts in the brains of the students to scrutinize. Scrutinizing in the condition what is the most vital that we acquire from teachers.

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Many teachers deal with the cases of morals and virtue instillation in children since not all of them learn from home. The society has left the role of instilling discipline and integrity to children to the teacher. The teacher is therefore expected to behave respectfully and be a reflection of what the society wants with their kids.

Teachers have this great chance to sensitize the world since their students accurately mirror whatever thing they do or say. They can inspire children at their first age on matters concerning diversity, liberty, rights, comprehensiveness, chauvinism or tolerability (Irvine, J. J., 1989). They profoundly impact children individual developments because they continuously see and assist them in growing. Being a teacher is an influential obligation that comprises of knowledge, deliberation, and kindness. At an early age every child desires to be a teacher when they grow up which is clarified by teachers being undeniably role models with teachable hearts, they teach and learn with and from their students.


Lumpkin, A. (2008). Teachers as role models teaching character and moral virtues. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 79(2), 45-50.

Shein, P. P., & Chiou, W. B. (2011). Teachers as role models for students' learning styles. Social Behavior and Personality: an international journal, 39(8), 1097-1104.

Irvine, J. J. (1989). Beyond role models: An examination of cultural influences on the pedagogical perspectives of Black teachers. Peabody Journal of Education, 66(4), 51-63.

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Teachers: Inspiring Creativity & Right Choices for a Better Future - Essay Sample. (2023, Jan 05). Retrieved from https://midtermguru.com/essays/teachers-inspiring-creativity-right-choices-for-a-better-future-essay-sample

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