Essay on Business Communication Sample: Communication Systems Practices

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  2
Wordcount:  462 Words
Date:  2021-05-28

Excellent communication skills are crucial for the survival and sustenance of every organization. Good communication practices include; hiring communication savvy employees, keeping up with information technologies advancements, creating effective communication channels across all organizational levels and incorporating stories, metaphors, analogies as well as pictures in organizational messaging. Additionally, repetition of a message increases its reception by stakeholders while openly discussing even the overly sensitive issues and leveraging of social networks boosts communication systems.

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The hiring, training, and retention of good communicators could be used in a scenario whereby an organization has undergone a public relations crisis and is need of a crisis communication and management team (Gambetti, 2013). In the law firm I work for, it could be implemented through recruitment of employees with good communication skills and on the job training to sharpen the skills (Goodman & Hirsch, 2012). Investment into information technologies could be used in a scenario where the management needs to put a message across to all its stakeholders, but they lack the infrastructure (Guffey & Loewy, 2014). This practice could be done at the law firm I work in by putting in place gadgets and communication software accessible to the target stakeholders both internal and external (Keyton, 2012). The walk the talk and discussion of the undiscussable could be used in a scenario whereby there is information asymmetry across management levels (Sekar, 2012). These practices could be implemented by using suggestion boxes and creating organizational forums for sharing opinions.

Technology improves the communication system (Gregory, 2013). It improves customer satisfaction levels by storing customer feedback while documenting inter-organizational communications, therefore, facilitating the improvement of communication systems from the feedback.

Therefore the communication practices of hiring and retaining good communicators, information technology system and open communication channels, tailoring of messages and repetition as well as open discussion of issues boost communication systems. Technology also improves the communication system.


Gambetti, R. (2013). Corporate communication as an academic discipline. Managing Corporate Communication, 3-24. Doi: 10.1007/978-1-137-29257-5_1

Goodman, M. B., & Hirsch, P. B. (2012). Corporate communication: tactical guidelines for strategic practice. New York: Business Expert Press.

Guffey, M. E., & Loewy, D. (2014). Business communication: process & product. Australia: South-Western.

Guffey, M. E., & Almonte, R. (2013). Business communications level 4. Toronto: Nelson Education.

Gregory, A. (2013). Corporate Reputation and the Discipline of Communication Management. The Handbook of Communication and Corporate Reputation, 81-93. doi:10.1002/9781118335529.ch9

Keyton, J. (2012). Communication & Organizational culture: a key to understanding work experiences. Los Angeles: SAGE.

Kivileva, E. (2013). Business communication and factors impeding its success. Modern communication studies, 2(3). Doi: 10.12737/598

Remke, R. (2013). Corporate Reputation and the Discipline of Organizational Communication. The Handbook of Communication and Corporate Reputation, 30-39. doi:10.1002/9781118335529.ch4

Sekar, V. C. (2012). Communication systems. New Delhi: Oxford University Press.

Shwom, B. L., & Snyder, L. G. (2014). Business communication: polishing your professional presence. Boston: Pearson.

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