Human Resource Issues in The Digital Media Field - Essay Sample

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  7
Wordcount:  1776 Words
Date:  2022-12-21


Technology growth has played a vital role in how human beings carry their activities. Technology development introduced computers and internet which have enhanced the application of digital media. Currently, digital media has become an essential form of communication, especially in organizations. The establishment of digital media marked the start of a new era. Normally, digital media transfer content in the form of text, audio, video, and much more through computer network or internet. In most cases, a content shared can be easily modified, distributed, and presented in different format. Internet and computer are key components of digital media. Most organizations have shifted in digital media because it is an easy way to enhance their operations such as communicate with their customers. The digital media is also applied in all fields such as politics, educations, entertainment, and much more, to enhance their production. In order for a person to operate these systems, they are required to possess so skills and knowledge. However, the system has imposed issues, especially in copyright and destruction of social norms. Naturally, digital media influences how workers engage in their operations as they can easily be monitored. In an organization, human resource is one of the essential department that control all operations. The department tries to ensure that people work in align with organization objectives. Additionally, the department may change organization operations so as to create a competitive advantage using digital media.

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Historical Perception

In the past ten decades, a large number of companies were running human resources in the same manner as those organizations which were operating in the sixth century. At this period, most of the roles of human resource were to focus on risks and much more. There existed a big gap between the support of management and human resources department. Workers under the department of human resources required to integrate a lot of work to illustrate their operations, especially to the board and stakeholders. However, the rise of technology development leads to the introduction of new era, digital. Digital lead to the creation of transparency and union in organizations (Torraco, 2016). According to most studies, a human resource has been at a crossroad level. The application of technology has helped organizations to handle traditional roles in a cheaper and better way. Currently, organizations have deployed boarding programs which drive employees toward a certain goals.

Despite the advantages of the application of digital media, human resources were faced by a number of issues. For instance, most organization were faced by the issue of balancing high technology and high touch which caused late adoption. High technologies are the digital media that an organization may deploy in their operations such as social media. On the other hand, high touch is the nature which workers and employers interact with this technology (Lagerkvist, 2017). In the past, the most organization did not understand how to apply technology to solve the existing issues. Lack of effective skills made it hard for human resources to evaluate specific functions which should be integrated with the digital system to solve issues. Furthermore, some organizations integrated traditional ways since they believed that they are better than technology. The issue of balancing the two factors caused an organization to take a long time before adopting the digital media. According to studies, most organizations believed that slow adoption was the technique to understand the effect of digital media. Lack of effective knowledge and skills were the key factor that affected how organizations balanced technology and the touch. In most cases, lack of effective conditions between workers and technology affected activities such as communication which influences how operations are done.

Late Adoption of Digital Media

The key issue that affected digital media in the human resource department was late adoption of technology. For a long period, people have developed a bad attitude toward technology. People had started spreading negative words toward the application. Due to the negative attitude, the factor influenced how organizations deployed the system because workers and employees did not pay much attention. They did not believe that technology application could have a vital influence on management. This issue was integrated with the idea that the application of technology leads to a loss of jobs. Therefore, if an organization deploys the system, some workers will be replaced by computers. Additionally, people believed that the relationship between skills and unskilled would be affected. This action will mostly be facilitated by knowledge difference. As such, there will be less human interaction with an organization.

How Late Adopting of Digital Media Affected Human Resources

Digital media was meant to create a good environment which could encourage workers engagement. This could be enhanced by creating a good communication channel at all levels. In every organization, intercommunication is an essential factor that influences production rate. Application of digital media in technology caused social and behavioral changes among employees (Lagerkvist, 2017). The communication between workers and employers was to be done by methods such as emails. Lack of enough skills among workers affected how management coordinated activities. In this case, communication was slow, and thus, before making any decision which required members' participation, the process was time-consuming. Effective internal communication enhanced how organizations allocate and use resources (Lillis et al, 2016).

Ways Managers are Doing to Address the Issue

Due to the low application of digital media, managers have developed training programs. Training is an essential technique that equips workers with the required knowledge and skills on how to handle various digital media. According to most research, training is a key way that the organization can use to enhance faster adoption of any form of technology. However, some organizations tend to standardize the training process based on the kind of operations they engage. Additionally, some members of the department of human resource are training on technology. These individuals who have learned about the technology are supposed to help other members to learn about it. Training becomes so effective when a person involves both practical and theoretical content (Gibbs, MacDonald, & MacKay, 2015).. Direct interaction gives people a chance to understand content more. An easy way to show members have not wasted their time is to increase the connection between workforce and members. In order to enhance the learning process, managers should engage in various training techniques such as electronic, classroom, and much more. Preference of the workers should be considered as it influences how a person will engage in the process.

Communicating all activities that an organization wants to introduce is another essential way that managers may use to control the issue. The action will help members and stakeholders to analyze and examine their advantages and disadvantages (Lagerkvist, 2017). As such, they will be able to understand whether the process will activate their objectives. Different organizations have varied needs; therefore, the technology identified should enhance how their requirements are achieved. Lack of effective communication affects the acceptance and adoption of a system. Additionally, involving every member will make them feel like they are part of that adoption. When communicating, the technology should align with all organization strategies. Management should first review digital media to examine whether the system will match with the strategies of the organization.

In every new adoption, it is the responsibility of managers to give it consistency support. Support helps to eliminate risks and weakness that might be associated with the technology. In order to enhance full support for the process, managers should create a good communication channel among stakeholders. This will ensure consistency feedback on how the process is performing. Additionally, stakeholders want to be updated on how the process is performing. Consistency support help an organization to understand other resources which may be integrated to enhance its success. In most cases, a project fails due to lack of managerial support. Some organizations integrate some managerial changes to create a good condition which will enhance the success of digital media.

Collaboration is another essential technique that managers can deploy to minimize the effect of the issue. According to most studies, collaboration is a key way that an organization can improve its productivity. Collaboration helps to create an environment where members can easily discuss, plan, and identify how to accomplish the objectives. Collaboration brings all necessary materials at one point, and thus, all important parties can easily access. There are several other ways that collaboration can enhance the adoption of digital media (Lagerkvist, 2017). First, collaboration creates a platform that workers can easily share how a certain experience about digital media. There cases whereby certain groups of workers can easily share their experience with fellow employees in an open way than a manager. Additionally, collaboration can minimize cases of unnecessary meeting that an organization keep calling workers whenever they want to know about the progress (Gibbs, MacDonald, & MacKay, 2015). This action is done by enhancing self-esteem among workers. As such, workers can easily share their thought without being asked by the management. Application of digital media will help to introduce emails and other faster means of communication, thus minimizing time which is required for meetings.

Most organizations base their objectives on long-term performance. Digital media is an essential way that can help an organization to develop long-term technological plans. According to research, this process is referred to as evolution. As a way of enhancing the process, most organization develop their long-term plans from short terms policies which replaces the past activities by updating production through changing the processes (Lagerkvist, 2017). Through the application of these techniques, workers are given an opportunity to share which activities they would wish to be integrated into the objectives of the organization. Additionally, the application of this technique minimizes the period that management may require to assess and evaluate a certain process.

How Will Employees be Affected?

Introduction of digital media in an organization has both pros and cons to employees. Digital media is a form of technology, and thus, the introduction will help to improve work efficiency among employees. Digital media helps to integrate various components which will speed up toward the achievement of organization goals. This action will motivate workers as they will not require to engage a lot of manual operations which are tiresome. Additionally, workers will enjoy producing more works within a short period. Digital media will enhance communication between workers and customers. As such, workers will have the ability to serve more customers within a short period and in an easier way. According to a study, the application of digital media boosts the morale of the employees as they are able to serve all operations while still sitting on the desk. If workers are able to accomplish various objectives of an organization in time, they have a high chance tha...

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