Leadership is an issue that has always been subject to very numerous discussions by different people in the world (Nahavandi, 2016). Various aspects of leadership have always led to these numerous discussions about leadership. On a broader context, global leadership and management are impacting leadership skills in an individual so as to enable them to have the ability to manage people or even organizations (Goetsch & David, 2014). Many tertiary learning institutions offer global leadership and management as a course that is meant to impart the students with the knowledge they are to use in the business field so as provide apt managerial services. However, some issues affect the global leadership and management, especially in this 21st century. Research conducted on some of the issues that affect global leadership and administration in this 21st century is presented in this paper. Various possible solutions to these problems have also been discussed below
Following the popularity that the topic global leadership and management had gained in the today world, I discovered that some issues faced it and saw it worthy to conduct research on the different problems that come along concerning global leadership and management issues. Here are some of the issues that were proven to be affecting global leadership and management in the 21st century: technological revolution, market forces, people issues and leadership competencies among others (Johnston & Marshall, 2016). Ways that could also be used to resolve this issues were also researched and will be discussed after the issues aforementioned.
To begin with, the first global leadership and management issue is the technological revolution (Story et al, 2014). Communication amongst people is one essential factor when it comes to leadership and management. It is through this communication platform that concerns such as orders, compliments as well as requests can be made both by those in leadership positions and their subjects. Technology has been the steering factor to facilitating communication. However, technology is never static as technocrats come up with different ways and methods of conducting communication. Computers, for example, have frequently been upgraded as well as cell phones/mobile phones. This becomes an issue where the information the leaders had on the technology that has been outdated is now termed as irrelevant, and this renders most of them lose their jobs.
The second issue that is found to be affecting global leadership and management is market forces. Market forces are the effects of those involved in the market either by demanding or supplying goods and services. These results are influenced by factors such as increased globalization. With this increased globalization, organizations are obliged to expand or improve their scales either by increasing output and input volumes. The organizations may also choose to increase the floor space they occupy and even the number of employees. This becomes an issue in leadership and management because, when teams are expanded, the leaders may become unable to manage these large organizations efficiently. There are possibilities that the leaders capability is not sufficient to handle these increment in input/output, floor space and even increased the number of employees. This makes them be termed as irrelevant as they face difficulty in management of the expanded organizations. Indeed, market forces have proven to be an issue in the global and leadership in this 21st century.
Thirdly, people issues are yet another issue affecting global leadership and management in this 21st century. Here the relationship between the leaders and the staff in their organization is discussed. With people issues, the customers of an organization are also included. With the changing world, most of the staff in organizations begin to demand improvement in expectation of and demand on the various organizations where they work. This becomes an issue where some of the leaders in those organizations become unable to meet their staff expectations. This is brought about by the change in employer-employee relations from what was being witnessed in the previous centuries. This increase the complexity and globalization of firms thus make them demand for greater and more advanced skills from the various leaders which they may not be having.
That aside, another issue facing global leadership and management in this 21st century is leadership competencies (Fullen & Catt, 2014). The evolution experienced in the global business world have called for a demand of entirely different kind of leaders from what was priory needed. The 21st-century leaders are required to be competent with the most modern technology and even current trends required in the management of firms. This is done in a bid to make the various entities in question cope with the changing trends in the business world. This has been an issue as it has seen most leaders lose their posts and jobs due to the outdated technology they are acquainted with, lack of aptness in the current business trends as well as their inability to handle the rate at which organizations implement changes as seen amongst many (Leeflang et al, 2014). This ends up in them resigning or getting fired.
There are methods that the leaders in the 21st century can put into practice to ensure that the issues that affect global leadership and management are controlled. Some of these methods include; taking in new management education by the leaders who got their education in the past, try and adapt new learning methods, create realistic practice opportunities and permit opportunities for problem finding and issue diagnosis (Mujtaba, 2013). These are some of the recommended steps that the leaders who want to survive in the 21st-century leadership and management industry. They offer a leader who opts to follow them with the best skills needed by a good leader in this current market. Discussed below are some of the ways the recommendations mentioned above may help a leader who wishes to maintain his position in this century.
Taking in new education by those in leadership positions is another solution possible (Galliers & Leidner, 2014) . This move will enable this leader, who maybe got their leadership training in the past, to be up to date with the trending issues as far as leadership is concerned. They will get to be informed about the trending technology that is widely used in the leadership world. They will also get to be informed on the current leadership and management methods, and this will help improve their relations with the people they lead hence efficiency in this 21st century.
Another way to which a leader can contribute to managing the issues affecting global leadership and management in this 21st century is the creation of realistic opportunities (Waldman & Balven, 2014). This means that the leaders should try and use a more modern way to evaluate the people they want to employ. They can do this by not necessarily looking at their academic qualifications but rather their ability to display their skills and become productive. By so doing, they will end up with employees who are realistic and in some way more productive than the people who have got the academic qualifications but cannot relate this to their day-to-day experience in the various jobs they handle. This is a method used in current management and organizations, and a leader who uses them is likely not to face any management issues. Consideration of academic qualifications, though integral factor when employing someone, is termed as an employment method/criteria of the past and is not readily preferable in the 21st-century management field.
In addition to that, the various leaders can as well display exemplary leadership in this 21st century by providing opportunities for problem finding and issue diagnosis. This means that they should be leaders who are ready to receive correction mad to them by others and always give second chances to the employees that trip in one way or the other regarding conduct or performance. This way they will help those who are pardoned to learn from their mistakes (Stahl & De Luque, 2014). They too, when they accept corrections, will be developing their skills as it is by corrections that we get to learn best. This is also another way through which a leader can always improve on the relations between them and their employers as by correcting each other they get to interact more and become open to each other hence can easily relate to realizing a firms objectives. By allowing room for issue diagnosis, both the leaders and their employees can be able to come up with the possible solutions to a given challenge they are facing and even ways they can use to ensure that the problem in question at that particular moment is not an issue anytime again in that given firm. Increased interaction during problem seeking and issue diagnosis sessions, the employers, and their leader can come up with new ideas and even projects that will help the firm develop and grow into a more productive institution. Indeed this way of solving issues by the leaders is likely to help address most of the issues the current leaders are faced with.
In conclusion, the 21st-century leadership and management are confronted with a lot of problems as aforementioned. This, however, are some of the challenges they must pass through to make them better leaders. Some of these problems never affected leadership I the past, and they only came into existence due to the diversification of the current world. However much they may be issues, they can be solved by a leader just changing their management methods, and this will help them realize a more efficient leadership. The issues that, according to this text, have been found to be affecting leadership include technological revolution, market forces, people issues and leadership competencies. They different ways this issues affect leadership has been discussed above. There are also some recommendations for provision of solutions to this problems. These options include: taking of new management education by the various leaders who got theirs earlier on, the adoption of new learning methods by the different leaders, the creation of realistic practice opportunities and also provide room for problem seeking and issue finding. These are few examples the methods leaders can implore in their leadership to evade the issues facing leaders nowadays. By implementing this method, they are assured of quality leadership services to their subjects (Mujtaba, 2013). Better still, they will be able to deliver a more productive form of leadership as well as be excellent examples of their subjects. This way the leader and the employees will achieve the organizations objective in a simpler way. Honestly, the 21st-century global leadership and management are faced with some issues that if not keenly looked at may affect the leaders operation.
Goetsch, D. L., & Davis, S. B. (2014). Quality management for organizational excellence. Upper Saddle River, NJ: pearson.
Nahavandi, A. (2016). The Art and Science of Leadership -Global Edition. Pearson.
Mujtaba, B. G. (2013). Managerial skills and practices for global leadership.
Johnston, M. W., & Marshall, G. W. (2016). Sales force management: Leadership, innovation, technology. Routledge.
Story, J. S., Barbuto Jr, J. E., Luthans, F., & Bovaird, J. A. (2014). Meeting the challenges of effective international HRM: Analysis of the antecedents of global mindset.
Stahl, G. K., & De Luque, M. S. (2014). Antecedents of responsible leader behavior: A research synthesis, conceptual framework, and agenda for future research....
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